
Aura: The keys To The Past

Anger, agony, pain. How can one bear this for years? Could it be true that a being can only have her presence? A past untold, a future unknown. She has to unlock the memories of her past with the keys that are disintegrated in the present and future. Join Eva in her quest to uncover the vague happenings of her past.

Glory_0813 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 3

The evening was very cloudy with the stars sending a message of rage, this evening

seemed to be a very memorable one for Eva.

" hi----ae---h"

came screeching sounds from the lips of creatures who possessed human faces, all Eva

could hear apart from the sounds and raging fire was a feminine voice, " run, r—u—n, don't

look back no matter what, r--u--n" the voice kept saying as she ran endlessly trying to gasp

for breath, "hi—ae—h" came the sound again but this time really close to her".


Eva screamed as she woke up from the nightmare, her eyes as white as if they were being

coloured overnight, her eyesight was blurry but she at least saw the things which were

floating in her bedroom. She quickly started scrambling her bed looking for her earing which

was given to her by someone very dear, she found them, put them on and in no time her

eyes were back to normal and the items floating fell to the ground some breaking into

pieces while others obtained cracks. Eva couldn't think properly she didn't even know what

to do till the point she felt like going nuts. After a long moment of thought she decided to

not think about the incident anymore but to look for a way to clean up her messy bedroom.

As she was going about her unexpected chore she heard a knock on the door.

" Who could that be this early in the morning" she thought to herself.

" Eva" the person called,

" Frank, is that you",

" yes it is, please come open the door",


Eva said, but how was she going to explain why her room was filled with broken ceramics

and glass furnitures, she thought as she went to open the door.

" Hey Eva"


" may I come in",

" is that really a question", she said leaving him at the door. He entered the house shutting the door behind him, he took a seat on the couch as Eva

went back into her bedroom to clean up the messy stuff which was left. Frank hearing

sounds from Eva's room went to see what she was doing, only to see how messy Eva's room


" What happened here",

" it's nothing",

" what do you mean it's nothing, how did your room get this shitty",

" I said it's nothing",

" well, try harder cause I'm not buying that".

" What do I tell him"

Eva thought as she was under a lot of tension",

" it was a thief",

" a thief! What do you mean it was a thief",

" someone broke into my apartment yesterday and destroyed everything",

" who would want to break into your apartment",

" I don't know",

" and you haven't cared to inform the police",

" come on Frank, the police! Its just a small theft there's absolutely no need to call the


" are you sure",

" yeah, I am, I'll just change the locks",

" fine but make sure to always be alert, this is real bullshit",

" no foul language Frank",

" sorry",

" whatever".

" By the way why did you come to my house so early"

Eva asked,

" about that, since today is my day off and you're recently suspended from work I was thinking we could go out",

" go out?",

" yeah, the two of us",

"okay, I actually really need a break from my thoughts",

" alright, so we're going out",

yep, but after I'm done cleaning this mess",

" no problem, I can even help you so it'll be faster",

" okay".

Eva and Frank arrived the restaurant and had their seats, Eva ordered some chicken with

salad while Frank ordered pizza with mash mellows, his favourite, he after some chit chat

with Eva excused himself to go use the bathroom, on his way he stumbled on a lady who

was carrying her food to her table, the collision obviously caused a spill and the lady's

clothes were decorated with ketchup, Frank immediately took responsibility for the accident


" I'm really sorry miss, I wasn't watching",

" it's okay, I'm fine, I just need to clean up",

" I'm really sorry",

" I've already told you it's okay" .

Frank escorted the young woman to the ladies room waiting outside for her to clean up.

She was done in no time and came back out to meet Frank still waiting,

" I'm really sorry",

" it's okay everything's fine now",

" ummmm, please if you don't mind you are welcome to come over to my table",

" I really don't mind" .

Frank led the lady to the table where he and Eva ate, Eva felt very uncomfortable but

offered her a seat.

" hi",

" hi there" Eva answered,

" oh forgive my manners can I know your name?",

" of course, I'm Eva Sebastian, what about you",

" well I'm Mary Blood" the lady responded,

" you mean blood like b-l-o-o-d",

" yeah sadly that's my name",

" I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, this is my first time of hearing someone answer the

name blood so I'm quite surprised",

" it's okay anyways I'm used to the way people react to my name, what about you, what's

your name" Mary asked referring to Frank,

" I'm Frank Ellison",

" ooh, I think I've heard that name before, you work at Imperial restaurant"," yeah that's me",

" okay, no wonder",

" no wonder what?",

" never mind".

As the trio kept on chatting Eva didn't really feel quite comfortable, though she didn't

really like Mary at first sight she just shoved it off with the thought that it was just a silly


Eva got home tired from all the food and gist, she got her phone in order to check the

time, it was 10pm, she quickly rushed into the bathroom to have her night bath before bed,

after which she slipped into her newly bought night robe and was set for the night, just as

her eyes were about to shut down her phone began buzzing, she stretched to get it in

annoyance just to see it was her manager who was calling, she immediately picked the call

and received the news she was supposed to resume work the next morning, she was kinda

happy and at the same time sad because she really liked the rest, she set her alarm back to

5:am which she had changed to 9:am because of the suspension, and after a few round

checks she finally fell asleep.