
chapter 2: new friendships and shared dreams

I awoke at the crack of dawn the next morning to the sound of an annoying rooster. I thought to myself "one of these days I swear I'll roast that bird." as I opened my eyes and groggily got out of bed to dressed for the day. I could smell breakfast cooking before I even went down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen where I saw mom happily making breakfast while dad was sitting at the table reading a report about the ongoings in the town and patient requests and the like. As the only doctor around these parts he keeps himself quite busy, but always manages to find time for family, he sipped on his coffee occasionally enjoying his morning. I said "good morning" to the two before sitting at the table across from dad. "There you are I'm just about done making breakfast, I'll be right over ok?" mom said with an angelic smile. I just smiled and nodded because the food smelled amazingly good. She just finished cooking some bacon she managed to get for a steal at the marketplace along with some eggs and put everything on the table, but before we could eat mom made us say grace. So after thanking the three great walls sina, rose, and maria that protect humanity from the man eating titans that roam the land beyond the safety of our walls. I always said these prayers somewhat reluctantly because those very same walls that are supposed to protect us always had an ominous feeling to it and left me thinking of it more like cage. There is just to much mystery surrounding the walls, I mean, nobody even knows about how these giant walls where created, and on top of that there is even a religion focusing on said walls. What could be beyond them? I was brought out of my thoughts as I already finished my breakfast, so I thanked my mom for the food and started to head out of the house, but not before mom caught me and put a red scarf around my neck telling me to "be safe". I headed over to one of my favorite cloud watching places and lay down, I was listening to the sound of running water nearby as I looked for strange shapes in the clouds overhead. A boy around the same age as me but with blonde hair and blue eyes takes interest in me seing as Im always alone gazing at the sky. He walks up to me holding a book getting my attention and said "I'm Armin, your Eren right? Why are you always alone? hey check out this book my grandpa was hiding away, get this, it says things about whats beyond the wall! there are so many things beyond the wall like this place withe water as far as the eye can see, and get this, its somehow filled with salt that never runs out, they call it the ocean." He exitedly pointed out drawings as he told me what he read in his book with stars in his eyes. I started to take interest and we quickly formed a friendship. I was honestly suprised at his passion for the world beyond the walls but I was the same. After talking a little more I was surprised at the time so I told Armin I had to go and where he could find me as I rushed off to finish my chores and gather some wood.

By the time I made it home it was already starting to get dark, but it looks like I'm not too late as dad seems to be getting home just now as well. We both head inside after a long day and I told my parents about my new friend over dinner. Feeling tired I excused myself before saying "goodnight" and heading upstairs to call it a day. After I made it to my room I quickly crashed in bed and mumbled "I wonder what tomorrow may bring?" and drifted off to asleep.