
Author's Redemption

"What a waste of time! That bas*rd author wasted the whole novel with just one plot twist. He should just die!" "Loved the novel at the start but now I find it disgusting. Very bad work Mr. Author." .. Reading the reviews of his latest chapter Lloyd was fuming with anger not at the readers but at himself. He couldn't meet the expectations of his readers. He decided to end it all and delete the novel before ending it. Little did Lloyd know that his life would turn upside-down because of his single decision. READ the novel to find out more!! ********** The story takes some time to take off but as it's creater and author I guarantee you readers one of the BEST READ. Please SUPPORT me!

CelestialMountain · ファンタジー
12 Chs


"What a waste of time! That bas*rd author wasted the whole novel with just one plot twist. He should should just die!"

"Loved the novel at the start but now I find it disgusting. Very bad work Mr. Author."

As I stared at my computer screen, reading through the negative comments on my latest chapter.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. It had taken me two years to get to this point, pouring my heart and soul into my work, only to have it torn apart in a matter of hours.


[ Your novel rating dropped from 4.8 to 2.7. Your novel is no longer monetized. Increase the quality of your work to get paid -wenovel ]

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled to process the situation. I was suffering from Spinal cancer, slowly losing control of my body. The writing had been my only escape from the pain and struggles of my life, and now it seemed as if even that was taken away from me.

In a fit of frustration and despair, I grabbed my phone and smashed it against the wall and


'2 years! It took me two fuc*ing years to get here and I just lost it all in a single day?? I can't do it anymore hah~ how silly of me thinking this fools would get my BEST work.'

Looking at my PC I couldn't help but think of the last two years. Unknowingly a smile formed on my face. 'It was good while it lasted. I guess It's the end.'

Yes I didn't have much time I was suffering from Spinal cancer and I was slowly losing the control of my body.

Getting up with my crutches I stood with great difficulty and


Yes I broke my PC that i used to write my novel into pieces. I turned to my computer, picking it up with trembling hands, and threw it across the room. The sound of the computer smashing into the wall was satisfying, but only for a moment.

As I looked at the broken pieces of my computer scattered across the floor, I couldn't help but think of the last two years. Despite the pain and the struggles, there were moments when writing brought me joy and hope. It was good while it lasted, but now it seemed like the end.

'I wish I could change it. I wish I could have a life worth living even if it was as a bad guy.' Mumbling I fell asleep.


I heard something but I don't know why but why I was so tired that I couldn't open my eyes.

'Huh? What was that sound? Did I leave my window open? hah~ I don't care anymore'

"Wak- -p," someone said, waking me up.

I tried to open my eyes, but I felt weak and disoriented. When I finally managed to open them, the first thing I saw was a pair of large breasts jiggling in front of my face. "Are these bo*bs?"

I thought to myself before I felt a sharp pain on my head "Ouch!" and I looked away.

Ignoring my headache I looked away from those mountains and I looked at the person in front of me she seemed familiar but I swear it was my first time looking at her.

"You are?" I tried asking her.

"Ara ara~ Lloyd-sama how can you forget your lowly maid? "She said with fake tears and a sadistic smile.

It took me a moment to remember her. And she was in no way a good news.

'FU*K! Don't tell me..... Let me confirm. '

I looked at the maid in front of me 'Pink hair check, big brea*ts check, cute face check and sadistic smile check.'


We both looked at each other for some time before my mind processed what was happening.

Mila Banther The most renowned and feared assassin, known for her sadistic nature also one of the main antagonist of my novel was standing right in front of me.

'Fuc* I am in my own novel?! Are you kidding me?! '

I lost my consciousness right after realising that this was my novel the one which I gave my life to. Both metaphorically and literally.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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