
Aura System

20 years…. He had lived in this world for 20 years. What did he accomplish? After all, a transmigrator must have something to show for their work, and furthermore, this was a cultivation world. He surely would have introduced technology, brought in new cuisines, or taught some legend that seems so ordinary today. He has had no such success, however, but it was due to no fault of his. He had tried to rise up to the stars in a single step, but like any business, capital was needed. And, as it is so in any world, there was no lack of crooked trees. For what could a tree do but bend when faced with the heavy winds that is society and the countless others vying for the sunlight. What’s more is that the sunlight would not always fall because the sunlight was sentient and biased. Faced with the troubles of the world, he could do nothing but bide his time while waiting to see if anything would drag him from his "ordinary" fate. Since this is a story that I tell, you should know what came of that aspiring sapling that, if we were to continue using trees as an example, was a Three Kings Kaikomako amongst the common maple.

Skies_of_Stars · 東方
2 Chs

Chapter 1: System Awakening

At the age of 20, one might expect Zhang Jian to be at least a bit willful and head-strong, but the truth was that he had no such attributes. Instead, he was like an emotionless robot.

This was not the effects of transmigration, but rather, he had usually kept a still face regardless of the situation whether it be this or his past life.

However, while he looked slightly foolish and awkward in his past life, he was unbelievably charming and gave off a "cool" vibe.

If one was to put it into perspective, the most handsome person you know could be given, at most, a 7-8/10, but Zhang Jian was a 1000/10. In the history of humankind and the world, there had not been someone who surpassed 10 before, and in fact, 9 points had only ever been reached 5 times.

Each had happened more than a quintillion years apart.

Anyhow, Zhang Jian was very mature for his age, and this was one of his most outstanding aspect when excluding his charm. Unfortunately, his talent had been ruined at birth, and so, while he could forge legendary weapons, craft pills that could bring one back from death, and paint pictures that could warp the world, he could never become stronger.

This did not inhibit him, however, from being liked by his father-in-law. Emperor Qin had arranged a marriage between him and his daughter, and regardless of whether anyone agreed, he refused to take it down.

Luckily, there was no drama and love story, and both parties, Zhang Jian and princess Qin Ling had no interest in romance.

Unluckily, this was how it was before she met Zhang Jian, and ever since, "Brother Jian! Do you want to go eat together?"

Being forced to go eat together, watch a drama together, etc. , Zhang Jian had long since grown used to such antics.

He decided to take a stand for himself, so he leaped forward and grabbed Qin Ling's hand.

"Ling'er, you must stop with all these jokes, or..."

Zhang Jian put on his most devilish smile that only worked to charm the young lady more.


[System Awakening]

[Aura System Unlocked]

[Domination Aura Fusing]

[Aura Fused]