
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · ファンタジー
52 Chs

A deal with...

The capital was upside down because the rumblings of that cry for freedom still reverberated through the whole city.

The figure of that young man who threw a fist at those that chose to ignore the cruel and horrible reality of the kingdom.

The questions and thoughts that no one dared to express because of the fear that hanged their necks with the words of "justice" as the executioner.

That and much more happened because of that young man who was now in the principal´s office receiving his fair prize.

"In the name of Xerxes, I make available your victory against the noble Dominus and guarantee your, and your companion´s place as noble students of this institution. Congratulations, Mister Dominique, Mistress Isabella"

We exchanged a high five and received a medal for winning the first fight in the academy´s semester.

The combat was settled with any of the parties agreeing on betting something apart from expelling, so there was no need for us to stay and negotiate anything with the losers.

Dominus was outside waiting for his turn, and if I could say something about his state of mind... Then that would be that it doesn´t look good...

It is a bit sad, but he knew what he was getting when he accepted the fight, so bear with the consequences.

"The president of the student council requested your presence, so please go to his office before classes start"

"Understood, Miss Principal. If you excuse us"

We left the room and walked in the hallways with proud chests. Soon we found Jasmine waiting for us at a long distance from where Dominus was.

He only gave us a sore groan when he saw us, his eyes dead like a fish out of water.

Poor bastard...

"Welcome back master. Isabella. You did a great job"

She showed us a genuine smile, and with that, I was sure that my job was done for the moment.

"I told you I´d give you a nice seat and show"

"And you sure did"

Before I could react, her lips landed on my cheek.


"Hey now! Don´t take advantage of the mood"

"Ehehe. Sorry, no can do"

Then my arm was trapped by her body, her face practically sticking onto mine with cuddles and cute sounds akin to a cat.

"Y-Y-You don´t act as a maid at all!!! What is that skinship?!"

Isabella was bright red for whatever reason, probably because the affection displayed by my maid was too much for her to endure.

"We have a special relationship, we are not just a master and his servant. You should consider that when I´m giving him some love"


She turned to look at me as if searching for answers with a face that could only be described as amazed.

"Well... It is more or less like that... Though it would be the love of a sister or a cousin, not of a lover..."

Yes. For me, Jasmine was like a relative. I had Verónica so there was no way for me to look at her with loving eyes. I thought it was pretty clear with my responses, but I said it out loud just in case.

"Hmmm... A relative huh... I guess it´s fine for the moment... I still have that kiss in any case..."


"That was an unrealistic thing to do during a very sensible circumstance! Nothing else!"

Isabella´s soul left her body for a moment, but she quickly got herself together and embarked on a journey toward my free arm.

"You too?!"

"If she can then me too! I´m your partner! Your best friend! Your companion! Your sister in arms!!"

"All right! All right! I get it! Just keep it down!"

All the ruckus was unbearable at this point, so I chose to just accept it and continue with our way.

"Let´s just see what the prince wants, okay?"

"That´s fine by me"

"For me too!"

"Then let go of my arms!"



As I could, I reached the student council office with both girls at my side.

Tock! Tock!

"Come on in"

I opened the door with the same leg that I used to knock and entered the room.

"My, oh my... You´re all a lady killer, Dominique"

"Screw you, popsicle"

Understanding that this was not the time to be childish, both girls let go of my arms.

"Where is-"

"The vice president is currently busy taking care of some issues, but don´t worry, she´ll be here soon enough"

"Heh, that woman doesn´t know when to stop, does she?"

"Indeed she doesn´t"

The prince and I shared a short chuckle. This caused the rest of the students to look at us with strange looks.

"S-So, you knew each other from before, president?"

Who asked him that was the treasurer of the council.

It was a young boy with long green hair that matched his gentle and fragile appearance. You could even mistake him for a girl if it wasn´t for the uniform. Even his voice was kind of high-pitched for a man.

He introduced himself a while ago, but I was too busy to hear him.

"Hey, Jasmine, who is he?" I whispered.

"I think he was called, Alfonse Roe Ventus... The son of a count in the east side of the capital"

To summarize, someone a bit important.

"You could say we have seen each other before... Isn´t that right, Miss Jasmine?"

My maid frowned but answered with grace: "Yes, your majesty"

"Oh? Well, seems like you are fulfilling your part of the deal, I´m happy to see that"

"Let´s not talk about that here, yhea?"

"True, forgive me for that"

Yet again, the other members of the student council were shocked.

"Prince Nicholas! Did you have a friend like this?! An irregular?! That´s why you said all those things right?!"

Now, a tall girl of great bust spurred a barrage of words to Nicholas. Her hair, unlike the tomgirl, was blue, short, and combed to the sides. She had a loud voice and seemed too full of energy.

Not my type of girl, to be honest. Even so, I remembered her name.

"Berenice Dia Worer. A class representant shouldn´t get involved in the personal matters of others"

"!! I-I was just curious!"

"Then seize that curiosity"

My statement earned a gulp from her throat and a quick step backward.

"Dominique, I understand that you have to make a point, but that attitude is unnecessary towards my council"

"Better play safe, prince"

Nicholas gave me a long sigh in response. Isabella pinched my arm and Jasmine gave me a thumbs-up.

"Yhea, alright, sorry... Anyway, you wanted to see us, why?"

My short-assed apology was dismissed as fast as I changed the subject. Berenice didn´t seem to mind since she stayed behind the president with a tired face.

"Well, you don´t want to wait for Verónica to arrive here?"

"There´s no need for that, I´m sure she already knows of your plans anyway"

A sly smirk appeared on the prince´s lips. Seems like I hit the jackpot.

"If that´s the case then I´ll be short"

We all prepared mentally for some reason. The mood had drastically changed, and the air felt cold.

"Dominique. Isabella. I want you both to be part of the new disciplinary committee"


This offer was out of all my plans. Me? As part of the academy´s disciplinary committee?

Was there a disciplinary committee in the original story?

No. The answer is no.

This change... It must be a reaction to Dominus' premature expelling... Or maybe to my speech... Or both...

In any case. The offer is there.

The question is... Will I take it?...

"... I have a few questions first..."

"As you should... Ask away"

"Why us?"

"The new semesters give us an opportunity for changes. Improvement. And your recent victory and speech of freedom is the perfect referent to change the culture in our academy. This will benefit both you and the kingdom. Having a major acceptance in the irregular population will grant our military power with great warriors while the irregulars begin to be seen with better eyes before society. You two must be the example of that"

Isabella got closer and whispered in my ear.

"It makes sense, but I don´t like the way he thinks about us"

She´s right, but I can´t completely blame Nicholas. He IS the prince of Asphyxia, and as such he has a predetermined thought process. There´s no way we can change something like that with one flashy fight.

"We understand your point, but not all irregulars wish to serve in the army, if we are to do this, there are things we have to make clear first"

Nicholas rested deeper into his long chair and nodded. "State your conditions"

Before continuing I turned to Jasmine and Isabella, I grabbed their arms and walked to a corner of the room where they couldn´t hear our conversation.

"First of all, Isabella. Do you want to do this?"

"I´ll go with you if you decide to join"

"I see... Jasmine? Your thoughts?"

"... As much as I hate to admit it... That bastard has a point. You are a new hope for irregulars. If you show an exemplary attitude here the reputation of all irregulars may change forever in the capital... I don´t think is a bad opportunity, but as you said before, we need to clarify some things"

We all agreed on the fact that being part of this new committee was a good chance for all of us, and at the same time, we all felt like there was a darker reason for this prince to give us an opportunity like this.

Like the devil´s whisper...

Should we listen to him?...