

This story is about a boy who was chosen to lead the world by the world. His powers were stolen from him before he was born but he was still born with amazing skills. Read as he adventures to reclaim his title

Daze_tales · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 1: The past

Nil forest

A man is running through the forest in a completely bloodied state. To be more accurate he is being chased by two other men.


A fire ball blasts his back making him unable to keep running. He falls and looks back in fear. He then remembered everything that had happened putting him in this situation.

He is an extremely powerful mage and an high ranking member of the magical association known as the flame venerable the leader of the flame hall assistant also one of his second in command.

 A while ago the leader of the magic association the lightning venerable was able to merge with the world for a moment and uncover some secrets and mysteries of the world. 

The only one he shared which was the most important, is that the entire universe is created from a force called ASTHRAX. Its the most powerful force existing and the weilder would become a very powerful being unstoppable by no one. 

He said every planet has two strands of ASTHRAX. One to be able to hold life while the second to gift powerful mages to it's liking cable of performing a task for it.

Under the lightning venerable's lead they travelled to a very remote part of the earth uncovering the strands of ASTHRAX. As the one who merged with the he was allowed to breakthrough the limits of humans and enter a new realm at the cost of only using the power when the world was in danger. 

It gave the lightning venerable the task of protection. 

He agreed and resigned from his post as association cardinal. He passed the mantle unto the the water venerable. 

As they all new the selection of the Earth's protectors, sages, weren't done the remaining verables waited to see if they were lucky.

But what happened next shocked them, a speck of asthrax floated towards a newly assigned assistant to the fire venerable. However he wasted able to absorb it. As it was just stored in his body.

Before the venerables recovered from their shock, the were sent out of the place indicating the selection was over.

When the arrived at the association hall the lightning venerable told them that the asthrax force in the fire venerable's assistant's body to be used by him but by his decendant. It will be absorbed into his decendants body when he enters the womb.

To all the people their, this was an insult to their pride as they stood at the apex of the planet so when the asthrax force chose an unborn child, it made the mad but they couldn't do anything else apart from congratulating him.

But someone had ulterior motives. The fire venerable believed he was supposed to be the one choosen by asthrax and started planning against his assistant. He knew he had to be stealthy or he would be discovered. 

After searching for for months he finally found a forbidden technique to remove ones powers from the body.

He then ambushed the assistant with his other assistant to steal the force.