
Aura Fixing Afnahish

"I knew you return Hailey" she said as she walked up to me. She grabbed me by the neck and held me up to the wall trying to suffocate me. "I had a feeling you'd come to collect the rest of your stuff"   I felt like my powers and all the energy in my were being taken away. "Aura" Acura called out. Acura tried to attack her but she just stretched her hand out to her direction and Acura went flying and hitting the wall. What the-! What was this woman?! "You think you could escape from me? You think you could escape from your mother huhn Hailey?" she said in such a silent voice as her hold around my neck tighten a bit.   I felt my body weaken by the second, I felt like I was dying and I could do nothing about it. "Who are you?" I said breathless. "I'm your dear king Hawey's brother" she answered.   She said and I heard evil in her voice. "Your my only gate way to getting back into Afnahish and I'll make sure I do that" she said.   One side of her face began to irritate and she looked even scarier. "Didn't you miss me my dear child"   The evil in her voice was deathening and I found myself getting even more scared. Her hold around my neck tightened and I could feel the world around me begin to blur up. She was draining my Labeathisian energy and taking it. I looked into her eyes again and she dropped me and I fell to the ground and held my neck as I coughed. I looked up at her very slowly and she stood still, she stood like a statue and when I looked at why I saw Acura, glowing and levitating as she let energy effuse out of her hands and directly at this evil woman. My head dropped and when I raised it to look at Acura again Mrs McRae turned into a statue and fell to the ground and broke into pieces then I went unconscious. ... She's powerful, strong and beautiful. Her name is Aura. She has the power to feel what others feel, whether it's happiness, grief, or despair. Her world gets attacked and she has to come to the Mortal realm. She is raised by a mortal family, and her memory gets taken away from her. She has no memory of what she is, who her people are and where she's from. Aura knows nothing of her people and of who she is and lives in denial every day of her life. She lives as a human as if it's what she is meanwhile she knows deep down what she's capable of.

_i_kyraaa_ · ファンタジー
11 Chs

C7 - Little light

'Let me tell you this

Your beauty's just like this

The moon, the stars and no one can insist

You remind me of a rose I'll imprint it on my nose

Who dares complain when I do it no one knows

I'll take you to that place where I'm sure that you'll be safe

No one goes there only I and we'll escape

Let me tell you this

When I see you I can't sleep

I love your smile and it means the world to me

You are my greatest gift

I can not confess it

The way you are is enough to shake a cliff

I love you very much

I have not said it enough

But hear my voice

You're always in my heart'

I could not tell where the voice was coming from, I sat under the weeping willow just like every other time. I looked at the lake and saw those eyes whiter than snow, he looked away from me and I noticed a mark directly under his jaw on his neck, it looked like a snowflake and glowed a bright blue. The glowing blue light stretched itself up until it got connected with another snowflake on his right chest and it glowed blue also. Then he stretched his hand out for me to take and I reached for it but I couldn't reach so I knelt down a bit closer to the lake and stretched my hand out for his, his eyes returned to their normal icy blue and the glowing mark on his chest stopped glowing. He looked like a child and smiled at me, I dropped my hand and stared at the little child in the water with silver blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He smiled at me and started saying something but I couldn't hear anything he was saying



Come to me...'

I opened my eyes and looked around my room, I grabbed my bag and checked for the box with the pearl, I found it and opened it immediately and once again as I opened the box the pearl began to glow, I let out a sigh of relief and closed the box and then put it back in my bag.

"Come to me"

The words repeated in my mind, what did he mean by come to me? And that boy, who was he? Silver hair? Icy blue eyes? Eyes whiter than snow?...... Everett! No it can't be. Could that boy really be Everett? No it's not possible, Everett's not a child that's impossible it could have never been him.

I got to school thinking about the dream I had. "Come to me". Why? Who am I going to? Can all these things just stop adding to my confusion?!

~Ad. Girl

~me. You guys think it's right to leave me in school on my own

~R. We're so sorry

~me. Care to explain why?

