
AU Villain Deku

Izuku Midoriya, grows up in a hostile environment without a quirk. He's greeted with an opportunity, however in this timeline. He doesn't receive one for all. Hes neglected by the hero's he love most, baring anger towards them accepts help from another.

Jaxsin · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs


Before I realised it, I was sucked in by a void. I stepped out and found myself in an alley, seemingly behind my home. I look back and see Kurogiri...

[Is this you're quirk?]

[Indeed. A final word of advice, when you come into our establishment, dress the part. You are going to be "working" as a waiter or atleast thats what it is on the surface.]

[But wha..] As he cuts me off he states

[Deku, it is natural to have more than one job, correct?]


As I finished my reply he vanished. How did they know where I live? In just those few days they found out a lot about me. I head around to the front of my building as I am greeted by my Mom

[Izuku.... *Sob* Welcome back...] She suddenly hugs me as she continues to cry and sob.]

[Hey... Whats wrong? why are you crying..]

[How could I not?! you were gone for an entire week... I was bombarded with calls from your work. I explained that you were sick but...]

An entire week?! I thought I might be gone for a few days maximum. I guess its because I lost my sense of time and my feeling of pain... That's probably the only reason I lasted so long.

[I got it, Ill be sure to talk to the manager.]

[I'm going to head to my room, I need to write up some stuff.]

[Ok, Sweetie... I'll start on the dinner then.]

As I walk into my room, It's still as I left it. It was a mess as I had a chest full of spare equipment parts. The only thing missing were my blueprints. I guess they really did submit them for me. Even though their villains, they aren't that bad.

I sit on my bed, trying to meditate. This should work right? Cultivators always did this to get their powers... Time passes as nothing happens, an hour passes and still nothing. I guess it isn't that easy. Wait... How do I even know he can actually give me a quirk? Maybe he just tortured me for fun. It would be pretty stupid is All might actually could pass on his quirk... I mean if he could why didn't he give it me? I laugh to myself at the thought, in my mind repressing everything that happened just thinking it was all some stupid joke.

I should really head to work... I need to explain myself after all. As I head out I see my Mom humming in the kitchen, completely ignorant of what happened the past few days. The amount of scars that has piled up on my body. Even though she could heal the wound, the scars still replaced them.


After getting off the train and heading for my work, I see the receptionist and she looks at me with a worried look. She must have known I wasn't in the past week. I head into the elevator and head up to the design department, where all their eyes was on me. I quickly headed for the managers office, as she notices me at the door.

[Finally arrived? Even though you're an intern, we have expectations. We also have policies for tardiness. You are exceptional, there isn't a doubt about that. In just a day, you managed to get up to speed with everyone and implement your own concepts. This isn't something that is easily achieved. However, a week? Really? If not for you publishing the designs we asked for, you'd probably be out of this department already.]

I continue to listen as I get scolded for my absence, she notices my remorseful look.

[Ughh... Look, if you continue to take time off, you wont be allowed to work here anymore. You will not be paid for the time you were off, you will also have to do overtime. This is the minimum punishment I can give you for your absence.]

[Yes Maam.]


[Of course. I will get to work then.]

As time passes I get caught up with what I missed. Although the other interns had a hateful look towards me as I didn't get punished as severely as they hoped. Without realizing, time flies by, as the day ends.

I walk out the building and start to walk home. As I cross the riverbank, I head through the alleys as its much faster to get home. As I walked through the alley.


[What the hell?!]

[He didn't go down from that?]

As I touch the back of my head blood covered my hand. I looked at the people who tried to attack me as I start to move. I didn't have my equipment, so I couldn't fight back. As I looked at the weapon they hit me with, it looks like a metal bat with a dent in it. All for one, definitely did something to me, my skull would have been smashed open by that, normally. I try to run as a figure emerged from the front of the alley.

[Boss, uh we...]

[No need, he is clearly tough.]

He lifts up a knife from his waist. I cant escape, both alleys are blocked off and I couldnt go to the roof. as he brings his knife up, he licks it with his saliva. He charges at me, throwing the knife in my direction. I barely avoid it, before I had a chance to react, the person behind me caught the knife and sliced the side of arm with it. They start smirking.

[We will talk to you once you wake up.]


As I tried to speak... I started to become sleepier and sleepier... until everything went black.

Thanks for 20k. I said before that Deku will not get 2 quirks, I think I need to expand that thought a bit. Although he will only have 1, his quirk will become very strong, his quirk will have different abilities and uses similar to Q W E R in league of legends, although these will be unlocked as the story continues to progress.

Jaxsincreators' thoughts