
My turn

It's time to begin the ceremony, declared the professor incharge of this ceremony.

The names of the students where called one by one, after a while Christine's name was called for. I saw her standing up from her seat and heading towards the Summoning Circle.

A magic circle specifically designed for this Summoning ceremony.

She stood at the middle of the circle and released her mana as instructed by the professor, and then a bright glitter started to surround her enveloping her entire body.

Slowly, the glittering light turned into a bright pillar of light. After a while a hazy figure started to appear inside the pillar of light gradually becoming clearer and clearer.

Finally the pillar of light started to fade and I was able to see her , gracefully standing with her familiar on her hand, A gracefull bird with light blue feathers.

The professor, filled with excitement announced, How wonderful, the first A-Grade spirit of the year.

And a Blue Winged Dart at that.

Blue winged darts were a rarity in this age. They were excessively hunted for their feathers and magic stones as it was extremely valuable material for the Aristrocrats.

Having one of these as a familiar was considered to be the proof of one's beauty and strength.

Now, Although this is a momentful occasion, let's not delay the ceremony.

Next, Ray von Sky come to the circle.

I walked with a gentlemanly grace.

What is going to be Next!?