
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 17: Winter Festival

Downstairs, the room was illuminated with floating candles. The music was wonderful, beautifully plaid by the Bards. They were singing the ballad of the Dragon. A beautiful song about the love of dragons and their kinship towards mankind. The ribbons were every imaginable color of the flowers. The elven dresses were in colors that matched the ribbons. There were flowers everywhere, on the tables, the chairs, the king and queens thrones, and even on the walls. Coming down the stairs she could see everyone dancing and laughing, having such a good time. Her mother was holding the baby, while Rozelle and Jeremiah danced.

Ambien and Atona reached the bottom of the stairs and the room fell quiet. Ambien and Atona bowed to them all, and headed to the head table. Andrianna and Jaden came down the stairs next, bowed when they reached the bottom and followed them to the table. Ambien kissed her hand and went to the right of the table while she went to the left. She sat at the very end chair, while Andrianna sat at the chair on her right. The last ones to reach the table was the King and Queen, everyone stood when they came down the stairs, the Bards played the Kings marching song.

The Queen was dressed in a beautiful lavender silk dress that draped over her shoulders, and barely touched the floor. The King was in his full attire. The Dark Blue suit jacket, dark blue pants, and white shirt. His crown of jewels was placed eloquently on his head, as was the Queens. That was the first time Atona ever noticed Ambien or Andrianna wear their crowns. She never knew them to flaunt who they were but the night called for it she supposed. As soon as the King and Queen were seated, the servants started serving the meal. The bards played some melodies in the background but the conversation all but drown them out.

"Attention, Could I please get everyones' attention." Balfor cried out over the crowd. "I would like to make a toast to the wonderful progress on the fields and the progress of the friendships that have been started over the past several weeks."

"Here, Here." the crowd cheered. Everyone went back to eating and chatting. The last course was finally served. Everyone ate the delicious pies and pudding mumbling that they couldn't possibly eat another bite all the food was so delicious. The servants came out and cleared the tables of the dishes, and more servants came behind them and started to take the tables away, and line the chairs up around the room against the walls. The Bards started playing louder music and singing ballads of love and inspiration.

"Atona, I would like you to meet my husband Jeremiah. Jeremiah, this is my older sister Atona." Rozelle said pulling Atonas' attention away from the bards songs. She never noticed her walk up to her.

"We have met Rozelle. Nice to see you again. Has anyone told you, that you and Jaden look a lot alike?"

"Only every time they meet us both." he said with a chuckle.

"My goodness Atona, you didn't tell us you were that far a long with that baby." Rozelle exclaimed looking down at my dress and belly.

"Does it show that bad? I can just imagine what the gossips are going to be saying."

"Atona, I'm ashamed of you. You were raised around these people, they know you better than they do me. Do you think you could really do anything that would make them think badly about you?"

"Rozelle, it's not me I'm worried about." She said glancing over at Ambien as he sat in deep conversation with his father. He looked up and smiled at her as if nothing was amiss.

"Atona, I'm sorry I forgot. Look if you need to talk let me know. I miss talking to you."

"I miss talking to you too. Now go dance with your husband while you can." Atona said giving her a hug.

"Would you like to dance young lady?" Ambien asked coming up beside her. "What was all that about anyway?"

"I would love to dance, and my sister was introducing her husband to me. She also pointed out that this dress points out my growing belly."

"I think it makes you look beautiful. So let's not worry about that tonight. Let's just enjoy the music and each other for the evening." He said as he led her out to the dance floor and took her into his arms.

"Sounds like a good plan." They danced together for a couple of songs, and watched the other couples spin around them. Couples that were in such love, you could see it in their eyes. Then a young man caught her eyes from across the room. A young man that she thought sure to be dead. Alistair was standing by the wall talking to his friends of the guard. He still had a bandage on his arm but overall he looked whole. He noticed her watching him, waved and then came walking towards her. He tapped Ambien on his shoulder.

"May I cut in sir. I would love to dance with the woman who saved my life."

"You better take good care of her then."

"I will"

"You both are talking about me like I'm not standing here, or that I'm a horse." she said smiling. Taking Alistairs hands they started dancing around the dance floor.

"I am so happy to see that you are doing better. I didn't know if you would make it honestly."

"It was you who pulled me through. Your promise to help me with my sword fighting. I figured if you was willing to teach me, I better pull out of it. So I started fighting."

"That's great. When would you like to start your lessons?"

"Not till the work in the field is done. I would feel horrible if I didn't pull my fair share of work out there."

"Deal then. When the work is done we will start you on your training." she said as the song ended, and he lead her off the floor over to the head table where Ambien was talking with Jaden.

"Thank you sir. The dance was exquisite ma'am. I look forward to our lessons." he said kissing her hand and heading back across the room.

"Lessons?" Jaden and Ambien said at the same time.

"Yes, I promised him when he was in the healers temple that if he would pull out of it that I would give him fighting lessons."

"I see, and when are these supposed to start, after the baby I hope."

"Well, after the work in the field is done, but I'm sure he will understand by then." Ambien, and Atona sat at the table most of the remaining night. Her feet were starting to hurt from her slippers, so they sat and watched the others dance and enjoyed the music. They enjoyed watching Andrianna and Jaden dance. Every time a gentleman would come and ask Andrianna to dance she would refuse and Jaden would pull her out on the floor and dance even closer to her. The love that was growing between them warmed Atona's heart.

Ambien and Atona strolled outside into the gardens for some cooler air. They sat on a bench and watched the stars as they rose ever higher into the night. Holding each other closely afraid if they let go of each other the night would end and the dream would shatter.

"We better get you up to bed. Sounds like the fun in there is starting to die down now." Ambien said watching her stifle yet another yawn and getting up.

"Yes, I'm starting to get sleepy. Maybe I won't have any dreams tonight." she said following him back in and towards the stairs. He stopped and turned to look at her, sadness was in his eyes, something he needed to tell her, or ask her but was afraid to. He turned back around and led her up the stairs and into her bedroom. He helped to untie her dress, and watched her lie down in bed, covered her up nice and snug. He stirred the fire, then he kissed her forehead and left the room with out a word.

She was just about to drift off when the door opened again. Ambien was back but in his sleeping clothes. He climbed onto the bed next to her, and pulled another blanket over him. He never got under the covers with her. He just held her close and fell asleep there next to her. She fell asleep feeling safe, there were no dreams that night.