
Athena the Hardhearted (English)

Ever since her father left them, Athena has felt hatred and anger with all her life. She became even more a man hater when her twin died because her twin's boyfriend cheated on her. She promised that she would never love or trust a man. She better off alone than be with someone. But there were two men who messed up her peaceful life. Aki Rae Lumier who is the most annoying, persistent and naughty guy following her around. And Eren Porter, the mysterious guy. Which of the two will get her heart of stone? _______________

Kyx_Belle · 都市
1 Chs


Hi good day!

If you want to continue reading and curious what will be happen on ATHENA THE HARDHEARTED next chapters, please do follow me at GoodNovel and Libri my username is KYX on GoodNovel and on Libri is KYXBELLE. I already have five chapters there! Thank you! Hope to see you there!