
Attack On Titan: Beast Titan

Jay lay on his bed, chuckling at the unexpected twist in his favorite anime where the main character turned into a badass and met a rather grim fate. As he closed his eyes, he never expected that when he opened them again, he'd be in a completely different place. Confused and disoriented, Jay realized his attire had changed, and his hands were now smaller, like those of a 10-year-old. Panicking, he attempted to slap some sense into himself, but the reality of the situation sank in. "What the heck is happening to me?" he shouted in frustration, digging his fingers into his face. After taking a moment to calm down, Jay cautiously descended a creaky staircase in a house made of stone bricks and wood. It felt eerily empty, as if he were the sole inhabitant. Stepping outside, he was greeted by the sight of a deserted medieval-like street, leaving his head spinning. Looking to his right, a single thought echoed in Jay's mind, "I am royally messed up." Little did he know, this was the beginning of an unexpected adventure in a world reminiscent of the Attack on Titans manga.

AmouxCreationsX · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 5:"Queen of the Walls"

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Jay headed back to his room. However, Eren appeared at his side, followed by Mikasa calling out, "Jay!" Jay glanced at Eren with disinterest when Eren asked, "Can we have a talk?" Jay, without giving him much attention, replied while walking away, "Not interested." Observing Eren's dissatisfaction, Mikasa calmly suggested, "Eren, let's go back."

Taking a stroll for some fresh air, Jay noticed Sasha, the potato-loving girl, walking towards the Girls' dorm, visibly tired and sweaty. Jay had brought some bread with him from dinner, and the two brats had spoiled his appetite. Nevertheless, he decided to share the bread with Sasha. Just as he expected, Christa approached Sasha with bread and water. Jay saw this as an opportunity to get to know the future queen of the walls, Historia Reiss.

As Christa hesitated to interact or greet Jay, he greeted her kindly, saying, "Good evening, Christa." She was momentarily stunned that Jay addressed her by name. Sasha, busy grabbing food from Christa, got too close to Jay like a wild animal. Reacting swiftly, Jay gently hit her head, and as she rubbed her head in pain, Jay extended his bread towards her. Without hesitation, Sasha grabbed the bread from Jay's hand, prompting a smile from him at her spontaneous action.

As Sasha eagerly devoured the bread, Christa kindly offered her some water. Jay, noticing the approaching figure of Ymir and not in the mood for conversation, decided to walk away. Ymir glanced at Jay before heading towards Christa. Christa, wanting to at least know Jay's name before he left, hesitated to call out to him.

Back in his room, Jay received greetings from others, responding with a nod before laying down on his bed for a nap. The next day marked the 3D Maneuver Device training, a crucial test to determine one's capability to join the military regiment.

The next morning marked the commencement of the 3D Maneuver Device training. It was an intense process designed to enable humans, typically limited to two-dimensional movements, to adapt to three-dimensional mobility. The training demanded significant physical and leg strength, an area where Jay didn't lack. Equally crucial was spatial recognition ability, requiring rigorous training to develop. Mental strength, especially in moments of panic, was considered a crucial quality.

Despite the importance of these qualities, the government seemed more concerned with quantity than individual talent, treating people as expendable snacks for Titans. As part of the first group undergoing training, Jay felt a bit nervous initially. However, his background as a martial artist in former life helped him maintain balance, making the control of movements less challenging for him.

As the first batch effortlessly maintained their balance, others gave their best, yet many still struggled, becoming targets for harassment by those who succeeded. Even Eren faced the mockery of those who could hold their balance. Witnessing this, Jay decided to step forward, drawing laughter from those who had succeeded. Eren, lying on the upward-down string, wondered why Jay had come forward.

Jay then turned to Keith, the instructor, and said "Sir, Eren is using defective gear." Keith, prompted by Jay's observation, took a closer look at Eren's gear and confirmed the fault. He allowed Eren to change his equipment. Before leaving, Jay advised Eren, "Don't care about what others might think of you.".