
At War With My Luna

Rejected and banished by her mate, the alpha, after she told him she was pregnant with her child. Feeling betrayed and broken, Rachel swore to return with a new pack and have her revenge by killing her mate and his whole pack that didn't stop her banishment. In her journey to find a new pack, she discovers that she was actually a Luna, and she had the power to destroy the world if used wrongly. Does Rachel let revenge consume her and the whole world or does she reconnect with the one that betrayed her?

Madubuko_Nzube · ファンタジー
42 Chs

The Chase

"I will get you out," Elvis turned into a gigantic wolf, he had stripped brown and white furs, and then he sat me on his back. "Hold tight, it will be a rough ride," Elvis said, and then he jumped out of the castle's window. He landed safely on the ground, I looked up to the sky, the full moon was still out. "Hold tight," he said once again, then he ran out into the street, the gentle and cold breeze caressed me as we ran through the town's pathway. Seeing the clear path and remembering how massive the world is gave me a little comfort, I grabbed onto Elvis' furs, my strength slowly started to come back to me. Suddenly, on both sides, werewolves in wolf form appeared, werewolves from the pack.

Kyrian, Jon, Danny, Cherry, Phil, we all played together as kids, we hunted together, we fought and bled together. Something was different about them this night as they ran behind us, I couldn't say what it was but I knew something was wrong. Suddely, Kyrian leapt forward and tried to reach me with his claws. Elvis dodges instantly fortunately, but a claw caught my arm and it tore through my skin.

"What are they doing?" I asked Elvis in fear.

"Expect more of them, Azriel promised to reward anyone that brings him your heard"

"Why? What have I done to deserve such cruelty?" I cried as I spoke, the world was spinning in my eyes, as Elvis ran through the town's pathway. From five, the werewolves chasing us grew to fifteen. They were beginning to gain in on us, but Elvis wouldn't stop running, he was running at unimaginable speed. Twenty more werewolves joined the party but none of them could reach us. The werewolves jumped, slashed and bit but none of them could reach us. We kept running until we ran out of the town, all of them suddenly stopped right at the town's border, they watched a we entered the forest surrounding the town. We ran and ran for hours, and then Elvis stopped. I got down from his back, then he turned back to his human form.

"Thank you."

"It's alright." Elvis said with his eyes filled with pity. "I am sorry,"

"Why, why is Azriel doing all of this?"

"I will tell you the truth Rachel, Azriel has found another mate."

My heart stopped, my soul sank, I felt a tight knot inside of my stomach

"Why? I thought he loved me" Tears rolled down my cheek.

"This is all I can say, stay safe Rachel, I will tell you everything when we meet again." Elvis turned into his wolf form and ran off into the night.

I looked around; it was just me in that dark and thick forest and I was the only one there. I got up to my feet and started walking and walking, I was lost so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even know where I was going. I walked for two days, my face shrunk, the color of my cloth faded, suddenly I dropped to the floor and lost consciousness. The last thing I saw before I passed out was the crescent moon hanging in the sky. Slowly I drifted into a dream, I saw myself in a strange wolf form, fighting against hoards of vampires.

An intense burning sensation on my skin woke me up. I opened my eyes to find myself lying in the middle of a desert. The sand stretched out into the horizon, "Where am I?" was the only thought in my head as I stood and moped at the heaps and heaps of sand. The scorching heat from the sun burned my skin, I had to get to somewhere so I started walking. I walked till midnight and I still couldn't find anything that was not sand. My throat was dried up, and I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I sat down on the sand, maybe this is 'where I die' was the only thought in my head until a violent breeze hurled me face first into the sand. I fought fiercely against the wind to get back to my feet, when I finally did. I turned around and to my horror a gigantic sand storm was headed towards me. I started running as fast as my legs could take me but that wasn't enough, the storm swallowed me up. The speed of the hot Sand and dust gushing right into my eyes, mouth and eyes knocked me out.

I opened my eyes to a tent; I was lying on a mat, covered with a big blanket. All round the tent hug herbs and bottles of different mixtures of different medicines. Then right beside my bed sat a jar of burning incense. An old man opened the tent's curtain and walked in, he had no single hair on his head, he had wrinkles all over and walked with the support of a stick. "You are finally awake," the old man said, his voice was both calm and friendly. "I went out to bring some herbs for you."

"Where am I?" I placed my forearm on the floor to support me sit. "I wouldn't suggest you do that" Before the old man could finish, I sat down, the blanket on me slipped off my body revealing my bare breasts. My first turned red, I instantly pulled the blanket back up to cover my nakedness. "Who are you? What did you do with me? Where are my clothes?" I coiled up into a ball, fear slowly started to creep into my bones.

"Relax, I am the reason you are still breathing" The Old Man dropped the leaves in his hand on the floor. "How are you feeling?" The old man walked closer to me to take a closer look at my face.

"I am fine" I replied in a low tune.

"Normally, people will die if they went through what you passed through, but here you are still alive and healthy. In my eighty three years o being alive, this is the first time I an witnessing the healing powers of a Luna" The old man spoke with this glow in his eyes.

"Luna? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You didn't know? The Luna appears once every one thousand years; she is blessed by the moon itself. The Luna has abilities werewolves could only dream of, she could heal herself, harness the power of nature and travel under the crescent moon at the speed of light. There is so much more the Luna can, but all that was lost in history" My eyes was about to pop out as I listened to him speak.

"Me? Luna? How could you be so sure about that, you must be mistaken?"

"The proof is right in front of you, you are alive and well. I watched your body heal itself, matter of fact" The old man pulled out a knife from his garment and throws it tip first towards my face. Reflexively, I instantly put my hand up in front of my face, and the knife pierced right through the skin of my palm.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled as blood gushed out of my palm.

"Remove the knife and watch" The old man said, showing zero remorse o what he just did

I dragged the knife out from my hand, and my wounds healed up immediately, my jaws dropped.

"This is not my secret to tell, so I will tell no one. But I must give you one advice; you have the power to do great good or great evil in your hands. And I hope you do only good things with it." The old man turns around to leave the tent, "When you are ready, you should come outside and meet everyone." The old man walked out of the room.

As I laid down there and stared at the ceiling, memories of the past few days flooded my head. My mate betrayed me, banished me from my pack, and sent my own friends to kill me. My chest felt like I have bags of cement stored in it, it was heavy; tears trickled down my face from my eyes. 'How could he do that to both me and his child?'

'I will never forget or forgive what he did to me, I will birth my child and raise him to be strong. Then one day I am going to make him feel every single pain I felt, he will pay for betraying both his child and me.'