
Attack On Titan: Beast Titan

Jay lay on his bed, chuckling at the unexpected twist in his favorite anime where the main character turned into a badass and met a rather grim fate. As he closed his eyes, he never expected that when he opened them again, he'd be in a completely different place. Confused and disoriented, Jay realized his attire had changed, and his hands were now smaller, like those of a 10-year-old. Panicking, he attempted to slap some sense into himself, but the reality of the situation sank in. "What the heck is happening to me?" he shouted in frustration, digging his fingers into his face. After taking a moment to calm down, Jay cautiously descended a creaky staircase in a house made of stone bricks and wood. It felt eerily empty, as if he were the sole inhabitant. Stepping outside, he was greeted by the sight of a deserted medieval-like street, leaving his head spinning. Looking to his right, a single thought echoed in Jay's mind, "I am royally messed up." Little did he know, this was the beginning of an unexpected adventure in a world reminiscent of the Attack on Titans manga.

AmouxCreationsX · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 6

As Eren approached Jay to express gratitude for his help, Eren said, "Thank you, Jay, for helping me there." However, before Eren could say more, Jay walked away, showing no interest in further conversation. Armin and Mikasa, seeing Eren's disappointment, approached him to offer comfort.

The next morning, Jay coincidentally encountered Eren again. This time, they were surrounded by disguised Titan shifters, the very beings responsible for the hardships they had endured. Internally, Jay could only smile, thinking, "Looks like my involvement hasn't changed much.".

For the next two years, Jay dedicated himself entirely to mastering the 3D Maneuver Gear. The initial expectation of the first day evolved into a more challenging and complex training routine. During the first attempt at free flight using the 3D Maneuver Gear, panic almost led Jay into a collision with a tree trunk. However, in an unexpected turn, Jay discovered a hidden ability within himself—a knack for predicting future events or knowing what was needed. It felt like a cheat, a unique advantage that he hadn't known about until facing danger.

This newfound ability acted like a safeguard, preventing Jay from crashing into the tree and avoiding potential injuries. Empowered by this skill, Jay fearlessly attempted stunts that no one else dared to try. Over time, he developed flawless skills with the 3D Maneuver Gear, also benefiting from his naturally good genetics, which contributed to his physique.

Jay's peers began to view him as a person with exceptional instincts and a lone wolf personality, making him challenging to cooperate with. Despite his proficiency, his solitary approach set him apart from the collaborative spirit of the training environment.

During sparring sessions, Jay often trained alone. His brute strength and unpredictable skills made others hesitant to be his sparring partners. With the power to foresee movements, Jay easily defeated his opponents, sometimes delivering powerful blows that made him seem intimidating.

One day, while Jay was observing Annie who is about sparring with Eren, he felt a desire to test his skills against her. Annie, a disciplined martial artist from a young age, was known for her prowess based on Manga. Approaching her before the spar, Jay's sudden request caught the attention of nearby cadets, as well as the curiosity of Eren and Reiner.

Standing before Annie, Jay, who was a head taller, looked at her "I want to spar with you," he declared straightforwardly. Annie, with her emotionless eyes, responded, "There's no point in doing this." Undeterred, Jay assumed a fighting stance, smiling, and challenged, "I'm interested to hear your reason."

The other cadets, Eren, and Reiner were surprised to see Jay smiling which is not common. Without wasting any time, Jay lunged towards Annie, aiming a roundhouse kick at her ribs with the instep of his foot. However, Annie skillfully stepped back, avoiding the hit, and took her fighting stance.

"I haven't heard your reason why," Jay remarked, continuing to smile.

As Annie's eyes sharpened, she charged at Jay without hesitation, displaying a myriad of potential takedowns. Jay, realizing that his usual moves might not work, found himself in a situation where dodging was his only option based on his foresight. Attempting a back kick, Annie fell short as Jay asked again, "I haven't heard your reason why."

Closing the distance, Annie explained, "Anti-personal hand-to-hand combat doesn't earn you points. Just going through the motions like everyone else is typical. Only those with the top ten grades can join the military police brigade and live within the inner walls. Those who take it seriously are either too honest or just plain foolish."

Undeterred, Jay approached, asking, "That's all?" Annie, attempting a distraction, aimed for Jay's face before targeting his legs. However, Jay anticipated her move, remarking, "So predictable," as he used his body to knock her off balance.

Walking closer, Jay questioned Annie, "Is that the only reason you have?" Annie, swiftly locking Jay's head between her legs, whispered, "No. But there is something else I'd like to hear. In the world, the more you can fight against the Titans, the further you can get away from them. Why do you think such a farce exists?"

As Jay asked, "No idea. What do you think?" Annie replied, "Isn't it because of human nature? And I'm not stupid enough to play soldier in this meaningless world." Jay chuckled, maintaining his grip, but Annie countered with more strength as Jay aimed for her abdomen, making her lose her breath.

Taking advantage, Jay locked her on her back, pressing her arm and legs against her spine. He spoke, "You're half wrong, Annie. It's not just about grades or hiding behind walls. It's about adapting and surviving in a f**king world that tests our limits. Those who take training seriously aren't necessarily foolish; they recognize the necessity of being prepared for the unexpected. If we can't, what makes us different from civilians?"

Releasing his grip as Annie didn't resist, Jay continued, "Sure, it may seem like a farce, and the world may seem meaningless. But that's precisely why we find meaning and pursue it. The struggle against the Titans reflects human nature and our determination to carve out a space for our kind. And It's not just about playing soldier; it's about being the line of defense when Titans threaten to devour everything we hold dear."

After a moment of silence, Jay walked closer, telling Annie, "You're a caged bird other than these walls. Find your light in this darkness, you will discover something to protect and love." As Jay spoke, Annie started walking away, prompting Jay to call out, "You're a warrior." Annie stopped, and Jay added, "But you're not a soldier, the ones who give their lives to protect what they hold dear."

Annie, walking away, declared, "I won't be one," and Jay thought , "Then I will make you one."