
Attribute system in Danmachi

Once again our main character Akira is back. For his excellent work in the naruto world, he has been granted a vacation to another world. Since his love for mythical lore, the goddess has selected the world of FATE..Cough..Cough..No world of Danmachi is selected. So lets us see how what changes he brings to danmachi. ___________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) PS: You can read my previous book Attribute system in Naruto which is still ongoing. Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than MC belong to their respective owner

Uchiha_Itachi007 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

4.My new best friend

Few minutes before Ais reached the third floor. Akira was fighting very badly with monsters. It was pretty much a miracle considering all the monsters were variants made by LCL. But blindness in his right eye was causing him a lot of problems. Deciding to lose some of his strength in exchange for his sight he decides to wear an eyepatch.

[Item: Zaraki eyepatch cosplay (rare)

Owner: Akira

Materials: Zaraki Kenpachi's Reiryoku

Properties: Fake eye, Sealed power, Unleash power]

[Fake eye: Eyepatch act as the eye while covering an eye]

[Sealed Power: While the user is wearing it some part of user power is sealed]

[Unleash Power: When a user takes it off he gets a massive boost in strength depending on the amount of power sealed, the difficulty level in a fight and the amount of time wearing the patch]

'Well wasting time and money on enchanting 100s of eyepatch who didn't have favourable properties getting only this one was worth it' he thought. Putting it on he felt his stats go down by about 20%.

'Well good enough' he thought. Taking out a spear fully made of metal he joined the fight.

[Item: Metal Spear(Uncommon)

Owner: Akira

Properties:Durability+500%, Toughness+10% ]

He was physically exhausted but mentally he was very excited. He was wondering why he was enjoying this fight so much. In the past, he had fought many powerful opponents never before had he enjoyed it this much. As he was fighting and mulling over the meaning of this fight. He saw a yellow blur in the corner of his eyes. Looking at the girl even if he haven't met her he could instantly guess her identity Sword princess Ais Wallenstein.

Just then between the herd of war shadows, a minotaur came through. Seeing the minotaur greatly outclassed him in agility. He blocked the axe coming to cut him using his spear.


The instant he blocked the axe. The force from the axe threw him back, after breaking through a pillar. He crashed into the wall. His spear was already broken into two. His chest had a massive wound bleeding non-stop. His arms were already broken. Due to all the wounds, he was physically incapable of moving. Just then the music changed.

[Song: Three Days Grace / Animal I Have Become: Instinct skill temporary is given. All the negative thoughts start bubbling out from the heart.]

Akira wasn't the introspective kind of guy. He was more of the carefree kind of guy. But maybe because he was on the edge of death and couldn't move. His brain started to think about himself.

While always talking to Stark, Wayne or Rider. He always had a wall in his heart. He treated them a bit like an idol. Maybe because without his system and knowledge, he was not different from billions of people in his previous world. Comparing himself to other heroes he felt lacklustre. But he had a long journey fought impossible fights and won. Maybe he was average, or maybe another person could have performed better but he was the one who did it. Reminding himself of his difficult journey he couldn't help but laugh coughing up more blood. He felt if someone asks him if he is worthy of standing beside all the legends His answer will be 'Of course'.The whole negative emotions got expelled.

Looking through the inventory he found the thing he wanted and decided to equip it.


Seeing him being defeated. Ais was angry. She had seen many people die but still when she saw how hard he was trying to fight to live and instantly he was gone. Her hatred toward the monster overrides her mind she dived in to kill the minotaur that hit him. Killing all the monsters that got in her way. She came face to face with the monster she swung her rapier for the kill.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

She stopped her attack to block three incoming weapons from her right. She disengages from the fight to look at the source of the attack. She saw Akira sitting in rubble as if resting on a throne. His clothes had changed he was wearing a sleeveless white haori with what looked like a black hakama.

The thing that most stand out was the aura he was radiating. If she wasn't looking at him she might have mistaken him for the monster. His aura was only saying one thing 'Fight'.

Bete: "What are you standing blank here for? Ais"

Getting no answer he faced the bloodied Akira who was walking toward them. Seeing him radiating fighting. Bete got ready for a fight and shouted "What's with your expression weakling. You want to fight".

"You stupid dog. Can't you see he is seriously injured? Hey kid, we are from Loki Familia, How about we help you get out here" Tiona sought out to help him.

"Wait Tiona. Look around" Tiona held her sister's hand.

Looking around they could see monsters all around them guessing this place to be the origin of the anomaly. Akira just walks right past them while drinking what seems to be a healing potion. He walked to the cell and opened it.

