

Rejected and tossed aside by her mate for her foster sister, Lily set out on a revenge journey to get back at him and her revenge couldn't be more perfect as she targeted her lovely ex-mate's father as the perfect tool. Unknowingly to her, her supposed father-in-law was ready to become a pawn in her game so as long as he had her to himself for he had been targeting her for a long time. Society wouldn't accept them but he didn't care so as long as she was his. The question is: Is she willing to be his totally? Could she forfeit her revenge plans to be with him? As those two journeyed on the forbidden quest, Lily discovered that everything she knew all along was a lie and the truth was about to put her life in danger. Curious? Join me on this forbidden, romantic ride.

Ejairu_Rukevwe · 都市
9 Chs

chapter nine

Lily heard Alexander's question loud and clear and understood the hidden words behind the question.

She wasn't thinking when she approached him to confront him about talking to Phoebe from the Moonlight pack.

She knew they should be nowhere near each other right now but jealousy made her lose her rational thoughts.

Being this close to Alexander and with both of them having strong emotions, she knew there was no going back.

She lifted her face defiantly, bit her lip, and said, "I will tear them up, but not before I do this." 

Lily tore his shirt and dragged her hands down his naked torso.

Alexander groaned and growled, "Lily! Lily!" and kissed her exactly as he imagined kissing her many times before.

Then the two wolves started tearing out each other's clothing while they kissed, pecked, grappled, and tore at each other.

Alexander and Lily stood naked, staring at each other and he asked her softly, "Are you sure about this, Lily?"

Lily didn't answer him; she couldn't answer him Instead, she kissed him hard, and pulled him down to his king-sized bed with her, where they made love passionately for hours.


Alexander watched Lily as she slept and he loved how her hair spilled over the pillow.  He softly pulled her soft, curly red locs from her face.

The heat wave had died down already but they had given in to their passions and almost ravished each other.

He had the feeling that somehow this had nothing to do with the heat wave and was meant to happen.

While he made love to her, he had to control his wolf multiple times because he wanted to mark her. He had the most intense night with her; it was nothing like he imagined.

He also realized that he was her first, and the thought made him feel lightheaded with happiness.

Lily woke up and moaned softly, then turned to look at him.

Alexander thought she looked sad for a moment but it was replaced immediately with a soft smile. He wasn't sure he saw it correctly.

"Hi," he said softly and he laid down close to her.

"Hey," she replied.

"Are you okay? Are you still mad at me?" He queried, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"No," she said softly and blushed. "My behavior was cave womanish, yeah?"

He laughed and said, "Yeah! But it was nothing like the Lily I knew. I have noted it down, never to make you jealous."

"I am a little bit tired; I want to sleep a bit," Lily said softly.

"I know. You just came down from the heat wave and also spent time with me, I understand that you will be tired. Sleep Lily. You are safe here because no one comes in here except I order them to," he explained to her.

"I will get you some food, as you will be hungry when you wake up. What would you like to eat?" he asked but saw that she had fallen asleep again.

Alexander pecked her forehead, put on a robe, and worked on some documents while she slept.


Lily woke up later and ate food Alexander had brought up to his door.

"I have to go home, Alexander. I have been here a while now and while I am sure no one would worry about where I am or if I am safe, I know at some point questions will be asked," she explained.

Alexander smiled and said, "I wish you would stay here with me."

Lily smiled but she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt she felt because of what she just did with the alpha.

She had started this whole thing because she wanted to get revenge on Ethan and get him to notice her but she realized that he was a good man and did not deserve to be used for such shallow reasons.

Lily didn't fully understand what happened earlier. She liked and was attracted to the alpha but what happened during the heat period and a few hours ago was very unusual. She just couldn't explain it.

Alexander had gotten another set of clothes for her since the ones she wore previously were ripped.

She put on her clothes and headed for the door to the secret passageway.

She walked to the door, turned, and hugged the alpha, who pecked the top of her head and pecked her softly on the mouth. "I'll see you, Lily."

She nodded her head sadly but put her face down so he wouldn't see her. Then she turned, opened the door, and left.

Alexander watched her go but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right with the way they said goodbye.

Lily walked all the way home with a forlorn and downcast expression, wishing she had met the alpha under a different circumstance.

She worried that if he found out about her initial intention, he would behead her immediately.

She realized that she didn't even care about Ethan, Hera, and their shenanigans anymore.

She heard the high, screechy voice of her foster mother before she realized that she had gotten to her home. She sighed and walked quietly to her room. 

"Where have you been, Lily?" Her foster mother asked, then waved the question aside "I have lots of chores for you to attend to."

She squinted her eyes at Lily and said, "You look different. Where exactly did you say you were all this time, Lily?"

"Nowhere ma'am. I've been nowhere," Lily replied matter-of-fact. She would never tell anyone about her friendship with the alpha king.

"Mmm, okay. Get up and get to work then," she commanded and walked away.

Lily was glad she got to rest before she headed here, as she knew chores were surely waiting.

She took a deep breath and decided never to see the alpha again "It's for the best, because if he finds out the true reason I became friends with him in the first place, I am sure my head will be on the floor."

Alexander, on the other hand, kept smiling whenever he thought about Lily. He couldn't wait to see her again.