
Updated Boy

Noa: "It's not that I'm not glad to see you again. I am. But what happened? My grandparents told me that your parents split up. I spent each summer waiting at the park for you guys. I have... So much has happened."

Kazu: "Don't sound so sad... You're going to make me cry."

Noa: "I'm sorry, I'm just happy is all. I didn't think I'd see you guys again."

Kazu: "I felt the same way. But everything is fine now."

Hiro: "Yeah man we're all here now. Just like before."

- He is right, just like before they came to seek me out when I was alone. I haven't even bothered to ask how they are doing.

Noa: "What happened. If you don't mind me asking."

Hiro: "You were right our parents did split up. after a while, they started seeing each other again. After a year they got back together. They married just last year though. So now we're all..."

Kazu: "We're all a big happy family!"

Hiro: "Yeah family..."

Kazu: "Anyways, I think we should get going."

Hiro stands up "I'm going to go use the restroom."

- Wonder what's going through his mind he seems distracted.

Kazu: "Want to walk with me to next period?"

Noa; "Y-eah...Sure."

- Maybe it's just all in my head.

Noa: "Alright I got my stuff, let's head out."

Noa and Kazu walk down the hallway together.

Kazu "How do you like this school so far?"

Noa: "Uh, it's good..."

- Ah! She's so close! I wonder, maybe she doesn't know?

Noa gently smiles in an attempt to clue her in. Kazu smiles back and then abruptly grabs his arm, causing Noa to become flushed which puts him on edge with a surge of lightning up his spine.

Kazu: "Remember when we were kids? We would always walk like this."

Noa "Y-yeah."

- Why does it feel like we're moving in slow motion?

When she realized what she had done. She quickly lets go of him.

Kazu: "Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

- Why is she acting shy now... Maybe she realized that we were walking alone. A guy with a girl this close, at our age, that would be inappropriate.

Noa: "It's ok I-I really didn't mind. I-it's just. I wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea."

Kazu stops walking.

Kazu: "The wrong Idea..."