
Author: Messing With My Own Novel

No one's life is perfect everyone faces difficulties in their life, all of us in one way or another face them, but for Alan his whole life was full of them, betrayed by friends and looked down upon by everyone, what would he do when he found himself into his own creation which made him suffer the most?

Alan_White · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Stealing Protagonist's Chances

In the bustling streets, the whole place was filled with people some were shopping with friends, some were selling products on stalls while some worked part time at shops the whole place was lively, the whole island not only consisted of students but also served as home to many powerful awakeners, researchers and Awakeners who decides to join school after graduating in school's armies and all.

Walking towards a large dome, more and more students gathered around here i took out my smartphone and looked at my location on the maps,

'It shall be this way'

I walked to a rather deserted area it was near an open park with couples enjoying their walk i soon heard some noises of heavy objects falling.

At the back of the library an old man who looks at his sixties throwing a few things in a large truck,

'It is it'

I walked towards him, and asked in a polite tone

"Hello do you need some help"

He turned towards me while holding a stack of documents, and laughed

"Oh no young man i may look old but i got some nice strength"

"Oh is that so, but then also don't you think it will be easier with two people working on it"

"Well yes you are right about that can you grab those boxes and just arrange them in the truck"

"Ok "

Obviously he didn't need any help he is a rank 8 Awakener himself and an old friend of the principal who looks after the Academy's library, I walked towards the boxes and in a hurry as i want to finish this off really quick if not Sam will be arriving here in 2 hours according to the storyline,

It took 1 whole hour to completely load all the 10 trucks, these are all written records of the library in the last 30 decades which are decided to clear up.

After this was done the old man invited me to the library to have a cup of tea and i followed him in, inside his office it was very large place made up of wood and a lot of antiques and books arranged neatly but my eyes got glued at the large black metal block with weird inscription which i recognised as Imperius placed at the corner lying covered with dust and web.

"Here this is for you"

He bought a tray with two cups of tea and we had a nice little talk with each other at the end of it all i asked about the large black box lying at the corner,

"Oh that i found it at an old ruin 18 years ago i thought it was of some value but never found what it is, do you want to have it?"

"Ugh me"

I was acting as i was hesitant but inwardly just wanted to grab the whole box and leave.

"Yes take it as a token of gratitude for helping me out there, it's already useless for me and also consumes a lot of space too"

He laughed at the end of his speech and i decided to take it. I left the library and walked back towards the crowded area and saw an orange haired boy walking my way enjoying the view, yes he was the protagonist of my novel Sam Lionheart.

Sam is a person with innocent and kind heart. He has a quite low self esteem and is a typical hero, he is handsome and always surrounded by beauties but is oblivious of their romantic feelings towards him.

I didn't spare another glance at him and left the place and went to the shopping complex to buy a holographic computer and a new neuraconnect

which is a band which like a keyboard types the data directly from ones brain directly to text without using hands, a server and a black electric convertible which all cost me whole million credits and i am broke as of now.

I drove my new car to the dorms only to find Emma coming downstairs this time we both didn't wear mask so we were surprised to see each other's faces, i have to say she is quite a beauty her blue hairs and eyes and perfect face, with a petite and tall body she gave of an icy atmosphere she truly deserved to be the main heroine based on her appearance i wasn't much effected by her charm due to my Mind Stability at Max but she was in daze and required a few moments to come back to reality, i looked at her favourability which rose from 58 to 67 percent.

It took few seconds for her to comeback to reality and when she noticed her reaction she was ashamed and blushed but quickly hid it and looked at me as if nothing had happened.

I walked past her and opened my door through my biometrics, and invited her in.

"So what do you want"

"I-i don't know how to use this"

She said to me with a blushed face and not looking me at my eyes and embarrassedly asked me while showing me her smartphone.

Looking at her embarrassed expression my heart got pierced by an arrow, It was really cute if not for my mind stability skill, I would have just hugged her as she is way too cute for being called an ice beauty.

Later i explained her how to use it for about 15 minutes or so and she took her leave.

After she left i locked the door and entered the training room and took out the box i got earlier, it looked old and had words written on it in imperius, i touched it and same as i did previously during entering Alchemzar's Legacy i poured my mana in it and said out what written on it out loud,

As i finished the box lit up with golden light and golden runes appeared on it and old black box changed into a new and shiny golden chest and opening it my eyes were blinded by golden light,

Inside of it various books were present giving ancient and sacred feeling and a large scroll which is the same as a world map with various places marked on it and a small red box inside which is a pendant with a blue diamond attached to it.