

In the realm of Eldoria, Taxon, a gifted young boy from a small village, is admitted to the prestigious Aetherium Academy due to his exceptional magical talent. As he navigates the challenges of academy life, Taxon faces fierce competition and ancient rivalries. Determined to rise to the top, he delves into arcane mysteries, forms powerful alliances, and confronts dark forces threatening the kingdom. However, Taxon's journey takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a looming threat to the entire galaxy. With his newfound allies, he embarks on a quest to defend Eldoria and beyond from the encroaching darkness. As battles rage and sacrifices are made, Taxon emerges as a beacon of hope, rallying mages from all corners of the realm to stand united against the impending doom. Through courage and resilience, Taxon transforms from a humble apprentice into a legendary mage, shaping the fate of Eldoria and the galaxy itself. Welcome to the Aetherium Academy, where legends are forged in the fires of magic, and heroes rise to defend the stars.

Naiga7 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Elara


Taron awoke from a long, deep sleep, stretching his arms above his head as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His roommate Nyx wasn't in the room, prompting Taron to glance around before his gaze settled on a circular black badge resting on his table.

"Shit!" Taron cursed softly under his breath, realizing the time. He checked the clock on the wall—it was already 9:30 in the morning, and she had asked him to meet her at ten. Hurriedly picking up the badge, he stood up and rushed out of the room.

Navigating swiftly through the dormitories, Taron soon arrived at the great hall. Spotting a guard nearby, he approached with urgency, badge held up in a gesture of inquiry.

"Excuse me! Do you know where I can find her?" Taron asked politely, sensing the guard's suspicion as he inspected the badge.

"How did it get into your possession?!" the guard questioned, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

Recognizing the need for transparency, Taron replied honestly, "A lady elder gave it to me... It's not like I could rip it off her hand."

"True, though if I were you, I'd arrive thirty minutes before her scheduled time," the guard advised, tossing the badge back to Taron and pointing him in the direction. "There's a small house beside the Alchemical Gardens. That's where you'll find her."

"Thank you," Taron nodded gratefully, wasting no time as he dashed off towards the Alchemical Gardens. Lost in thoughts about why she had summoned him—whether it was to reprimand him for any perceived disrespect towards the elders or to reattempt the examination—he failed to notice a girl approaching. Only her quick reflexes prevented a collision, their paths nearly intersecting.

"I'm sorry!" Taron apologized quickly, his mind preoccupied with his impending meeting. Ten minutes of rapid running later, he finally reached his destination.

Taron approached the Alchemical Gardens, a vibrant area teeming with rare and magical plants, their colors a riot of hues under the morning sun. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the subtle, almost imperceptible hum of latent magic. Just beyond the gardens, nestled among the ancient trees, stood a quaint, charming cottage that belonged to the elder who had given him her badge.

The cottage was small but beautifully crafted, blending seamlessly with its natural surroundings. Its walls were constructed from smooth, honey-colored stone, interspersed with ivy and flowering vines that crawled up the sides, giving it an almost living appearance. The roof was thatched with a rich, dark straw, meticulously woven and surprisingly sturdy.

A narrow, winding path of cobblestones, lined with tiny glowing lanterns, led up to a heavy oak door. The door was adorned with intricate carvings depicting various alchemical symbols and mythical creatures, hinting at the occupant's profound knowledge and mystical expertise. A brass knocker in the shape of a dragon's head gleamed in the sunlight.

Flanking the entrance were two large windows with diamond-shaped panes, their shutters painted a deep forest green. The windows were partially open, allowing the fresh, fragrant air from the gardens to flow freely into the house. Through them, Taron could glimpse a cozy interior.

Inside, the cottage was a harmonious blend of rustic charm and magical elegance. The main room was modest in size but filled with an array of fascinating items. Wooden shelves lined the walls, packed with ancient tomes, scrolls, and curious artifacts. Jars filled with rare ingredients and exotic herbs occupied every available space, their contents glowing faintly under the soft light of enchanted lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

In one corner of the room, a large, ornately carved desk was covered with parchment, quills, and a variety of alchemical tools. An array of bubbling vials and flasks sat atop a sturdy workbench nearby, their contents emitting soft plumes of colored smoke and delicate, otherworldly scents.

A comfortable-looking armchair, upholstered in rich green fabric, was positioned beside a stone fireplace that crackled with a gently burning fire, providing warmth and a welcoming glow. Above the fireplace, a mantelpiece held an assortment of crystals and magical trinkets, each one meticulously arranged.

A small table set for two stood near a window that overlooked the Alchemical Gardens, its surface adorned with a simple, hand-embroidered tablecloth and a vase of fresh flowers. The room exuded a sense of peace and wisdom, a perfect reflection of its owner.

Beyond the main room, a narrow staircase led up to a loft area, partially visible from below. The loft seemed to be a private space, likely containing the elder's sleeping quarters and more personal belongings.

The elder's cottage was a place where the natural and the magical intertwined seamlessly, creating an atmosphere of serene enchantment and scholarly pursuit. It was a haven of knowledge and tranquility, perfectly suited to the enigmatic and powerful woman who resided there.

"WOW!!" That was the only word that resounded in his head as he stared at the beautiful sight in front of him absentmindedly.

Shaking his head, he walked towards the door and knocked gently.

"Who are you?!" A distressed lady's voice rang from the house after he knocked. "It's Taron"

"Taron who?"

*Sigh* "You told me to come after the exam... Yes... I have your badge here with me," Taron said, retrieving the badge from his pocket. As he held it up, the door suddenly flung open, revealing a young lady with disheveled hair rushing out to meet him.

Elara stood in the doorway, a striking figure framed by the soft, dappled light filtering through the garden. She was undeniably beautiful, her presence almost ethereal. Her hair, a cascade of deep chestnut waves, was slightly disheveled, giving her a wild and untamed allure. Strands of it fell across her face, partially obscuring her piercing emerald eyes that seemed to shimmer with an inner light.

Taron's gaze traveled down, taking in her features with a mix of awe and respect. Her skin was smooth and fair, with a faint blush of warmth that hinted at vitality and strength. She had a delicate yet defined jawline and full lips that curved into a welcoming, if slightly amused, smile.

Her body was nothing short of breathtaking. Elara was tall and gracefully built, her figure both strong and curvaceous. The white robe she wore clung to her in a way that accentuated her hourglass shape, hinting at the toned muscles beneath the fabric. Her shoulders were broad but feminine, leading down to a narrow waist that flared into wide, sensuous hips. The robe cinched at her waist with a simple yet elegant belt, highlighting her figure even more.

Her posture was relaxed but confident, exuding a quiet power that commanded attention. Despite the disheveled hair and casual appearance, there was an undeniable grace in the way she carried herself. Taron couldn't help but notice the gentle curve of her breasts beneath the robe, and the way the fabric swayed around her long, toned legs as she moved.

"Welcome, Taron," she said, her voice soft and melodic, yet with an underlying firmness that reminded him of her authority. "Please, come in."