~Ad. Business

~R. And Adelynn likes my brother

~Ad. I do not!

~R. You totally do

~me. Give me the details

~R. So I was a bit ill yesterday and apparently Adelynn was coming over to my place with her dad to come talk to my dad for some important stuff, Adelynn left her dad and came to hang out with me in my bedroom and apparently when she walked in my brother was shirtless and she just stood there in complete shock

~Ad. How did you want me to react? Your brother has the body of a god

~me. Is that so

~R. Yeah so my brother waved her and she waved back then I had to pull her to come sit on the bed or else they would have just stood there staring at each other. I introduced them to each other and afterwards he had some friends over and we stayed in the living room talking about having some fun and that's when I noticed they were totally flirting with each other

~me. No way

~R. Yes way, I'm still trying to get it out of her, did you guys exchange numbers or not

~Ad. Even if we did I would never tell

~me. That's all we needed to hear, you guys did exchange numbers

~R. Too bad your mom doesn't let you go out much, I would have invited you over

~me. Yeah but don't worry some day I'll come over and we'll have the time of our lives

~Ad. Have you ever thought of sneaking out?

~me. I can't sneak out

~R. Your too much of a good child Hailey

~me. Get used to it

  We went inside the school and I started to feel very weak, it wasn't like the other times I felt weak this one made me feel completely drain and tired. My limbs began to feel numb from the weakness in my body and I turned and my eyes met with a pair of icy blue ones across the hall, he had a faint smile on his face. Since the time he had kissed me they had been keeping quite some distance away from me, they would only sit at the same table as me and stare at me, sit behind me in all my classes and stare at me.

I was finishing up my painting when I turned and found Everett's cold blue eyes looking right at me, I didn't look away but then the faint smile he had on his face died and he seemed to be looking out the window, under the blink of an eye he had Acura now looked like those their disguised forms and he stopped looking at me. I never got a chance to ask them why they always disguised themselves to look like this. I looked back at my painting and just as every other time I painted this portrait I felt like something was missing from it. The weeping willow tree, the lake, the moon and stars, the foggy skies and everything all imprinted on one canvass. As I almost finished my painting the bell rung and Acura came up to my ear and bent over my shoulder.

~A. Stop fighting the truth, your stronger than that, you know who you are but your stopping yourself from finding out more

  Then she walked away. Her words always made me confused, was she just trying to get me to go with them? What if she was one of the people that wanted to take me and kill me? I had to be sure of these two before I go anywhere with them.

I got to my locker and put my bag inside, the halls were empty and I was the only one there so I had to be quick and get to my next class. As I shut my locker and started walking away I started seeing a light so I turned back and saw my locker glowing, I stalked towards it and the closer I got to it the dimer the light became when I opened my locker I saw my bag glowing then I removed my bag and opened it but there was no light anymore. "Maybe it's just my imagination". I closed my bag and put it back in my locker then walked away again, the light started shining again and I hurriedly ran towards my locker and opened it, the pearl box was glowing and as I picked it up it stopped. "What in the world is going on?!". I closed my bag and put it back in my locker again then shut my locker and it started glowing so brightly again. I quickly opened my locker and brought out my bag and the moment I touched the box it stopped glowing.

  "Does that mean I can't be away from this box? It glows when I'm away from it and stops when I'm close to it. If I ignore it and leave it to glow it could blind someone".

  I put the box back and hung my bag over my shoulder then turned around only to see Acura and Everett in their disguises standing across the hall staring at me, it got me scared at first cause Everett stood with his arms behind his back and it made me remember what happened the other day with the ice and the threat. His cold blue eyes stared into mine and I found it hard looking away, I felt like if I took a step to run away he would turn me into a statue. Hesitantly I took a step back, turned and ran to my class.

These two did unbearable things to me. I can't stand it.

I got to my class and when I got in they were already there, sitting right behind my seat again.

