
Aura: The keys To The Past

Anger, agony, pain. How can one bear this for years? Could it be true that a being can only have her presence? A past untold, a future unknown. She has to unlock the memories of her past with the keys that are disintegrated in the present and future. Join Eva in her quest to uncover the vague happenings of her past.

Glory_0813 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2

After the meeting with the boss Eva felt drained I can't believe I have been suspended until further notice, she thought, as she got home she fell on the bed it's not my fault that

lady was a total bitch. Growl…..ah I haven't eaten yet. She got up went to the kitchen made some chicken soup, like he always says a bowl of chicken soup makes everything better she thought. After eating she went to her room and slept. ring ring…ring ring her phone rang,

she woke up and searched for the phone and found it on the lamp stand it's Frank she

picked up,

"hey what's up",

"nothing just sleeping",

" yeah your not upset",

"no of course not",

" alright just wanted to make sure you are fine",

" yeah I'm fine",

"I'll be over maybe by tomorrow"

"yeah ok",

"see you",


"yeah bye" . She got up, moaned some more and then went into the bathroom, freshened

up, changed into a jump suit and went for a run.

Along sleepy hollow, there is a lane she has been meaning to take, it's dark and empty,

frightful but exciting just like her I'll be there in five minutes. She got there , the wind felt

strange she thought, everything was quiet even the stars were hiding themselves there was pure thick darkness, she felt it in her soul and she could even touch it. It was so frightening that everything whispered run but yet the darkness was calling her, then she heard a high pitched scream, she ran towards the sound and saw a man.

The man was 6.5 feet tall had silky black hair, pale skin and was on top of a woman who

was weak from struggling, he was attacking her. 'Hey' she shouted but he didn't notice or

mind her "hey" she shouted again and then ran towards him and pushed him off the woman then she turned and asked "what the hell is wrong with you" she was surprised to see claws

for nails, fangs for canines, eyes red as blood and blood running down his mouth from the

end of his lips. She was so scared her knees turn weak she fell to the floor. she tried crawling away but he caught her ankle then like he touched a hot rod he let go and backedaway, he launched towards her with renewed force she started crying and raised her hands as a shield. He suddenly backed away with so much force he hit the tree nearby, it was like an invisible force threw him away from her then he ran away while Eva cried some more.

She then crawled towards the woman who was being attached and checked for a pulse,

she felt a weak one but it was there she called 911 and then ran away.