Akira POV

Looking at Naaza who looked at him with tears in her eyes. He wanted to say a lot of things. He took her hand and walked to the Loki Familia. Placing her beside Ais he said: "Stay with them".

Looking at Ais: "Take care of her. Don't get in the way of my fight". He smiled at and walked toward the minotaur holding a nodachi with its edge chipped.

[Item: Zaraki cosplay (rare)

Owner: Akira

Materials: Zaraki Kenpachi's Reiryoku

Properties: Battle continuation, Greatest Teacher, Intent, Fitting size, Auto repair]

[Battle continuation: Until the user takes fatal damage user can fight normally]

[Greatest Teacher: You teach opponents how to fight while fighting them]

[Intent: User emotions are projected outside]

[Auto repair: Automatically repairs damage to the clothes over time]

[Item: Zaraki zanpakuto replica (rare)

Owner: Akira

Materials: Zaraki Kenpachi's Reiryoku

Properties: Indestructible as Will, Ryōdan, Fitting size]

[Indestructible As Will: As long as your will is strong the sword will not break]

[Ryoden: Two-handed sword technique. It allows one to split an opponent down the middle by firing a blast of the chakra(Naruto)/Magic(Danmachi)/reiryoku(Bleach)]

[Fitting size: Equipment fits the wearer's size.]

The monsters sensing his intent stopped attacking. The roars of monsters were not of hatred but more of ready to fight. The dungeon also seems to respond to his intent to fight. The atmosphere of the whole dungeon was changed all the maliciousness was gone. Its whole attention was on the fight between the minotaur and the human.

Feeling the stare of the dungeon Akira's nerves were on the edge. Even in his fight against Aizen, he didn't feel this much pressure. But this only made his fighting intent soar. He jumped toward the minotaur. Swinging his sword.

The minotaur blocked his attack with his dungeon-made axed-shaped weapon holding. It swung his other hand for a punch. Akira dodged it and jumping over it he went for the neck. Hitting it but was not able to cut it. Seeing the opportunity minotaur swung his axe. Akira tried to dodge it but it cut another wound across his chest. Akira placed his leg on the minotaur's face and pushed it away freeing the sword. He jumped back in the fight.

While this was happening many things were happening all around Orario. Uranos was instructing Fel to search for the anomaly. A certain blue ribbon goddess was collecting adventures for the rescue of her family. On the fifth floor, Loki's family was going slowly because all the monsters just stop walking. As if they were on standby mode.

Back to the fight, Akira was getting more and more bloody and Minotaur was getting better and better at the fight. The situation was not looking good Minotaur outclassed him in stats now it was reaching his level in skill. Knowing it will be a small time before defeat he decided to go all out.

Catching the minotaur's axe with his bare hand. He placed his patch in the inventory. With the boost of strength due to the patch. He pulled the minotaur forward making it stumble. He used his other hand to swing his katana from top to bottom. The minotaur tried to block the attack with its axe but the sword cut straight through. Just as he divided the minotaur in two the song changed.

(♪ It's Over When It's Over; Artist- Falling In Reverse ♪)

"That… his power reached level two for the last moment right" Tiona questioned. She saw the whole fight his stat was like a rookie but he was good at the fight. She thought he wouldn't win the fight. But that last boost was akin to a level-up.

"Battle maniac" Lefiya muttered seeing the bloody youth.

Ais walked to him to help him. Seeing him she could feel he was feeling sad.

'Ah! I understand now how Zaraki felt I thought we will fight till death. Well, good times don't last long' he thought. Sighing he whipped his sword, to clean the blood off of it. Turning back looking at Loki Familia he smiled and said "Bad day. Huh!". Just as he walked the first step.

He heard the sound of water flowing. He looked down and saw all the LCL flowing toward his back. Looking back he saw the corpse of Minotaur absorbing LCL to recover. Looking at the jukebox he remembered the song he saw an amv of this song involving the Unohana vs Zaraki fight. After healing the minotaur stood up again. It felt stronger than before. Seeing this Akira broke into laughter. His joy was like when a person who is thirsty all his life drinks his first glass of water.

Pointing his blade at the minotaur he said "I knew you won't disappoint me. Let's kill each other. My best friend Asterius."

Asterius roared as if showing his agreement.

[It's Over When It's Over; Artist- Falling In Reverse: Regeneration(Temporary), Protaganist resurrection, Battle maniac]

[Protaganist Ressurection: Every time listener gets killed he/she gets back stronger(Loses that strength after the song turns off)]

[Battle maniac: The longer and bloody the fight is the more powerful the fighter gets(Loses that strength after song turns off)]


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )