
Assassins Contract

The life of assassins, start from birth. This is the story of two such people, who once lived in the shadows, blind, slowly becoming one with the shadows.

Elijah_Thomas_4555 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter Three: Flashback, Day One

Derric and Trent were childhood friends, their first unofficial assignment was as a team. Trent's family was killed when he was only 6 and after that he was forced to go into an orphanage, Derric knew his father but he gave him to the orphanage when he was a baby and rarely visited, that's where Derric and Trent first met. Trent wasn't much of a talker and had no desire to make friends, so when they went out to play, Trent took his place on the swing set to be alone. Coincidently, that's the spot Derric liked to go also, so he went on the other swing. A few minutes went by without a word being said before Derric broke the silence. They talked the whole time they were outside and quickly became best friends. They would always get into trouble, sneaking out when they weren't supposed to, going where they were told not to and by doing that not only did their sneaking skills improve, but that's how they found out who murdered Trent's family. It was a local drug lord that had ordered the hit on the family, apparently Trent's dad owed him a lot of money and wanted to move before they decided to take action but he was a few hours too late. Trent was playing in his room while his parents were packing and then he heard the door get kicked in. His dad ran in his room and told Trent to hide and not make a sound no matter what and he obeyed. His dad ran out and that's the last time he ever seen him. Trent stayed under his bed for hours, then passed out. When he woke up it was night time, he walked around the house but seen no sign of his mom or dad, when morning hit, he took himself to the orphanage.

When they found out who the killer was they went into their room and sat in silence. "So... are you mad at what we heard?"

Trent was crying and couldn't speak so he just shook his head "yes".

"So why don't we kill him like he did your parents? That's what I would do if he killed my dad and I know where he goes at night." The thought of killing someone made Trent even more scared but he agreed. "But I don't want to go to jail, and they will know we did it Derric."

"Not if we do it so they don't know WHO did it, we can learn, movies teach that sort of thing don't they?"

So they spent 3 weeks watching movies with assassins and murderers so they could find out how to get away with killing someone. They didn't know at the time, but that was the start of their future career. After 3 weeks of movies and 2 weeks of planning they were ready to start operation "Payback". Trent turned 7 and Derric was still 8 with a birthday coming up. They snuck out the orphanage during a Saturday night and went to the drug lord's favorite bar, "Salzones". Their plan was to drug his drink and make him overdose. When they got there, they had to think of how to get in, so they pretended to be brothers looking for their father who always went to the bar on Saturday nights, it worked. They went inside the smoky, populated bar where music, laughter and drunk rambling surrounded the two kids. They only seen something like this in the movies they watched, actually being there, knowing what they were there to do, started sinking in slowly. The excitement of being outside after curfew, the amazement of the environment they snuck into but most of all the fear of what was yet to come, so they went to a corner to talk about their strategy.

"Trent are you ready for this? I'm feeling kind of nervous now that we're here, maybe we should go back. You're right, we could get caught and in big trouble for doing this." Derric looked at Trent's face, it reflected pure hate and sadness.

"Derric... we didn't spend all this time preparing just to chicken out... I need my revenge for my family!" Trent's words and body was trembling with rage and the only thing Derric could do was stare at his friend and agree.

"Do you remember his name?" Trent asked. "He goes by the name "Keys", I guess we just wait until we hear the name and take it from there. I don't think we should ask for him though, it might be a bit suspicious right?" Trent agreed and a few seconds later they hear "KEYYYYSSSS!!!! YOU BAD MOTHAFUCKA! How the hell you doing man!?" A short man about 5'5" with braids hollered. "OHHHH Willy Wonka done fucked up letting THIS nigga out!" Keys replied as they both hugged and sat down "Hey bitch, bring me and my oompa loompa friend here a few beers will you?!" "Hey fuck you Keys! You know, with one song I can get all my orange bitches to come in this place and fuck you up." They both laughed and as they sat and joked around, the person no one was worried about was a few seconds from snapping on the man called "Keys".

Derric was holding Trent back, tears streaming down his face "Dude please relax! If we're going to do this YOU need to be calm and WE need to follow this plan, you think it's going to work so if you think so, I think so but if you lose control we're both going to get it BAD! If he did that to your parents for whatever reason, imagine what he'll do to us for trying to KILL him??" Derric whispered.

Trent relaxed a bit, taking into consideration that he's putting his friend in danger, he could care less about his own life at that moment and said "You're right, I'm sorry..." Just then Trent's mind went into overcharge and he came up with a genius plan. "We need to get to that waitress before she can get to the table, we can slip the pills in, deliver it to him, say it's from some random drunk person in here, because he knows everyone apparently, and then we get off scott free!" Derric was surprised he came up with such a good plan so fast "Nice dude! But I think it's a bit suspicious if we deliver it, how about I distract the waitress while you put the pills in?"

"And if she gives the wrong beer to him? Then what?" Trent asked.

Derric thought for a second "Well.... I don't like the thought but... if they are so close, he could be related and we have more than enough for two people, so why not both?" Trent looked at Derric like he didn't know who he was but thought about it, could one have made the hit and the other DONE it? He agreed they both would go "Ok, I'll distract and then while I have her attention, you get it done and come in to grab me ok?" Trent nodded and they set their plan in motion.

