
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · 東方
37 Chs

Immortal Weaponary Refining Art

After leaving Elder Jin alone Patriarch Zhu came to Zhu Jia's room.

"Xiao Ai tell Jia'er that father want to meet." Patriarch Zhu said to young maid who is standing outside Zhu Jia room.

"Father..." then after some time Zhu Jia came out to meet her father.

"Come take a walk with father." Patriarch Zhu said as he moved forward and Zhu Jia silently followed the latter.

"Do you really like Xiu Luo?" Patriarch Zhu asked as he continued walking.

"..." Zhu Jia didn't reply but her silence gave the answer.

"Xiu Luo will come to eastern martial conference, do you want to participate in that." Patriarch Zhu asked again seeing his baby daughter silent. 

"Father will you take me to the eastern conference." Zhu Jia asked and her dull complexion changed and bloomed like a flower.

"Jia'er you have to see the world with your own eyes, what you see and hear from others are just a false image." Patriarch Zhu said.

"Yes father." Miss Jia replied while looking down.

"Jia'er I want you to go out and experience the world." Patriarch Zhu said with serious tone.

"Father can I really go out." Zhu Jia asked in disbelief because her father is protective of her and from the recent incident she thought that her father won't even let her out of the Clan.

"Yes, with this it will hide your Heavenly Bloodline." Patriarch Zhu took out a yellow talisman which gives a powerful aura and Patriarch Zhu send it to Zhu Jia's dantian and the talisman integrated with Zhu Jia's Bloodline.

"Jia'er I am going into seclusion so take care." Patriarch Zhu said with low voice.

"Father why do you want to go into seclusion, when you had just return from seclusion." Zhu Jia asked in confusion.

"Jia'er after two years we don't know what will happen in eastern region." Patriarch Zhu said looking to the sky.

"Father why do you say so." Zhu Jia asked with concern.

"You know that you are not the only one with Heavenly bloodline and there is even more stronger bloodline in holy dragon sect.

And if I am not wrong, holy dragon sect will try to unify the eastern region." Patriarch Zhu said.

Heavenly bloodlines are Special type of constitutes possessed by the cultivators which help them infinitely in cultivation and make them grasp special abilities and techniques limited to them. Heavenly Bloodline is brought innately but they can be transplanted from one person to another by unique methods. But Heavenly bloodlines also have distinction as Li Ningxue bloodline is stronger than Zhu Jia.

So that's why Patriarch Zhu said to his baby daughter to encourage her but Zhu Jia's answer left Patriarch Zhu speechless.

"Father you are strong and with grandfather present who will dare to attack our Zhu clan." Zhu Jia said smiling. From Zhu Jia's words it can be seen that Elder Jin didn't lied to Xiu Luo telling that Zhu Clan is no weaker than the imortal sect.

"Haa...Silly girl if father and other ancestors are present in our clan than there are also monsters present in immortal sects and remember you should not rely on other strength too much."

"I hope you understand after the incident." Patriarch Zhu advised Miss Jia.

"Yes father I understand, but still I will rely on you and grandfather. Heeehee." Zhu Jia replied while laughing like a mischievous girl and hug her father.

"Haa...you..." Seeing this Patriarch Zhu gave up and had long sigh and smiled at his baby daughter like doting father.


It was late night and Xiu Luo is sitting in front of bonfire which he lit up and silently eating the meat which be had roasted.

After eating he removed the storage bag and check the items, and there are many treasures in the storage bag. And he removed some items. "This..." xiu Luo was shocked because there are things that he didn't ask but Patriarch Zhu had provided him.

The items like hammer, furnace and the other important tools which is used to refine the weapons.

"I think I owe too much to Patriarch Zhu." Xiu Luo muttered himself as he felt warm. 'Patriarch Zhu I won't forget your kindness and in the future I will definitely repay the favour.' Xiu Luo decided to repay the favour not because he doesn't want to be owed by someone but till now no one had showed him any kindness except some people like Li Ningxue and old Fen.

'There are spirit herbs, many other exotic herbs and many materials for weapon refinary and a scroll.' Xiu mutteres as he checked, then he found the scroll.

"But first refine some spiritual potion to recover and then start the refining." Xiu Luo muttered because he still not recovered his spiritual sea completely which had depleted during the process of saving Zhu Jia and other ladies.

Xiu Luo brought out the cauldron which is given by the patriarch Zhu.

The treasures Patriarch Zhu had given were high grade spirit cauldron, high grade refining hammer and other refining material.

The weapon and artifacts were devided into (low, middle and high grade) weapons

Yellow grade weapons, Spirit grade weapons, Earth rank weapons, Heavenly weapons and immortal grade artifacts or armaments.

Immortal grade armaments ( Half royal armament, Royal armament, Half imperial armament and Imperial armaments). 

Now Xiu Luo have one spirit rank weapon which is of Elder Xu and he still didn't refine the weapon so he didn't used in previous fight.

He took out all weapons and laid down but Elder Xu's sword started trembling as it has its own consciousness. Seeing this Xiu Luo took out the broken sword piece which he got with both golden fire and black lightening and kept beside Elder Xu's sword and the sword stop trembling and became silent.

Sensing this Xiu Luo chuckled because the broken sword piece doesn't have any strength left but it still showing its dominance like a king.

Then Xiu Luo opened the scroll and as usual golden fire and black lightning came and burned the scroll and the letters flowed into his conciousness in spiritual sea and Xiu Luo muttered while mediating "Immortal Weaponary Refining Art"

Refining artifact was divided into three stages and are Smelting, Tempering and Forming

Smelting can be done as long as one had the material, then one could smelt it with the appropriate flame. The length of smelting affected the quality of the weapon.

For Tempering, there were plenty of methods to do so. The simplest way was to use a hammer to temper the metal. But generally, this method could only be applied when making low-level equipment. As for high-level items, one generally used the spiritual force in addition to their own strength in order to temper the materials. Materials hammered using this method would become stronger.

Forming is crucial step, if one wanted to make a natal weapon. The weapons used by each person were different. So forming is done with people own features and the user's habit. If one wanted to make a weapon for himself, then they would need to be careful in the forming process. One must make a weapon that one was accustomed to. This way, one would not need to take a long time to use the weapon to their full potential.

If the cultivator is making a natal weapon then the weapon growth will upgrade with its master cultivation and does not exceed its master cultivation base. As for growth of weapon the master should supplement the material and treasures.

Normal mortal weapons- Spiritual qi gathering realm

The yellow grade weapon- Foundation establishment realm 

Spirit rank weapons - Core formation realm 

Earth rank weapons - Nascent soul realm 

Heaven rank weapons- Hollow spirit realm

Immortal half royal weapons - Half immortal king realm

Immortal Royal weapons - Immortal king realm 

Immortal Half imperial weapons - Half immortal emperor realm

Immortal Imperial weapons - Immortal Emperor realm

And every weapons were divides into low grade, mid grade and high grade quality similar to early, intermediate and late stage in cultivation rank.

"First lets refine the potion to recover and increase the cultivation base then I will start refing the weapon." Xiu Luo took out the cauldron given by Patriarch Zhu and brought out the golden fire and start the process of refing and in one hour he refined all the low rank spirit herbs and stored in bottles. The process finished early with many potion because golden fire had absorbed the two beast fires. After that he swallowed the refined portions.