
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 9: Legends

"Jaden, What are you doing down here."

"I couldn't sleep, I heard Ambien throwing things around in his room. When I went to ask him what was bothering him, he said for me to go back where I came from. Atona what's going on here?" He looked very concerned.

"Jaden, a lot has been going on." She said sipping the milk the maid had set in front of her. It was warm and comforting. "How tired are you?"

"Not very why?"

"Then I have time to tell you what is going on and maybe you can help me figure out how to fix what is wrong." she said looking at the table.

"I'm ready." He said pouring himself another cup of tea.

"When I fell off the horse Ambien sent a message to Ridale, telling him that he had gotten me to come home, however there had been an accident and I was hurt."

"Right, I was there when he wrote the note and sent it with the stable boy. What's his name?"


"Right, that's him"

"When you took me to the glade to meet Ridale, where did Ambien go?"

"He came back here to the palace to tell his mother what was going on. The plans for tomorrow so she could have the kitchen prepare the evening feast for the workers. He said he was going to check on his sister also. The he came back up there, I was napping and when he looked over the hill at you two, he sounded a little jealous when he said we could leave you alone the we didn't need to be peeping toms."

"He sounded jealous?"

"I think so. Why?"

"What did you talk about when you got back here?"

"We just talked about how good it would be if you and Ridale could go ahead and get married. That it would be the proper thing to do for the baby. When we were talking about you two getting married though he started sounding mad. I'm not sure what is going on. But I wish I did and that I could help."

"When Ambien came back here this afternoon there was a note here waiting for him from Ridale. It was very mean, telling Ambien that if Ridale got the chance to marry me that he was to have nothing to do with me again. That he couldn't even talk to me in passing, and if he did he would tell everyone that the rumors going around about us dating when I was training with him were true. That he would make sure that Ambiens reputation would be ruined." she said fighting back tears once again.

"Atona, I don't understand why you and Ambien cant be together."

"Ambien is a prince and I'm looked at like a servant girl. I don't have a high enough station to marry him. Even though we both love each other and have since we were kids."

"You aren't a servant girl. You're a princess to a lost kingdom. You just have to prove it." Queen Adrian said coming to the table. They hadn't seen or heard her come in they were intent on their conversation. They both jumped up and bowed while she poured her tea.

"Stop that both of you. In my kitchen I'm not the Queen. Especially when everyone else is in bed."

"I'm not sure what you mean. I just have to prove that my father's kingdom existed and that I am the princess."

"You and your sister."

"What sister?" Jaden said.

"Rozelle is her sister."

"Why would we not tell people about my sister?" Atona said confusion on her face.

"To protect you." Jaden said seeing the big picture now.

"You both are really not making any sense now."

"Atona, when my husband brought you girls here to the palace on that awful day you were both wearing the same ring, and carried the exact same daggers. I believe it is the one you still carry today. The rings were the official sigma of your fathers' kingdom. The dagger was also part of the royal blood line. The blacksmith in that kingdom only made those for the royal family. They have special markings on them that tell your bloodline. Now you would have to ask the dwarves more about that. The ring however, I have your sisters. We could not take the chance of people finding that both of you survived. We had no idea why anyone would want your parents killed. They were such sweet people, and cared for everyone. Much like you Atona. When we found that the monsters who attacked them had been paid to do so, we had to protect you. We never did find out who paid them."

"So for me to be with Ambien I have to prove that my father and mother were royalty to a kingdom now dead."

"Their kingdom isn't dead." Jaden said, grinning.

"It's not?" Atona asked shocked.

"All stories say that kingdom was razed to the ground and no longer exists, but that is what Ambien sent us to find out. That and get rid of that horrible book. Grayson and Bryson went on to the library in Wahunel to find out more information. I was sent to look, and inquire about trade agreements with the dead kingdom." Jaden said getting excited. "I know. That's not the case however. The kingdom still survives but is ruled by pure evil. The black knights hail from there. They say they have a black dragon that they rule. The rumors run rampant about that place, and no one knows what really is there."

"I think first I need to go talk to Ridale. I think if he is going to be that mean and cruel to people he shouldn't be around my child. We are going to have to get past this bump before any wedding."

"What about Ambien?"

"I don't know. I don't want to hurt him anymore, but I think I should be married to the baby's father. I need to go one step at a time."

"That sounds very wise. You try to work things out with Ridale first. If they work out then you will be where you are supposed to be. If they don't work then you know who you were supposed to be with."

"I suppose. I'm going up to bed to work all this out in my head first. Good Night."

"Good Night, Atona." Jaden and the Queen said in unison. She went upstairs but as she passed Ambien's room she decided to go find Ridale. She had to get this straightened out before tomorrow. She was not going to tell her mother the news unless she knew she was going to be safe. She crept into her room and slipped on her clothes then left the palace and headed towards the vale.

She headed straight for Ridales shop, his home was above the shop. The stairs were in the back that led to his door. On the front of his shop was a balcony where they used to sit and drink wine and talk. As she neared the street where his shop was located she could see his shop, and that there were still lights on upstairs. As she got closer she could see someone sitting on the balcony. Not just someone but two people. The closer she got, she could see it was Ridale and a lady. He was holding her close like he used to hold her. Atona couldn't take another step, she was frozen just watching them talk and sip on wine. Her heart was crushed. How could he, they were just talking marriage this afternoon. Now everything was clear.

She finally found her legs and turned to go back to the palace, when she bumped into someone. They instantly put their arms around her and held her. She could tell by the smell it was Jaden that held her in his arms. Slowly they started to walk back towards the palace. They ended up in his room, with him holding her close and letting her cry. She finally noticed they were in his room, on his bed holding each other close. It felt good he was so concerned over her feelings and not what every one else was going to think of them.

"How did you know where I was going?"

"I didn't the Queen told me I needed to follow you. I guess she had heard through the servants that Ridale had a sweetheart on the side. He was just following your shirt tail because you were the toughest nut to crack and he had bets with some of the townsfolk that he could get to you." He said brushing her hair from her face.

"I fell for all of it, nearly lost my closest friend, and long time companion because of it."

"Atona, don't beat yourself up over this. You just have to move on with what you were planning. Don't let him ruin your life."

"I'm not going to let him have the satisfaction." She said laying her head down on his shoulder. "I'm not going to let him…." she drifted off to sleep.