

I walked towards the centre of the circle, when the professor interrupted me and said, HURRY UP!

With embarrassment and anxiety I rushed towards there and stood right at the centre of the circle.

The professor instructed me on what to do and I followed it, Slowly releasing my powers and calling for the stars.

It slowly started to glimmer and suddenly a purple hue came up with enchanting purple curtains surrounding me.

There I heard a voice,

I am entrusting this little one to you.

I don't remember anything much about the time but when the purple hue started to fade, I felt faint presence on my hand which I had extended forward.

It looked like an egg, an unusual one at that. Since it has an abnormal look, staring at it felt like staring at the infinite sky. It was mesmerizing but slowly I started to realise that something was wrong, it was sucking up the strength from my hand, and slowly it started to brighten up.

The professor announced, How rare, a familiar that has no record about it. But from the magic circle I feel that it definitely is atleast an A rank or higher. But it just an egg, so until its true strength is identified it will be recorded as an F rank.

What? How? Why?

To Be Continued!