
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 14: Battle

"Lord Ambien, you must all return as quickly as possible. We are under attack." He yelled, as he turned the horse around and headed back towards the village.

"Wait, by who?" Ambien yelled after the man. Atona didn't wait she ran towards her horse, threw her leg into the stirrup and the other up over the mare. Started kicking the horse, giving her full reigns to make her run faster. The horse started off at a trot and then went to a gallop.

As she rode by Balfor she reached down for his hand. Pulled him up onto the horse, seating him behind her as her horse ran as fast as it could back to the elven village. She didn't know if Ambien or Jaden were behind her or not. She was only thinking of her mother, sister, and niece. Whom arrived this morning to spend time with her, and help prepare for the celebration.

"Balfor, How many dwarves are left in the elven village?" She yelled so he could hear her over the horse running through branches and weeds.

"At least thirty. They will make sure your sister is safe. I know that's whom your worried about." He yelled back.

"Yes, it is. But also for my mother and my niece that I haven't even gotten to know yet."

"I know your having those dreams again. You haven't told Ambien you have been having them since you were a kid have you?"

"No. I didn't want to worry him. Besides, when I was a kid it was just small glimpses of the incident. They didn't make any sense till now. I had went four years without them."

"You should have told him lass, he could have helped you get rid of them" he said as they neared the village. It was too late for her to respond she could hear the sounds of battle everywhere.

The horse had slowed due to the new noises and her sudden pull on the reins. They walked into the village slowly on the horse, prepared for anything. The dwarves were all over the place battling elves. These elves didn't belong here though. These elves were dark skinned, with bright fire red hair. They were painted for battle, and were doing their best to take down as many dwarves as they could in the process. Looking up into the trees, she noticed Ambiens parents on a balcony chanting and gesturing at the elves. Atonas' sister and mother were up there with them. Rozelle was crying, where was the baby? Atona couldn't see the baby anywhere.

Arrows were shooting up towards them, but were bouncing off of an invisible shield. She rode the horse straight towards the small entrance of the palace. When she got close enough she pulled the horse to turn to the right and jumped off, onto the steps of the palace.

She turned and ran through the door. She headed for the stairwell, noticing elves fighting elves on the stairs, she turned quickly and headed for the kitchen to use the servants stairs. Running through the kitchen door, she turned quickly to the right and headed up the stairwell. The stairs came out right by her bedroom. She ran in and grabbed her knife, dagger, and sword. Turned around to run out and an elf stood in the door of her room pointing an arrow towards her. He was smiling, as he took inventory of her. His hair was cut short, and fire red, his eyes were deep and black. He was tall, and lanky, looked like he had missed a few meals. His ribs were showing, as well as his collar bone and shoulders. There was something wrong here.

She just couldn't put her finger on it. He was wearing only some breeches that looked to be made out of the hide of a bear. His necklace was very pretty, it was a deep red gem sitting in the middle of a large V. The tops of the v were created to look like wings. She looked back up to his eyes and something in her eyes made his bow quiver just for a moment. That's when she threw her dagger at him and hit him square in the heart. He fell to the floor, unmoving. She walked over him reaching down only a moment to grab the necklace and her dagger.

Ambiens heart nearly fell out of his chest at the news. He knew this was coming but he didn't expect it to be today. Then he watched Atona jump on that horse of hers take off at a full run and grab Balfor. What was she thinking she was going to get herself killed? His heart was going to explode at this rate. He jumped up on his horse and rode off after her. He could hear Atona and Balfor talking about something but he was just too far behind to know what it was. As he reached the village he noticed a horse beside him. Without looking he knew it was Jaden. He could see the dwarves in tight battle next to his kin folk. The attacking elves with their fire red hair and distinct markings were from the Fire Tribe. This tribe had been after his people for years. What exactly for, no one really knew.

This hate for each other was started long ago about the time of Atonas Grandparents it was rumored. An elf came running at him attempting to push him off his horse. Ambien was swift with the sword and cut him down where he stood. Jumping off the horse he was ready for battle. Jaden beside him sword ready. "What is going on? These are elves attacking elves. I don't understand why they would attack your village." Jaden said. Swinging his blade at an attacking elf whose blade barely missed Jadens' ribs.

"It's the Fire Tribe. They have been at war with us for as long as I can remember. They have always hated our clan and no one knows why." Ambien said. His blade making an overhead block of an arrow that was coming from the trees near by.

"Where did Atona disappear to? Did you happen to see where she went?"

"No, I missed it. We need to get to some cover. They are shooting at us from over there in the bushes." Ambien said indicating the trees to their left.

"I think she ran inside. Your parents are on the balcony. Our attackers from the trees are coming at us. They are on fire."

"It's not real fire. It's magical. Remind me to thank my sister."

"Will do." They inched their way towards the stairs of the palace. Fighting all the way. Slowing walking up the stairs they were met by Balfor and his kinfolk running elves out of the palace. Yelling and screaming all the way.

The elves were retreating, the village was yelling for joy. Ambien turned to look up at the balcony where his parents where and seen Atona holding her crying sister. He waved at his parents who had a concerned look on their face. The baby? Where was the baby? Jaden must have noticed at the same moment, for he growled with deep anger. He had to help her find that baby. His brother was going to be devastated if he couldn't find his daughter. She had to be here somewhere. Where was Andrianna? The baby could be with her. Let's hope the baby is with her. A baby was crying somewhere. Where though?

Looking behind them they could hear the baby in the woods. No. They couldn't have taken the baby with them. Both men started running towards the woods and the sound. They dashed under branches, jumped over logs following the sound of the little girl. Finally they came upon a bush that was burning in magical fire. The baby was sitting under the bush hiding.

"Look, no wonder she is crying they frightened her with the fire." Jaden said reaching down to pick her up. She came scurrying out of the bush with arms up waiting for him to pick her up. She stopped crying once she seen them.

"Jaden, they didn't cast that magic there. I believe she did."

"What do you mean?" Jaden said with a great deal of confusion.

"I mean, they can't cast magic. I have never seen them cast it, and they are very frightened of magic. They couldn't have put that on them. I have seen my sister do that same magical trick however. Where is she anyway?"

"I'm right here." A pretty voice said from the tree above them.

"Thank goodness your ok. Why aren't you with mother and father where you will be safe." Ambien said motioning for her to come down.

"In case you haven't noticed I'm fine. They didn't even know I was up here. I was running along the branches, shooting them from up here. I came up here when I seen them run out of the palace with the baby. Then I watched them drop her after she cast the fire on them. She scurried under that bush, and when some other elves came to get her she put that magic on the bush."

"That's amazing to be able to use her magical ability at such a young age." Ambien said, taking her from Jaden to look her over.

"It is amazing, but it's not going to go over well with my family. Let's get her back to her momma. My sister-in-law is going nuts I'm sure." Jaden said turning back towards the village.

"What do you mean? Your family will have a problem with her natural ability." Ambien asked.