A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.
[Age of Fracture]
[Little Witch Eileen]
In the time of fracture, when Terminus was in a state of "peace", many strange occurrences had happened.
Elder Beasts vanishing.
Healthy men and women dying in their sleep.
Children going missing.
Even the stars seemed to shift and change.
It was an age of mysteries and darkness, one which most would rather forget.
However this age also gave rise to many fascinating miracles, one of which being the gifted prodigy known as Eileen.
Eileen was born and raised in a small village in the northeastern region of Resovult, a gifted child that all adored.
Her curiosity and bright personality brought joy wherever she went, though mischief was soon to follow.
For being one as curious and as gifted with magic as Eileen is a recipe for disaster.
Books would begin flying.
Flames danced with life.
Toads sang.
Anything the young girl could imagine, it happened.
Though soon enough tales of her abilities would get out, many seeing her as a miracle waiting to be exploited.
Soon thousands came from far and wide, seeking to use their power for her own.
Many tried to trick her into helping them, but each time she would trick them right back, making enemies with all who crossed the Little Witch's path.
All except for two you see.
The very last of the people who arrived were curious as well, a man and woman looking to recruit her as their apprentice.
The woman had long silken hair that shone like the sun, her eyes sparkling like jewels.
The man held untold wisdom in his eyes and a heartwarming smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts.
Together they made up a duo that studied any and all forms of magic, hoping to uncover secrets left behind by people like the Astral Lords.
When they heard of Eileen's talents they wanted to bring her along, help her learn more about magic than any magic school would.
After a long conversation the girl eventually agreed to be their apprentice, excited to learn all forms of magic and to get to see the world.
Though tragedy would strike not long after her journey would begin, for their roaming carriage was attacked and left abandoned by the wayside.
The mark of the Beast Lord's cult engraved upon the cart.
No one knows what happened to Eileen or the mages she was traveling with at the time, however rumors state that she managed to escape, using her powers to hop from reality to reality, now forever stuck in a dreamlike world.
Though those are likely just rumors… right?