
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Sisterhood

Genesis and Shella showed me around the HQ and around some parts of the city. Not only was our HQ in the city, but the 23rd Division, Shining Sisterhood, was also in Kaigake City. After learning this information, I began to grow curious about the two captains of the Shining Sisterhood. We bought all the clothes that I wanted and needed, and they got me a new phone and Yelt gave me Astral Contacts so I could communicate with everyone else like the rest.

"Alright, we got everything. Let's go take this back to HQ and get you all settled in." Shella said.

"Okay." I said then followed Shella and Genesis home.

We took a self driving rental car back to HQ. Once we made it, we got out and went inside of HQ. We carried our bags to the elevator then rode up to the home section of the base. Genesis took some bags to Mitsu and Mao Zheng then left a bag in front of Azusa's door. Shella and I entered her room then I set my bags on the bed.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" Shella asked and looked at me.

"For showing me around and getting me some new stuff. You honestly didn't have to do any of this. I was fine with how I was, but it was nice going out and hanging out and stuff of that nature." I said.

"Come on, you're my friend. I was more than happy taking you out and getting you new stuff. I did that with Mitsu and Mao Zheng. I like seeing my friends happy." Shella smiled.

I smiled and closed my eyes. "Anyway, about the Sisterhood. I'm curious about them actually. Who are the two captains and what are they like?"

Shella looked at me then took out her phone and showed me pictures of the two captains of the Shining Sisterhood. "The two captains are named Blaire Durendal and Violet Rosawelt. The true captain is Blaire as she's the fourth generation of the Durendal Bloodline. She's extremely powerful, strong enough to face off against multiple S-Tier Calamity Monsters by herself using her legendary weapon, a sword made from the scales of the SS Tier Calamity Monster, the Black Abyssal Dragon. Her sword is called the Shining Abyss."

"She's that strong and an SS Tier? I thought the highest was an S Tier! We damn there struggled to take down Froznaught and you're telling me she took down an SS Tier?" I asked.

"Well she didn't do it alone. She, of course, had her allies with her. No mortal being has been recorded to take down an SS Tier or even an SSS Tier or even an X Tier Calamity Monster alone. You don't wanna meet an X Tier Calamity Monster though. There aren't many of them and it's great that there aren't many of them." Shella said.

"An X Tier? How many ranks are there?" I asked.

"There's D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and X. An example of an X Tier would be the infamous Ichor Demon." Shella explained.

"Ichor Demon?" I asked.

"The Ichor Demon has many forms. His Half Human form, His Ichor form, His Full Power Ichor form, His Possession Form, and his Dragon Form." Shella answered.

"The only one who's ever seen the Ichor Demon face to face was Genesis's parents and Genesis herself. The Calamity Monster they were killed by was the Ichor Demon, but it wasn't just your normal death..." Shella said and shuddered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The Ichor Demon is the most sinister Calamity Monster to ever exist. He is more sinister than the Avatar of Calamity. More evil than the Ruler of Hell." Shella said, trying to divert from answering my question.

"What did he do? I can sympathize with Genesis. Did he make her watch her parents die like Kohaon did to me? Did he set her town into flames like Ragnyth did to mine?" I asked.

"He...used his Possession Form...to make her parents kill each other in front of Genesis. Genesis fully remembers every detail. Just don't ask her about it. The only reason I even told you is so you can understand how dangerous the Ichor Demon is. The Ichor Demon can literally be anyone if he's using his Possession Form. He still hasn't been killed and even after all of that...Kohaon is still stronger than the Ichor Demon, but the Ichor Demon isn't to be thought of lesser than anyone because of his sheer intelligence. He's the smartest Calamity Monster to ever exist." Shella explained.

"I see. Well thank you for trusting me enough with that information. I'd like to know more about the Calamity Monsters some time. Maybe we can go out and fight some for training purposes?" I asked.

"Yeah of course! There are some low ranking Calamity Monsters outside the city. The higher ranking beasts are usually in more secluded parts of the world. You won't really find any high ranking monsters like A to X Ranks where most of humanity is. They hang around places like deep in forests or inside of volcanos and caves." Shella said.

"Great. I'm ready to get some training in." I said.

"Before we send you out there to fight the monsters though, you'll need to know the basics. I'll have Mitsu and Mao Zheng teach you the basics of Astral and you can come to me, Azusa, and Genesis for the more important bits. However, before we start that, I'm gonna take you over by the Shining Sisterhood's HQ so you can meet the allies that Azusa has been working hard on obtaining." Shella said.

I nodded my head and smiled. "Okay, sounds good to me."

Shella and I left the room after unpacking our backs then went to the elevator to ride down back to the lobby. We left the elevator and the building to get a self driving rental car to Shining Sisterhood Headquarters.

Once we made it, we got out of the car and headed inside of the HQ. I looked around then crossed my arms. We were only in the lobby area so I didn't expect much from this specific part of the HQ. We walked ahead to the front desk.

The receptionist looked at us. "Welcome! How can I help you two? Are you interested in joining our revamped 23rd Division, Shining Sisterhood?"

