
Author's Interference

Revenge, Becoming the strongest, living a wholesome life, protecting the world? Nope, I was just curious. Curious about how a world would be like if there wasn't a single main character. I have always hated main characters who take all the spot light for themselves and make a fool out of everyone just because they can, I wanted a world where everyone can be a main character. A world where the antagonist can kill the protagonist, a world without a protagonist. I always thought that it was an impossible task... however fate wasn't so cruel as everyone thought it to be. Or, maybe I was just lucky... Lucky enough to get a second chance. Lucky enough to create a world where everyone can be a protagonist of their own story (Maybe not everyone but I tried my best), a world without a protagonist. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Doctor_11th10 · ファンタジー
101 Chs

Timey Wimey Gadget


Paragon (Professor Holborn's office room)

2 hours ago


After my second "exam" had ended, Holborn teleported us to his office and told me about his plans to infiltrate the Forest of Life.

"By the way, you should take one of these. Catch!" Holborn threw a metallic pen like object at me, which I easily caught.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the silver pen like object with a sapphire on the top.

"That's my Timey Wimey Gadget. It dings twice if there is a slight alteration in the timeline, four times if there is a big one and keeps dinging if..." Holborn paused at his words before continuing, "If we fuck up the timeline."

"Does it have any other use?" I asked, curiously examining the gadget.

I had never thought that I can create something like this... Time machines are good and all but a device that can detect the alterations in the timeline? That's just unheard of... Maybe that's why I couldn't make something like this... I wasn't thinking outside of the box. I always thought of so many complicated stuff that I forgot about the simple ones.

"It can break any locks, no matter if they are high tech or low tech, it can be used as a lighter, and... You will figure it out. I mainly use it to scan stuff but I think it would work wonders at your hands, since I can't really get out of Paragon much, I don't use it often." Holborn explained.

"Why did you give it such silly name?" I asked.

"A child asked me what is was and I didn't have a name for it yet, so I named it like that," Holborn smiled. "Wellllll, you could rename it, not that I mind."

"It's fine, I am bad at naming things. Let's keep it that way," I replied.

I have to admit, although it might have a silly name, it will help me out a lot, this gadget is more versatile than my suit. It will save tons of energy and stamina.

I put the 'Timey Wimey Gadget' in my shirt's pocket. We were allowed to wear whatever we like to in Paragon. There wasn't any dresscodes in Paragon, as long as we are wearing formal clothes, the teachers won't bother us.

I was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans with a brown coat on top. The coat was solely for the looks and first impressions.

In a school like Paragon, your first impressions and looks matter the most, most people don't care about who you are but the nobles certainly do. If I am trying to maintain a neutral relationship with everyone in the school, I will have to focus on these little details.

"Oh! I forgot to say... Tom will join the third school, the school of aura users... I have saved him... Wellll, I did my part. I hope you can do yours," Holborn exclaimed.

Although he didn't explain it, I could understand that Tom Wayne was the one he wanted to save. Was it because of his tactical mind? Or did he save him because he was his friend? Maybe both, I honestly don't care as long as they don't die in this timeline.

"I will try not to make any mistakes, can't guarantee but even if I do... You are there to fix it, right?" I smiled.

"I will try my best... Good luck, you will need it," Holborn exclaimed, teleporting me to the assembly hall, the place where the students are teleported to after their second exam is over.

The hall was large enough to hold a thousand kids at the same time. Considering that there are metahumans humans gathered here from all over the world, the number really showed how strict the higher ups are about selecting their students.

The stadium had five seats with a table in front of them. The table had five microphones on top of it. The seats looked like thrones. It was covered by a dominating aura that could make anyone shiver.

Things like this made the students fear their teachers and principals, allowing to form a better environment for them.

After waiting for a while, one by one the other candidates started to appear in the hall as well. Many of them were nauseous after getting teleported two times, some of them were almost about to throw up.


Well ofcourse, there is always that one child who would throw up, not being able to hold it in.

"Watch it! You will dirty my clothes, you peasant!" Someone shouted at the poor girl who threw up.

"And there is always a Karen who shouts at them," Ryuk commented.

"Are you alright?" Samuel asked, walking up to her.

And there is always the protagonist who appears out of nowhere like a white knight to save his damsel in distress.

"You there! How about you take away your friend and clean her up!? Or are you about to wait here and let her dirty out clothes even more?!" A guy shouted.

A quarrel had started between the two parties, gaining the attention of the candidates around them. However, Roger was there to stop it before it caused anymore chaos. He didn't want to ruin his image because of a small fight like this. Since Roger had already recruited Samuel into his group, his image would be ruined if Samuel got caught into a fight in the very first day.

"Good way to start off the academy life, huh?" Ryuk asked.

'Could have been a lot worse,' I thought.

The link to the discord server is in the synopsis. Join it to make changes in the story line and add my novel in your library if you like it. Thanks! (I will also post the character designs there.)

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