
At the very start! I Sign-in from a Dragon God?!

Raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 [ Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning ] (Translation ) Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang-kun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: you...have to fulfill our engagement.... Su Yang: Ophis, don't look at me like that I am not a dragon raider... (DxD—Strike the blood —Campione.....etc. ) ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · 書籍·文学
27 Chs

Become a Devil ?I Refuse!


As soon as Serafall saw Su Yang, she widened her big, watery eyes, looking pitiful.

The charm of a magical girl... no, a demon girl, is terrifying!

"What happened?"

Seeing Serafall like this, Su Yang already had a pretty good idea of what she was going to say.

"Su... Su-kun... Sona-chan~~~ Sona-chan doesn't want me anymore~~~"

Serafall clung to Su Yang's leg in a very un-demon-like manner. Su Yang, feeling a bit strange, just silently nodded.

Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.

"Sona-chan said... Sona-chan said she doesn't like me being close to her anymore~~ She even kicked me out~~ Su-kun~~"

Serafall's black hair was tied into twin tails, her fair face full of love, with a small nose and thin lips pouting slightly, showing her dissatisfaction with Sona.

Her eyes sparkled like stars, and a hint of cunning flashed through them when Su Yang wasn't looking.

"Okay, okay!~~ I understand. If Miss Serafall doesn't mind, you can stay at my house tonight."

Su Yang smiled as he spoke.

He knew this was Serafall's purpose for coming to his house. Even if he hadn't suggested it, she would have made the request herself.

"Mm-hmm!~~ Thank you, Su-kun~~ Su-kun, you're the best~~~"

Serafall lifted her head from Su Yang's leg, looking at him with big, sparkling eyes.

"Alright, come in first. You can rest for now."

Su Yang led Serafall into his small villa.

He wasn't worried about his parents coming back and misunderstanding that he had a beautiful girlfriend because his parents had passed away in a car accident two years ago.

"Mm-hmm!~~ Thank you, Su-kun~~"

Serafall showed no hint of her demonic authority.

In fact, none of the Four Great Satans of the Underworld seemed very demonic; they all looked and acted like good people.

"Here's some tea, please enjoy."

Su Yang brought two cups of hot tea and spoke gently.

"Oh!~~~ Is this the unique beverage of this country?"

Serafall, as if she had found a treasure, carefully picked up the hot tea in front of her.

"That's right."

Su Yang nodded.

He had only one thought at this moment.

You silly woman, do you know you're interrupting my studies? If I could beat you, I'd definitely pin you to the sofa and give you a good spanking!

"By the way!~ I heard that Su-kun joined Sona-chan's student council? I thought only Sona-chan's followers could join. How did you manage to get in?"

Serafall didn't seem to want to rest right now. Although she had indeed been kicked out by Sona, it wasn't as if she had to stay at Su Yang's house; the Underworld had many properties in the human world. She certainly had places to stay.

Her purpose for coming to Su Yang's house was clearly something else.

When Su Yang first saw her, he already knew, which is why he wasn't very fond of Serafall.

Unfortunately, he currently lacked the means to confront Serafall directly, so he let her in.

"Nothing much, just played a game of chess with Sona."

"Oh!~~ So, Su-kun, you beat Sona in chess?"

Serafall looked very impressed. She truly admired him because she had never seen Sona lose a game of chess before.

Even Sona's fiancé had been beaten to tears by her chess skills and had broken off their engagement.

"Yes, that's right."

"So... Su-kun must be very good at calculation and analysis. No wonder Sona-chan asked Ajuka for that thing... Oh!~~ By the way, did you open it?"

"I've used it, thanks to the president."

Su Yang knew Sona had obtained it for him but wasn't sure what price she had paid.

"Yes, you must work hard for Sona-chan~~~ She made a significant promise as the heir of the Sitri family for you!"

Serafall set her magic wand on the sofa.

"Really?" Su Yang squinted slightly.

It seemed Serafall's purpose was exactly as he had guessed: to persuade him, or rather, to emotionally appeal to him and maybe even give him a gentle warning.

"This is the biggest chip Sona can offer right now. She's just the next heir of the Sitri family, and such a promise might lead the family to make wrong decisions in the future."

Serafall waved her hand, her pink eyes serious.

Actually, it wasn't just about that. Ajuka had told her about her sister, and she had paid a price to get Ajuka's item.

"I will always remember Sona's help. If she needs me, I'll be there without hesitation."

Su Yang spoke sincerely.

He was a person who valued emotions deeply. If someone treated him well, he would repay them tenfold.

Sona had been very kind to him, even ensuring he never encountered the numerous stray devils and fallen angels in the area. This was partly due to his own algorithm, but also because of Sona's secret protection. She didn't want her student council members to miss school because of some insignificant stray devil.

Sona... no, Sona Sitri had been very good to him, and he would always remember that.

"So, how about becoming Sona-chan's servant? You'll gain immortality and increased strength!~~"

Serafall spoke excitedly.

This was her real reason for coming!~

She didn't care about Sona's request not to disturb Su Yang. She thought, "You've taken such a great favor from Sona-chan, you belong to her for life!~~"

"Become Sona's servant? You mean... become a devil?"

Su Yang squinted.

Was she finally showing her true intention?

"Yes, exactly~~ Look, you'd get immortality, the chance to be with Sona-chan forever, and maybe even your own territory! The Sitri family has a lot of land, equivalent to a small country."

Serafall proudly puffed out her chest.

To humans, Sona-chan is like a princess of a small country. She might even be a queen someday.

As Serafall was now a Satan, her name had changed from Serafall Sitri to Serafall Leviathan, so she couldn't inherit the Sitri family's land.

"No, not for now. I have no intention of giving up my human identity."

Su Yang smiled.

Sitri family territory? With enough strength, what couldn't he have?

If he had the power of the Infinite Dragon God or the Red Dragon Emperor, who would dare oppose him claiming the whole world as his territory?

"Eh?!~~ Why? Sona-chan has done so much for you!~~"

Serafall couldn't believe it. Do you think you're above this? She's the sister of a Satan!

Su Yang: I do think I'm above this.

"I will always remember Sona's kindness. If she needs me, I'll help without hesitation."

Su Yang earnestly promised.

"You don't want to become Sona-chan's servant? Even after she's done so much for you?~~" Serafall stared directly into Su Yang's eyes.

Was Sona-chan's judgment wrong?

"I want to repay her kindness, but I don't want to become a devil."

"And by the way, this magic wand is quite nice..."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?"

Serafall looked across and didn't see Su Yang.


She looked to the side and saw Su Yang next to her, playing with her magic wand!

"I'm just saying, if I wanted to leave, no one could stop me. You wouldn't want to force me to oppose Sona-chan, would you?"

Su Yang smiled.


Serafall quietly watched Su Yang. Even with her peak Satan-level power, she hadn't noticed when he moved next to her!

"Oh, by the way, if you want this crystal ball back, I can return it tomorrow."

Su Yang added.

Word count :1242

Ash_Paradoxcreators' thoughts