

"Hello Miss, I am sorry for my carelessness "

I replied

" I am sorry too, So, uhm... who might you be?" asked the girl who stood up and is wiping the dust off of her cloths.

"You can call me Ray" Ireplied and the girl replied "I am Christine, Christine von Grandina"

I stood there stunned, not because of her status but beauty. She was the most beautiful woman he had seen in all the years he had lived, second only to mother.

My face turned red as I stared deep into the beauty of Christine, as I fell more, I sank my eyes with joy into Christine's and apologized for my behaviour.

Christine confused on what was going on decided to follow along and apologized to me. But, hearing a maiden apologizing to me, Ray Von Sky, I took it quite seriously and lectured Christine about apologizing and the situations to do so in.

Christine however was even more confused on what was going on and why she was being lectured.

'Snap!' Something snapped inside of me and i confessed to her "Will you go out with me". Knowing very well that she was royalty of the kingdom and also not engaged to anyone.

Her reply,

Uhm..., OK i guess.