~Teacher. Miss McRae your late

~me. Yes sir I'm sorry I had to uhm...go to the nurses office

~Teacher. Go take your seat

  I quickly walked to my seat and sat down feeling their burning gaze on my back.

~E. You look pretty when you lie

~me. Can you not talk to me?

~E. I'm attracted to you, I can't

~me. You make me feel like your Kian now

I blurted.

~E. Wait, did he tell you he's attracted to you?

~me. No he said he thought it'd be nice if he kept me

~E. Do you want to be kept by him?

  I could feel him grinning and felt an aura of mischief. What did this guy want?

~E. Answer me, or do you like being kept by me

~me. Can you keep to yourself?

~E. I can't keep my Kyen to myself, I have to share her with the world

~me. But I don't see Cecilia in this class

~E. Your my Kyen

~me. Then Cecilia is your one and only

~E. Did Kian also tell you that he's attracted to you? How did he put it?

"He's dodging my questions about Cecilia".

~me. Why don't I tell Cecilia so she can pass the message to you

~E. We both know you think that's dumb

  I could still feel him grinning, he wanted a word out of me and I wasn't going to give it to him.

~E. Let's go on a double date then, you me Acura and you and me

  When I didn't answer him he sighed, but I knew he wasn't done yet. And just like I said, I was right he slid his long leg under my chair and tapped my foot with it.

~E. You can't ignore me Kyen

  I got so pissed that I stomped my leg on his foot and he drew it back.

~E. Ouuu

I thought he'd stop but I was wrong, this guy didn't give up.

~E. I can't feel my foot

~me. Good for you

~E. Your stubborn

~me. Your annoying

~E. I should stop talking to you?

~me. I would like that

  I felt him look away from me but then that aura of mischief returned.

~E. So tell me about yourself

  He said in my head. Speaking telepathically, this guy's clever.

~me. Get out of my head

I said to him.

~E. But you don't want to hear my voice anymore

~me. I still hear you in my head now will you be completely quiet so I can focus on the class

~E. Okay then

  He stopped talking but I could feel him whispering in my mind, it was really distracting me and he knew it.

  I got into my car after talking with the girls for a while. I hadn't been pulled into an empty classroom during recess today and for some reason I didn't like that. I don't know why but did I like the fact that Everett and Acura were chasing me.

"Come to me"

The words echoed in my head

"Come to me"

"Come to me"

"Come  to me"

I shook my head. What were these things? Why can't I get those icy blue eyes out of my mind? And the pearl, what am I going to do about it? I can't carry my bag everywhere with me and I certainly can't carry it in my pocket with me then what am I going to do with it?

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, my dreams are confusing me, Everett and Acura are adding to my confusion and Kian and his crew are pouring dirt on the clothes I just washed, what do I do? The pearl on the other hand is confusing me too, why does it glow so much when I'm away from it? I don't understand anything going on in my life anymore"

I got downstairs after getting ready for school and Gabriella was already there.

~G. Someone slept in

~me. It's a Monday and I thought it was Sunday

~G. {Chuckles} eat your toast let's go

~me. Morning dad

~dad. Morning darling how did you sleep?

~me. Good you

~dad. Good thank you

  I picked up my toast from the plate and put it in my mouth.

~me. Gabriella come on let's go, we're gonna be late if we don't leave now

~G. Okay, bye dad

~dad. Bye have a wonderful day at school

We got into the car and drove in silence again then just as I was about to pull up in Gabriella's stop she turned to me.

~G. Stop denying your feelings, stop trying to cancel out the truth, do what you need to do and what is right to you, you don't have to live in the walls built in the head. You have supplies, add color to the black and white world built in your mind, it's not safe for you, you need to be free, free yourself and do what is right for you, do what you feel will be right for you and forget the small city built in your mind

  Then she got down from the car. I felt like screaming.

~me. Why so many parables though?!

I said letting my head fall on the staring wheel. I drove to my side of the school and Rylee and Adelynn were waiting for me. I got down from the car and we went inside together.