
Attack On Titan: The Last King

After his death, the MC met a high-level being who told him that he can send him to a world to live a second life with a few cheats with him...and of course, the MC agree to it. Update Rate: Unknown (when I have free time)

Doragon · その他
44 Chs


After that loud explosion, Ace and the rest left the river and entered the city to see what is going on

"Oi! what happened? " Asked Eren, but he didn't receive any answer then he heard Ace say

"Look up, you will know!"

"Ah?! what are y-" Eren looked up and terror spread across his whole body, he saw a giant red face looking down at them from behind the wall

"T..Titan!!" said Armin

Mikasa grabbed Ace by his hand tightly, she finally understood what he meant earlier, her hands were trembling

"That wall is 50meters!!!" Armin couldn't believe how can such a huge titan exist

"Let's Run!!!" Ace pulled Mikasa and the rest and they dashed away, they split up, Armin and Eren went to their house for their parents

The people started to get scared but from the terror of this scene they couldn't move an inch from their spot but soon they started screaming and running away

On the other side of the wall, the colossal titan raised his foot back and got ready to kick the gate and behind him is a lot of titans

*BOOOOOooooooM!!!!!! *

he kicked the gate sending huge pieces of the wall across the city, the piece crashed in a lot of building including the Jaegar's house.

in a flash hundreds of people died from the flying Rocks, Ace and Mikasa are running toward the gate and behind there is multiple rocks coming their way

"RUN MIKASA, DON--" Ace told Mikasa to run but suddenly a huge rock came crashing down on him

Mikasa fell down from the shockwave of the rock falling down, her head started bleeding, she stood up real quick and saw Ace under a rock

" ACE!!!!!" she screamed and went to remove the Rock, but it was too big, the only visible part of Ace's body is his Right hand

"ACE!!PLEASE GET UP!!!" Mikasa felt despair, her tears are falling down like crazy, she kept on pushing the rock forgetting the current situation



Eren reached his house and saw his home destroyed by a rock, his mother was under one of the house's pillars

"Eren!!! thank God" Carla was happy that her son is OK, she looked at him with tears and said " Where is Ace and Mikasa?!! "

Eren hurried to remove the pillar from her and said with struggle " I DON'T KNOW!!! I SPLIT UP WITH THEM!!! " he screamed

Carla caught Eren by His leg and said " Eren, please listen, go look for Ace and leave with him, I am sure that Maria will take care of you, the titans are inside the wall and I can't feel my legs...you understand right? Even if you took me out I can't run "

" THEN I WILL CARRY YOU AND RUN!!!!" Carla's words made Eren's fear grow, he fear that he will lose his mother here

"FOR ONCE LISTEN TO ME AND GI!!!!!!" Carla yelled at her son

" NO!!!!!!" retorted Eren

"CARLA!!! EREN!!!" Hannes came from behind and saw Eren, he hurried to him

"Thank God, Hannes take Eren and leave " said Carla

*Stomp* *Stomp*

Loud footsteps came from behind, Hannes looked and saw a titan coming their way

"Hurry up Hannes!!!" said Carla

Hannes looked at the titan gathered his courage and said " Don't worry, I can take it down " He pulled his swords and ran towards the titan but as soon as he made eye contact with the titan, he felt his soul leaving his body, all the courage he had disappeared. he put his swords back and got Eren and left

" Thank you! " said Carla with tears on her cheeks

"LET ME GO!!! MOTHER " Eren looked at his mother and struggle to go back, he saw a titan going toward his mother, the titan caught his mother as she struggle to live but she was crushed in his hands, the titan opened his mouth to eat her

"STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!" Eren screamed as he saw his mother being eaten by the titan

Hannes ran away as fast he could toward the the gate, in his way he saw Mikasa hitting a rock with a crazy expression, her hands and legs are bleeding

"M..Mikasa?! you.. what are you doing??" Asked Hannes

"ACE!!! ACE IS UNDER THIS ROCK!!!! I NEED TO GET HIM OUT!!!" Mikasa said with tears on her cheeks, she struggled to push the rock. Hannes saw Ace's arm coming out of the rock, he could recognize it by the chain that on his wrist. he felt sadness spread toward his heart, tears fell down as he remembered all the time he played and joked with the kids. One saw his mother die in front of his eyes, the other is dead under a rock while the third is going crazy

