
ATLAS:Golden Age Of Kai

DriasBakakh · ファンタジー
1 Chs

An Air of Change Part 1

Deep in the dark recesses of space, surrounded by an abyss blacker than black itself, a glimmer of light hurled itself at unfathomable speeds across the cosmos.

As the ball of red fiery energy hurled itself in comet-like fashion towards earth, akin to sperm and egg wise ones began to feel its otherworldly presence.

(East Asia, Unknown)

Meditating atop a large rock, an elderly man sat in utter stillness. Seeming to not even breathe , his long white beard and loose fitted robe-like garments swayed in the wind like waves in an ocean . His skin, bearing a tan almost peach colored complexion, appeared to glow highlighting his obvious asian features. Coupled with a blinding glare from his almond shaped bald head and a very thin bright barrier-like outline, an almost divine presence exuded faintly from his body .  His face, appearing to be weathered by the trials and tribulations of life , holstered also the refinement and stoicism befitting of a true master.

As the comet approached , still a distance too great to even calculate, his closed eyes jumped quickly. Forming a small ruffle on the left side of his forehead, his attention drew upwards as something appeared to catch his attention. With a slight smirk barely escaping his wrinkled face , he couldn't hide a look of playful suspicion.

(United States Las Vegas, Nevada)

30 floors high amid the rustle and bustle of the non-stop party below, noise from the festivities echoed through the open window of an enormous loft.

On a red satin leather sofa, a very large middle aged man sat unmoving seemingly deep in thought . The room,  filled with a wide variety of expensive paintings, turkish carpets and luxurious trinkets,  gave off a grayish hue from the smoke of a large cigar that sat burning almost halfway finished Between his huge fingers.

He was dressed in a very fine green suit: golden spirals and patterns aligning the bottom of each pant leg and arm sleeve. One arm was rolled up revealing an enormous brown arm with bulging muscles and a myriad of very tribal-esque tattoos. Beneath the opened suit coat , a black tank top was decorated in a plethora of golden chains that sparkled from the moving lights dancing back and forth in their reflection.

Staring out of the window overviewing the large metropolitan area, His face , although shrouded in a black silhouette from the shade of the setting sun, revealed a deep scar from the tip of his forehead to the base of his neck.

With one last gulp from the hand occupying a glass of a rust brown liquid , only the east sky seemed to garner his intense gaze .

(London, England )

A light crackling sound can be heard  from the trickling fireplace as it partially illuminated the old school lavish town house. Twinkling in and out of sight, a golden brilliantly designed keychain of a phoenix can be seen dangling from the belt loop of a perfectly creased red dress-pant leg.

A man is shown staring out of a 10 ft pane glass window. Behind him, a heavy paper-populated brown desk and large polar bear rug sat side by side. With both hands buried deep in his pockets, His pants were draped almost seamlessly over two fine brown dress shoes revealing just enough to see an inch of blue from his socks.

The dimly lit ambiance masked his top half almost completely, showing only the back outline of a medium sized slender man with long hair tied in a ponytail: its blonde tips reaching partially beneath about his black belt.

Several minutes go by , the daunting silence is penetrated by 3 brief calm knocks.


In walks a slightly taller athletically built man cloaked in a Red hood.

The hood completely covered his frame, shrouding it in a stiff thick wool fabric: gold trimming around the edges of the arms , legs and head area. The pale whiteness of his rough veiny hands, the only distinguishing feature seen sticking out from the garment , sported a nub on his left pinky finger.

Dropping to his knees in an almost knightly manner:

"Sir, everything is in order. We are ready to move at your command."

".... 8.....8...8"

The man mumbled slowly and softly to himself just loud enough so only he can hear . 

With one last look up at the sky in a particular direction , he turned from the window to face his kneeling general.

With his upper half still clad in darkness , the man's blacked out face revealed a pair of intensely focused almost cat-like yellow eyes.

The eyes glimmered with an ominous glow revealing black infinity symbols centered in each pupil.

"Leoke, I have somewhere I need you to go" he said firmly, almost like giving an order.

"But Sir , the ritu-"

"There's a small city in the southernmost region of the states where we lost contact with two of our own.

It could be nothing but ... I have a feeling a certain man will be making an appearance"

" My lord, surely this is a task for the lowe-"

"The two we lost,  where dwellers of the 5th Gate"

"The 5th!? "

The man kneeling replied, a mix of curious suspicion and a tinge of caution In his voice .

"As you know , dwellers of the 5th are not easily subdued. Losing contact with two of them at that,  and now of all times .... it's no coincidence. It must be him.

After all these years .."

He said gripping his chin slightly in a pondering stance .

"The 5th Gate of The eye ... it's definitely a master or higher... but who could ...-" he said to himself with a pondering expression.

"Leoke , you are to take three 4th Gates, Two 5th gates and Ghazi with you and leave at once.

First thing tomorrow morning , you head out for New Orleans , Louisiana ."

"Master surely we don't need a force big enough to take an entire city "

"Enough. You are to investigate and report back immediately.

If you find a man with a red crimson aura do not engage"

" To warrant a team of this caliber..."

Leoke said , still a bit confused .

"Who is this guy ? "


"They call him the Red Moon"

"Red Moon!??? The one who .."

He said , somewhat changing his tone from casual confidence to an almost hesitant curiosity.

"Yes , he may still walk among us"

" As you command" Leoke says , as he got up,

bowed and turned to exit the room