
Chapter 1 Demon Chaos_1

翻訳者: 549690339


Mottled earthen walls, a dim oil lamp.

The small bed, covered with faded red cloth, exuded the smell of rotting wood.

Shen Yi looked at everything before him, stunned for a long time, struggling to accept that he had traveled back in time to become a lowly foot soldier in Baiyun County.

But everything beside him felt so real.

The fragmented memories in his mind grew clearer and clearer.

In an era rampant with demons and evil spirits.

His predecessor was a mere ruffian who had clawed his way up from the bottom, and eventually donned the uniform of a government officer, securing a life free from worries about food and clothing—on the surface, an inspiring tale.

But why did he suddenly lose his life?

At this thought, Shen Yi felt an inexplicable pain at the back of his head.

He reached back to touch it, then felt his hand covered in blood.

The glaring crimson between his fingers, like flipping a switch, suddenly freed Shen Yi from his hangover-induced stupor, and a wave of sharp pain engulfed him.


His eyes widened as he gasped for breath, short and rapid.

He looked down.

At the foot of the bed was a skinny little maid, clutching her undergarments with a face full of terror.

Beside her was an old man in tattered clothes, his hunched body trembling nonstop, shakily holding a wooden stick with blood dripping from the top.

Their stares, direct and unblinking, seemed like they were gazing upon some fearsome flood beast, filled with both despair and fright.

"I mean..."

Shen Yi clenched his teeth, and a surging anger kept hammering against his chest under the stimulation of the intense pain.

He glared at the old man, about to ask him to put the stick down first.

Just then, the maid suddenly started to frantically tear at the little clothing she had left, winding it around Shen Yi's legs like a crazed beast, and screaming with sobs, "Sir! Please, take me! I'll give you everything! Just let my father go back to the countryside, alright?"

The old man's grip loosened, and the wooden stick clattered to the ground.

His face numb, his gaze vacant, as if that strike had exhausted all his strength.

Given Shen Yi's notorious reputation in Baiyun County, upon awakening again, he and his daughter would likely have no chance of survival.

"Can you just be quiet first?"

The pain made Shen Yi's eyelids twitch uncontrollably.

Already in pain and annoyed, he couldn't tolerate the maid's wailing.

His predecessor had intended to forcefully marry the Liu Family maid tonight, and this old man's strike with the stick could be seen as ridding the people of a scourge, deserving of praise.

But he himself was innocent—why should he suffer an unwarranted blunt blow?

Shen Yi felt suffocated by the anger, yet he couldn't find the words to curse, because in the eyes of others, he was merely the arrest officer Shen who had blacked out for a moment before waking up again; they didn't realize that a different person had taken his place.

He pulled a garment from the bed and threw it over the Liu Family maid, flapping his hand at them listlessly as if shooing away flies, "Get out, get out, get out."

This had actually resulted in hallucinations—if it were his previous life, at least he could extort half a house from these two.

He massaged his temples, but the hallucinations in front of his eyes actually became a bit clearer.

[Current Martial Arts]

Bone-penetrating Grappling Technique (Greatly Skilled)

Demon-subduing Blade Technique (Beginner)

[You may infuse your lifespan into martial arts to obtain corresponding progress]

[Cannot continue infusion when lifespan is less than one year]

[Current Remaining Lifespan: Thirty-four years]


Shen Yi read the text clearly, questions stirring in his mind.

Actually, according to the remaining memories, his predecessor was indeed proficient in these two arts.

The Bone-penetrating Grappling Technique was taught by the office; every officer had to learn it as it was their trademark skill.

And it was precisely because he was proficient in this grappling technique that his predecessor was promoted in rank and became a small chief.

As for the Demon-subduing Blade Technique, it was personally taught to the officers by a Colonel from the Demon-suppression Bureau after demonic troubles in Baiyun County. It was legitimate martial arts for exorcising demons.

But by that time, his predecessor already had some status and was weakened by indulgence in wine and pleasure. Compared to learning martial arts for self-protection, he had another tactic for surviving among demons.

So, this panel is real, not a hallucination?

But isn't it too useless?

Infusing lifespan to obtain progress in martial arts—that's no different from his previous thought of trading years of life for a salary.

The problem is, in his past life, he was already living a rotten existence, without any hope or attachments, a veritable walking corpse. Having a salary would at least allow him a few years of enjoyment, not a total loss.

But martial arts are for preserving life—if there's no life left, what's the use of learning them?

Can't I just train slowly on my own?


Shen Yi turned his head, trying to dismiss the panel.

He happened to see the figures of the father and daughter again.

They stood there like wooden stakes, looking utterly soulless.

"Didn't I tell you to get out..."

Shen Yi winced as he pressed on the back of his head, about to speak, but suddenly remembered something.

His predecessor had come to forcibly marry the Liu maid in the middle of the night, which meant this was the Liu Family's home, so the one who should be leaving was...

At this thought, Shen Yi's eyes filled with embarrassment.

If he had to leave, then so be it.

He rolled his eyes, stood up, took the sword by his side, and left the courtyard in disheveled clothes.


Transmigration be damned, having been struck by a stick only to have to walk home oneself, one doesn't know what sin they've committed, how tragic!