"No we are here to visit Blaire and Violet." Shella answered.

"Ahh, well you see they are busy as they are in a meeting with Ms. Yoshie right now." The receptionist said.

"They can visit." Blaire said as she walked up to us. "We just finished our meeting."

"Oh! Lady Durendal! I wasn't aware that you just finished your meeting! Well if she says it's okay then you two can visit our captains and the future chairwoman." The receptionist smiled.

We walked over to Blaire, Violet, and Azusa. They lead us to the meeting room and we entered then sat down in the chairs.

"It's nice seeing you again Shella. What brings you here?" Blaire asked.

"Well I'm just showing my friend around Kaigake and decided it would be nice for you to meet her." Shella smiled.

"Vera Tsukiyomi correct? I'm aware of who you are. You were in the 31st Division, Sacred Guardians. It's heartbreaking to hear what happened to them." Blaire said.

"Yeah.." I said, not wanting to be reminded of their deaths.

"Anyway, I am Blaire Durendal. I am the main captain of the Shining Sisterhood. I hear you joined Anti-Calamity. Congrats on making it in." Blaire said.

"Thank you. Oh yeah I wanted to ask you and Violet something." I said.

"What's up?" Blaire asked.

"How come you and Violet didn't join Anti-Calamity? Wouldn't it be easier to just join forces instead of secretly meeting up with Azusa?" I asked.

"It's because it isn't really that easy. Genesis doesn't know Azusa has been meeting up with us on the low. She doesn't even know the issue with Yelt." Blaire said.

"What's the issue?" I asked.

"We suspect that Yelt could be planning something sinister on the sidelines. Yelt Ottoman has a history of running tests on people at a church within Kaigake. Are you familiar with an experiment called the Wonder Operation?" Blaire asked.

"Uhm not really. Some of my old allies were talking about it. Something about a group of people trying to create something that's the opposite of a Calamity...it was called a Godsend or something like that?" I said.

"Yeah it's called a Godsend. Well the experiment failed. By creating a Godsend, that would be an advancement so great, the Avatar of Calamity would've made an appearance. Rumor has it that a Calamity stopped the experiment. He had a dragon and wielded the power of flames that are inextinguishable by normal means." Blaire said.

"Kohaon." I said. "Kohaon stopped the experiment?"

"Although he's a Calamity, he knew the dangers creating a Godsend would bring. It's an Artificial God and because of that...by using the right components, you can truly create someone unstoppable." Blaire said.

"It's said that the head of the experiments was named Ømega. He was said to have damn there all of the same powers as Yelt." Azusa added.

"What is his powers?" I asked.

"It's a power called the Archive Manifestation, but it's incomplete. Basically it's the power of being able to manifest any power and ability the user desires to oneself. He can use this ability using a weapon called the God Archive. The weapon is inside of him and because of that no one can take away his power unless they kill him." Blaire explained.

"God Archive...how does one even get that power?" I asked.

"The God Archive was given to him by the Church of Aeburis. The old Archbishop passed away and the next best option was Yelt. The God Archive is an Avatar Key, one of the 13 Avatar Keys." Blaire explained.

"Avatar Key?" I asked.

"Avatar Keys are weapons that could be used to decide fate itself. They are powerful weapons no normal mortal can wield." Violet answered.

"I see.." I nodded. "So all of this, not joining him and having Azusa form a secret alliance is all because of Yelt? What if the rumors are false?"

"They can't be. There are too many factors that add up here." Violet said.

"You don't know that...It could all just be one massive coincidence. After all, maybe the Ich-mmmm!" I started then mumbled loudly as Shella covered my mouth.

"The what?" Blaire asked.

"Hey I forgot I had to get Vera into her training sessions! Azusa whenever you're free can you help me prepare Vera for her first mission?" Shella asked and stood up.

"Yeah sure." Azusa said.

"Great! Sorry to use up a lot of your time! We'll be heading off now!" Shella said then forced me up and dragged me with her.

"H-Hey oww! You're hurting me, Shell! I can walk on my own!" I yelled.

"The fuck was that about?" Azusa asked.

"I have no idea, but that was weird." Blaire answered.

"Okay stop!" I yelled as we were outside the building.

Shella turned around and held my arms. "You can't just mention the fucking Ichor Demon to people..! So you know the kind of terror he brings just by his name...?!"

"What they are wrong to judge Yelt like that and I'm giving them a possible answer on why Omega or whatever isn't Yelt. What's the issue?" I said and looked at her.

"Come on, you know the issue. We can't just say Yelt is possessed by the fucking Ichor Demon...that's even worse than accusing him of killing hundreds in an experiment." Shella said.

"What did you want me to say. You weren't talking at all..!" I said.

"Listen, just don't mention his name to anyone. Please?" She asked.

"Fine I won't mention him to anyone. I just don't see the problem.." I shrugged.

"You'll understand in due time. Anyway, let's head back to HQ so we can get your training started." She smiled.

"Alright, fine by me." I said. We both walked to the self driving car then took the car back to headquarters.