
Asura in a Magical World

After meeting an unfortunate end at the hands of the people he trusted most, Evan is reborn in a World of magic bringing with him the cause of his demise. Watch Evan as he grows from a naive and trusting person to the asura of the battlefield that wreaks havoc upon countless worlds.

DivineDeathy · ファンタジー
1 Chs



That's all I could wonder as I lay there on the cold hard ground slowly bleeding out. Just what did I do to deserve this.

"Why?" I finally asked as I glanced up at the man and woman that stood over my slowly dying body, hoping for an answer as to why they more specifically why he betrayed me.

"You Know why" was all the man said as he looked at his dying childhood friend.

Staring at the antique ring I had found by chance on the market on my finger, I finally started to understand why they had betrayed me. Afterall the ring was estimated to be worth 500,000 USD and has being around for at least 1000 years.

' But to think that my own best friend would betray me over money' How absurd, I truly underestimated the greedy of humanity didn't I.

"I was already planning on giving you some of the money, So why, JUST WHY!! DID YOU BETRAY ME!!" I shouted hysterically as despair started to set in and I feel my body and senses being consumed by darkness.

"Why should I settle for such a low sum of money when I could get even more and finally escape from these slums?" The man asked with a sneer slowly forming on his lips as he looked at his old friend acting hysterically.

Turning to the woman beside him dressed in a black business suit he continued.

"Do you even know the true value of the ring your wearing?"

"Did you know that instead of just 500,000 its actually worth 3.5 million USD?"

"As long as I sell the ring with help of Angelica, I could make at least 1.5 Million" He stated while gesturing to the lady to the side of him with a smile on his face as he imagined how glorious the life he will be living soon with that much money while looking down at his friend.

"I see" was all I could muster to say as my eyes stared to close and I slowly lose consciousness while trying to remember the events leading up to this day and realizing how much of a fool I was.


Growing up in the slums and then losing my parents at a young age and then having to fend for myself I eventually started to mature faster than other children my age. I always made sure to do well in school as I thought it was the best way to escape from the slums, If only I knew then how cruel the world could be.

It didn't matter how smart and talented you are if your not a genius, only they could shine regardless of whether or not they had connections. No matter how hard I worked without the proper connections all my hard work was meaningless and all the opportunities that should have been mine became someone else's.

And even then I tired my best to keep a positive mindset and stay away from crime. To be honest I was scared, I was scared that the day I looked into they abyss it would devour me. So I did my best to stay away from it as best possible because I knew that all it took was just one small mistake to drastically alter my entire life.

Luckily I finally found a chance to turn my life around for the better. while touring the antique market I just happened to come across a bloodred ring with various glyphs on it being sold for a 100 USD. After buying the ring and deciding to get it checked out because of a nagging feeling that it was definitely worth more than the old vendor thought I contacted an old childhood friend James who had aways been there for me to help get it inspected and promising a 30% sum if it was actually worth something.

We finally found a professional inspector called Angelica, who after a day returned the ring to us estimating that it was worth at least 500,000 USD. Finally I thought, thinking that I had found a chance to truly better myself failing to notice the weird look my old friend was giving me.

After getting a promise from Angelica that she would help us get a buyer for a 5% commission. we left the antique shop and decided to go celebrate our newfound wealth. Weeks had gone by before Angelica contacted me again informing me about a buyer and giving me an address to meet her at to complete the deal.

Arriving at the destination the and stepping into the house where I would meet my eventual demise I saw Angelica and James conversing but thought nothing of it before greeting them. After exchanging greetings with the two, Angelica led me to the living room with James following shortly behind me. At first nothing was wrong until suddenly


As a bullet left my stomach from behind and I fell on the ground leading up to my current predicament.

(End of Flashback)

Feeling my heavy eyelids and realizing that my body was finally shutting down I couldn't help but chuckle to myself that in the end I was indeed devoured by the Abyss.

looking at the body of his now dead friend James turned to Angelica and curiously asked

"How exactly are we going to get rid of the dead body?"

"Don't worry cleaners will be here soon enough to take care of him, the only thing you need to worry about is how your going to spend your money" she smiled while replying and walking over to James who stood by the body.

"I Guess your right" replied James chuckling a bit before deciding to bend down and take the ring off his friends body only to realize.

"its gone"

"HOW THE FU*K IS IT GONE!!" He shouted as he started to search like a madman.

"What's gone?" Angelica asked with nervousness seeing how James was acting.

"The ring, THE FU*KING RING IS GONE!!" shames shouted.

"Impossible" was all she said as she quickly Pushed James aside and started to frantically search as well before realizing that the ring was indeed gone.

[A/N : This is just a short chapter meant to get the ball rolling as well as give some background on the Mc and who he is as a person. Enjoy and let me know if you have any tips to improve]