The Liu family girl clutched her father's hand tightly, her slender frame shivering under her clothes.

She didn't understand why Lord Shen's temperament had changed so drastically, why he hadn't tortured her or beaten her father, just left in a gloomy state.

Yet, there was no relief of having escaped death in her eyes.

On the contrary, as Shen Yi got closer and closer to leaving the courtyard gate, the Liu girl's pupils gradually shrank with extreme fear.


The battered courtyard gate was pushed open.

Shen Yi walked out of the courtyard, taking a deep breath of the dry night air.

He had intended to sober himself up a bit, but the stench that filled his nostrils made him frown unconsciously.

Had he forgotten something?

"All done? Then it's my turn."

A rough voice arose beside his ear, and the stench grew several times stronger instantly.

Shen Yi stiffened, glancing to the side.

He saw a figure, hulking like a small hill, squatting at the gateway.

The figure's body was tightly packed with muscle, shoulders towering, skin covered in glossy black fur, neck leaning forward, atop which sat a dog's head.

It turned its head lethargically to look around, its paw reaching into its waistband to dig around.

Then it stood up, towering a full head taller than Shen Yi, its shoulders twice as wide, casting a gigantic shadow on the ground.

"Be more efficient next time. Being hungry makes me angry."

Hearing this, Shen Yi looked down with a complex expression, finally recalling his predecessor's way of survival.

It was to collude with demons, deal in some food business.

With his ilk pulling the strings within the government office, busily fabricating false cases, they could ensure that the demons were fed without alerting the Demon-suppression Bureau.

Like tonight, he had already paved the way for the Liu family father and daughter so that after the Canine Demon had its fill, Baiyun County would surely not even stir a ripple the next day.

Having realized everything.

Moments later, Shen Yi managed a strained smile, nudged the other's arm with his shoulder, and chuckled, "You still don't know my capabilities, brother, nowhere near fast."

Having said this, he tried to walk forward, with the intent to move past, "Let's go, let's go. I'll treat you to a drink tonight as an apology."

However, the massive body remained immovably still.

The Canine Demon's eyes drooped down indifferently, giving Shen Yi a cold look, "Do you take me for a foolish pig?"

With that, it turned around, flinging off the roof, and took long steps towards the courtyard.

Having his intentions laid bare, Shen Yi instinctively reached out to stop it, not even realizing why he would dare to do so.

Damn it! What does this have to do with me?

He tried to retract his arm quickly, but it had already been caught by a furry, thick dog paw.

The Canine Demon suddenly turned its head, leaning close to Shen Yi's face, its massive mouth filled with icy fangs; thick saliva dripped down like threads from its gaping mouth.

"Shen, you seem to really think you are worth something."

"Have you forgotten what kind of demon I am? The noise inside—I heard it all clearly. You dare to betray me?!"

Both had come together to commit violence, yet one gave up halfway, the implication going without saying.

In the midst of talking, the Canine Demon's heavily muscled thigh kicked out with a thunderous force!

"Isn't that a bit abrupt, you dog? Turning on me just like that?"

An unimaginable force struck his abdomen, instantly causing Shen Yi's head to spin, veins bulging on his neck, and he flew backwards into the courtyard like a broken sack, crashing through the door.

He swore, this was definitely the closest he had come to death.

"Ungrateful wretch, it'd be fitting to sacrifice you along with my internal organs."

As the indifferent voice drifted from outside, Shen Yi slurped on the floor, clutched his belly, and looked up at the father and daughter shaking like sieves beside him.

He withdrew his gaze, panting, "Couldn't you two… remind me... to exit through the back door?"

The old man and the girl swallowed their saliva frantically, as if it might stifle the screams in their throats.

All over their faces was confusion. They couldn't understand why the very person who should have been shoulder to shoulder with the demon was also kicked inside.

"Forget it, the blade…"

Shen Yi raised his hand feebly and, seeing the pair before him looking like fools, had to remind them again, "Bring the blade here."

The Liu girl hurriedly picked up the blade and handed it over, still unable to understand whom he intended to chop down; surely it wasn't the Demonic Beast outside?

Shen Yi swallowed the sweet, fishy blood, gripped the hilt, and under the watchful eyes of the father and daughter, he suddenly spat out, "How disgusting."

Whether it was the chaos of this memory or the predecessor's way of survival, as well as the fact that he had to mimic him and do the same in order to just scrape by.

It was not only disgusting but also terribly uninteresting.


Watching the Canine Demon knocking down the courtyard wall, bending over to enter the yard, sticking out its thick tongue, and gently licking the palm of its paw, already prepared to eat.

Just thinking of his own head being cradled in that dirty dog's mouth, slowly chewed to shreds, then mixed with thick saliva and swallowed.

Shen Yi's breathing grew more and more rapid, a trace of madness appearing in his eyes.

Fine, so this is how you want to play.

My life was picked up; yours is your own. Playing for keeps with me, why do you think you can?

The interface popped up before his eyes rapidly.

Injecting lifespan into martial arts to gain corresponding progression.

"Right, the Demon-subduing Blade Technique, please fill it up."

"Thank you."