
Attack On Titan: Beast Titan

Jay lay on his bed, chuckling at the unexpected twist in his favorite anime where the main character turned into a badass and met a rather grim fate. As he closed his eyes, he never expected that when he opened them again, he'd be in a completely different place. Confused and disoriented, Jay realized his attire had changed, and his hands were now smaller, like those of a 10-year-old. Panicking, he attempted to slap some sense into himself, but the reality of the situation sank in. "What the heck is happening to me?" he shouted in frustration, digging his fingers into his face. After taking a moment to calm down, Jay cautiously descended a creaky staircase in a house made of stone bricks and wood. It felt eerily empty, as if he were the sole inhabitant. Stepping outside, he was greeted by the sight of a deserted medieval-like street, leaving his head spinning. Looking to his right, a single thought echoed in Jay's mind, "I am royally messed up." Little did he know, this was the beginning of an unexpected adventure in a world reminiscent of the Attack on Titans manga.

AmouxCreationsX · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 3:"Escape from Colossal Titan"

Until evening, Jay lingered by the canal, an unusual act for someone who despised waiting. This time, though, he found himself idling in a corner, keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings. Perhaps it was the gravity of life in this world that subdued his impatience. Survival demanded precise decisions at the right moments, lest one become a Titan's meal or a victim of war.

Suddenly, a thunderous noise erupted from the outer gate, causing Jay to lose his footing. His eyes widened in terror as he peered toward the source of the disturbance. There, he witnessed the head of the Colossal Titan, an unsettlingly human visage devoid of skin, leaving him bewildered. For a brief moment, his mind went blank, only to snap back to reality when the colossal creature breached the wall.

Without hesitation, Jay sprinted towards the small ships by the canal, desperate to escape impending death. The sailors on the ships couldn't comprehend the sight before them – a Titan breaking through a wall that had stood for a century. Unbeknownst to them, an intruder had infiltrated their ship. 

Despite the chaos, Jay skillfully maneuvered into the ships before the crowd's desperation reached its peak. Hiding inside an empty box, he listened to the pleas and screams of terrified people as the ship set sail. A brief moment of calm washed over Jay as he successfully escaped his initial predicament. He heard the unsettling sound of a second breach, likely the Colossal Titan, but uncertainty lingered.

As the ship anchored, Jay cautiously emerged from his hiding spot, blending into the anxious crowd. Navigating through the throngs of people proved challenging for a young boy like him. Amidst the panic, some rushed around, oblivious to the unintentional harm they inflicted upon a 10-12-year-old like Jay. Everyone had their reasons, and Jay, understanding that, chose not to complain and simply moved with the crowd.

In the camp, Jay found a quiet corner, uncertain of what to do next. The disdainful glares from members of the Garrison Regiment were palpable. Shiganshina residents, like Jay, were considered bait to lure Titans when the walls were breached, exploiting the dense population layout. People were treated as bait to ensure their own safety. Jay attempted to remain inconspicuous in the corner, avoiding drawing attention to himself amid the unsettling atmosphere.

Queueing among adults proved challenging for Jay, a mere kid. Eventually, he managed to get his hands on a piece of brown bread, though its taste was far from appetizing. It reminded him of horse bread from medieval times, meant for animals. Hunger, however, overcame his aversion, and he continued eating, disregarding the unpalatable flavor.

In that moment, Jay found himself yearning for the tastes of pizza, burgers, and fried chicken that he had always loved. The thought of starting a business with such delicious food crossed his mind. Reality hit hard as he remembered he was nothing more than a beggar now, stuck in a noble street, making his situation even worse.

Rubbing his head, Jay remained in the corner, consuming the bland bread. The stark contrast between his current reality and the memories of flavorful meals added a layer of bitterness to his experience.