Hannes pulled Mikasa on his shoulder and ran away

"LET ME GO!!! ACE!!! I NEED TO GET HIM OUT!!!! " Mikasa started to hit Hannes on his back but Hannes endured it and kept running to get the kids to a safe place

The titans are running a rampage in the city, people became like rates hiding behind building, inside their houses but that didn't help, if you didn't run away you will be eaten

People are pushing and hitting other from their ways, for them it doesn't matter now " Every man for him self " this thought is on everyone's head, fear and death can bring the ugliest form of the humans

Hannes reached the gate and he tossed Mikasa and Eren on the ground, the two of them fell down and the first to react was Eren, he dashed at Hannes and screamed " WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?! I COULD HAVE SAVED MOTHER!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME GET HER OUT!!!"

Mikasa is still on the ground like a corps. Hannes punched Eren in the face and said " I COULDN'T!!! I WAS SCARED!! I HAD NO COURAGE!!!! ME AND YOU HAD NO STRENGTH OR COURAGE TO DO ANYTHING!!!!!"

Eren saw Hannes crying and stopped punching, he lowered his head and started crying, Hannes saw Mikasa still on the floor and said " M..Mikasa?? Are you OK?"

"....." She didn't respond, seeing this Hannes went to her shook her violently and said " OI!!!! MIKASA!!! PULL YOUR SELF TOGETHER!!! "

"Let me die in peace, if you left me there, a titan would have come a killed me. why did you save me?? just to feel this terrible pain?" Mikasa said with a cold and lifeless tone

Hannes heard what she said and was shocked, he know that Mikasa is so attached to Ace like his shadow, he could understand what she is saying but he couldn't let her die " You..You think Ace would want for you to die?? " he said. his few words caught Mikasa's attention, she looked at him with her lifeless eyes " I know Ace well enough, I know if be was in your place he wouldn't sit here waiting for death " Hannes said with tears, he recalled the scene where Ace's arm is out from under the rock

His last words served as a trigger for Mikasa as she remembered what Ace said today, he told her to survive and she promised him. Mikasa wiped her tears and stood up and said " I will survive. I promised him!"

Hannes was happy that she found a new resolution. those kids are dear to him and he couldn't stand seeing them die all. he couldn't even help but feel pain in his heart when he recalls that Ace is dead and even more the way he died

"Let's go! The boats are starting to get crowded, we need to get you to a safe place " Hannes pulled Eren and Mikasa and went to the boat, he asked a friend of him to let the kids inside, after he made sure that Eren and Mikasa are safe he left to the gate to help evacuating the city.

Armin who is on the second boat was looking for Ace,Mikasa and Eren, he saw Mikasa and Eren and got happy ' But where is Ace??" he Wondered but he saw Mikasa's face ' It..It can be!?!" Armin looked at Mikasa with disbelieve, the only think that can make Mikasa look this terrible is if something happened to Ace


Back inside the wall the soldiers are fighting the titans with the canons and helping evacuating the city




Two Canon balls hit the titans in their faces while the other two missed them




*STOMP!!* * STOMP!!* * STOMP!!*

Loud and heavy footsteps came from forward. a huge 15meters titan with his body covered in Armor, the titan stopped and leans forward a little he then dashed with all his might


" SHOOT!!!"


Canon balls shot at the armored titan but they didn't effect him, he kept on running until he wasn't fare from the gate

the gate started closing and the soldiers screamed



The soldiers ran to the gate but as the armored titan broke through the gate sending a huge shockwave with the soldiers inside it.

the armored titan stopped after breaking the wall and opened his mouth for smoke to come out of it.

the people saw this scene and felt even more terror

"Its the end!!"

" we will be eaten by the titans!!"

" God please save me!!!"

" Mother!!!"

"I am scared!!"

The people of Shiganshina on the boats saw their home get destroyed along side with their loved ones as the boats drifted across the river to the next wall, Wall Rosé


Hannes is standing in top of a watch tower with his head bleeding as he looked at the titans coming through the destroyed gate

"This is the worst nightmare that humanity had faced " he said


Ey look at that