
AU Kingdom Hearts: Transmigration In A MIx World

Boy transmigration into a mixed world of a Different universe of Kingdom Hearts Worlds: Indigo Demon Slayer Naruto(Current) update 1-2 chapters a week so I don't get burned out I don't own any already made characters, Only my original characters

YuYu_230 · ゲーム
36 Chs

Ch. 4 Power vs. Noble(1%)

In front of me now is a 1% clone of Master Noble's strength. Even though it is only on lv8, I know that looks can be deceiving so I take a fighting stance to block or parry his attacks.

"I see that you are not letting your guard down, I know you can tell how strong I am so why so defensive My disciple," Noble said with a smirk on his face.

"I may have lost my memories but Master Noble I am not stupid enough to charge to you as I know you have more combat experience than me," I replied.

"I forget that you are sharper than you look since you ask too many questions," Noble said with a smile.

"that just who I am Master Noble Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared," I started.

"let's see what your over-preparedness can do for you, Sonic Blade," Noble said as he thrust his keyblade at fast speeds.

Caught off guard by his speed, his keyblade is a few feet away from me

"Power use Dragon aura now!" Malinda shouted.

Hearing her words a blue aura surrounds me(15/135Mp) and I was able to narrowly dodge the attack, going behind him and hitting a 3 hit combo in his back sending him flying.

He recovers in the air, focusing his eyes on me he said "Ragnarok" shooting 6 streams of light towards me. (50 seconds left)

I try to dodge out of the way but I got hit and got sent flying to a large rock(90/115Hp)

"Damn it that hurt!" I shouted getting out of the rock. (40 Seconds left)

we rushed towards each other Master Noble said "Ars Arcanum" as his keyblade glowed Gold. the attacks are fast but not as fast as Sonic blade, I blocked 6 of his attack, and I parry the last one leaving an opening I hit him 3 more times on his stomach juggling him in the air and doing 3 air combos slamming him to the ground. He struggled to get up but stop when I pointed my keyblade at him and said "Give up now, I know you are too injured to fight," I said letting my guard down.

He smirks and said, "You forget an important lesson, my dear disciple".

"What is that?" I questioned him with a confused look.

"That other people have an ace up their sleeves too, Sage Mode," Noble said as his energy spiked up, his eyes change yellow, that of a dash in it with orange pigments around it.

Before I can react he punches me in the stomach(10/115Hp) knocking me out.

"And that the end of this fight, you have won my student," Noble said as he deactivated Sage Mode and returned to the original Noble.

"Hey, What happened to Power?" Zero Asked as he tries to wake him up.

"Oh no, That man kills Power!" Malinda replied crying with tears also trying to wake up Power.

"He just knocked out at the moment he will be fine in a few hours," Noble said.

"Oh okay," They both replied.

"Why did you have to use that power on him?" Lily asked with a dead face.

"To teach him never let his guard down and I also didn't want to lose," Noble replied.

"You are a fool for hurting him that much do you have any idea what would have happened if He didn't have his Blue aura on him! you could have killed him right then and there like seriously you also mock someone that lost their memories only a few days ago! Out of all the grandmasters of the organization, you have the biggest inferiority complex I have ever seen since you can't handle the fa-," Lily keep on yelling at Noble for a while that Zero and Malinda slept on Power's stomach, protecting him from any danger that comes near him.

A few days later in the meadow again,

"Master Noble it is time to go to exams," I said with excitement.

"Yes it is timed, My Student," Noble said.

"Well hurry up and open the portal to headquarters Noble," Lily replied.

"Okay, Okay Just calm down for a sec," Noble said as he opens the portal and go with Lily in it.

Putting on my new outfit, I wear a Black shirt that has a white X symbol on the front of the shirt, A black short sleeve jacket with red outlines, dark blue navy cargo shorts that cover most of my legs, and black shoes with a white X symbol on the sides. Picking up my backpack with Zero and Malinda in it I asked them, "Are you guys ready to go".

"Yes let's go," they both replied as we go into the portal as well.

We get out of the portal seeing two people in front of us one was a white skin man with blue eyes and the other was a silver-haired woman with red-orange eyes that wear the same clothes my master wears.

"Noble good to see that you are back from your vacation bro," the white skin man said who always look like he is smirking.

"My My Noble you always look like someone lost their favorite toy ohohohoh," the silver-haired woman laughed.

"First it's a training trip and second I'm still ain't single like the two of you," Noble replied with frustration.

"Master Noble who are these people," I asked.

"Oh, they are my friends Nux Taku and Fefe," Noble said.

End of chapter