

In school the next day, I waited for Mr rude in the hallway as usual and wrote his note as always. Soon, time arrived for basketball practice and the captain, Diane organized a normal routine to cheer them up. By the end of the practice, Diane asked the ace team to meet up at her house after school so that we could practice a refined routine. We all agreed and she handed us her address before we all dispatched.

The swimming class went on normally. I implied mum's pointers and coach Harris was stupefied at my improvement but only pointed out slight mistakes in my leg moments. I explained about the slight pain on my knee and he was surprised I could lap around the pool, making great moves with a concussed knee. He advised that I should let my knee rest before he went back to supervising the other students. After seeing Lily's performance, I made a mental note to practice more with her at home since she was still terrible at swimming.