
The Unknown

This is the year 159 of the grandiose calendar.

yesterday Ray became 1 year old.

When he opened his eyes he saw a familiar roof, the same roof that he has been seeing for the past year when he opens his eyes. Only every once in a while could he see his mother, while he has never seen his father even once in the entire year.

He could now, although barely, understand them, after familiarising himself with those words for a year he is capable of speaking a little and responding with not much difficulty.He was now also able to walk around, although with great difficulty. But still he was not tall enough nor had the strength to climb the high cradle walls.

Now it is time for his daily sleep and the maids had just put him to sleep. But he was not able to get any close eyes and was wide awake. He was extremely bored and could not sleep. Suddenly, he had a tingling sensation, the same one he got every once in awhile in the past year. He would always ignore it as it was not really strong and only lasted about a second.

this time though it was a really strong one and he got the urge to focus on it again and again. This one lasted a longer time than the others and was really annoying. After a few more seconds he gave in to the urge and focused. Suddenly a blissfully warm sensation enveloped him. He thought to himself"What is this feeling it feels amazing". With his one year old mind not being able to suppress his curiosity, he focused more and more.

"CLANG!... CLANG CLANG!" Suddenly the sound of metal clashing roared through the window, breaking his mind. He was confused as he got so tired to even think about what the feeling he felt was. He gave out a big sigh of relief and said "the knights are training again, it seems." And then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.