Trent went close to the bar but out of the way, while Derric approached the waitress who was on route to bring the drinks to the two men. "Excuse me miss." Derric said, as the waitress looked down at the clearly underage kid standing in her way and with a puzzled expression she responded, "Little boy what are you doing here?? Where are your parents?"

"My dad left me here and told me to wait for him, but it's been a long time now and I'm scared… Please can you call him for me??" Derric started crying on cue. "Awwww it's ok baby, there's no need to cry, follow Candice and we will get you home into your nice comfy bed ok?" She put the tray of drinks down, extended her hand and took Derric into the back to use the phone, halfway through Derric's performance, Trent slowly walked over to them and the tray and when Candice turned around to take Derric to the back, Trent walked around her blindside, to the glasses, slipped a pill in both and made his way to a corner near the exit to wait for his partner in crime and his plan to unfold.

Meanwhile, in the backroom, Candice tried calming Derric down "Shhhh, please stop crying. Do you know your daddy's telephone number?" Derric whispered something. Candice leaned in close "Say that again handsom-" and before she could finish her sentence Derric planted a solid kiss on her lips. Candice jumped up confused "What the fuck!?" Derric smiled and said "I said you have some juicy lips Miss. Candy."

"You little pervert! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!" Candice screamed, grabbed hold of Derric and started pulling him out of the bar.

As they went back into the bar area, Trent watched his friend getting dragged and almost jumped to help but was interrupted by someone else yelling, "Bitch where the FUCK are those drinks I ordered during the Last Supper!?!? THE FUCK!!" Keys cut in saying, "Dino! Chillllll man chill, you can't just come into my place and disrespect a fine lady such as Candice. Now if you look closely, she's trying to handle a little problem." Keys snaps twice at Candice "Leave that knucklehead alone and get our beers will you sweetness? Thanks." "Huh?" Candice said startled "O-Oh r-right away, I'm very sorry about that Mr. Keys!" She let go of Derric's arm as he quickly blended into the sea of drunken people, to the corner where his friend waited. Derric was grinning ear to ear the whole time "Why are you smiling like that? What happened when you went back there?" All Derric could do was smile even wider "I got a girlfriend." Trent looked at him puzzled, looked at Candice who was bringing the beers to the table, then back at Derric. Derric nodded his head "yes" then they both stared at their plan go into motion.

Candice set the two beers down on the table as Dino said "About damn time, I was quite parched." He said in a "sophisticated" manner as Keys chuckled. "I'm very sorry sir, I had a small matter to attend to and I can guarantee nothing like this will happen again in the future, Mr. Keys, Mr. Dino."

"Pshhh, don't even sweat it gorgeous it's all fine I'm a very patient man so don't apologize. Plus I think it's a real admirable and cute trait to go out of your way to help a child, I seen what you did over there." Candice threw on a slightly disgusted face and exhaled a laugh "You don't even know the half of it, enjoy your beers you two." As she walked away.

"FINALLY! I can toast to the occasion!" Dino exclaimed.

"And that would be?" Keys questioned. "That "problem" we had is no more! To hell with "CAR" problems." as he winked to Keys.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH no more "car" problems??? This IS a toasting occasion! CHEERS!!" And they clinked their glasses together and if looks could kill, Trent would have broken the glasses and exploded both of them from the intensity of his eyes, Derric was watching also but his mind was elsewhere, mostly on his backstage action. Dino and Keys chugged their beers, not even breathing, until they were gone.

"Ahhhhh, tasted a bit funny but damn it, if a beer doesn't feel SO good after a hard day's work." Dino said as he sat down "Kind of dizzy too, I like it." Keys sat down also "Yeah... maybe we shouldn't have chugged our shit huh?" Keys looked at his glass and noticed something small at the bottom of it, "a small pebble? A piece of paper?" He thought as he stuck his finger in the glass and took it out, he rubbed it with his index finger and thumb "Is this fuckin' powder??" He whispered to himself and a second later Dino drops. Keys gets up with an enraged look, directed to Derric's "girlfriend" Candice. He starts panicking and breathing fast "You.....DID YOU JUST DRU-" And before he could finish his sentence, he drops to his knees and falls face first onto the floor, dead.

The bar goes silent, everyone speechless, confused, shocked at what they just witnessed. The two boys watched as their flawless plan came to an end, and a second later the bar went into a frenzy. Chairs being thrown, yelling, fighting, the two bouncers that were outside came in to try and sort everything out, and as all of that was going on, it made the perfect time for the two masterminds to slip out, unnoticed. Trent walked back to their home, Derric on the other hand was floating, but both were silent. Derric decided to break the silence "Do you think Candice will get in trouble? I feel kind of bad for her." As he looked back at the bar that was only 5 blocks away he sees ambulances and police cars racing to the scene with sirens wailing. "I'm pretty sure she'll be fine, she has no idea what happened anyway, they'll give her a lied derector test, and she'll pass and get off just like us. You'll see her again." He smiled at Derric as if nothing happened, satisfied that he got some justice for the people who couldn't. "It's LIE deTECTOR bro but thanks, you're right and in 10 years, I'm going to find her and pee in her." Trent looked at Derric first surprised and happy that he was called "bro" but also puzzled "Why pee in her??" "Well that's how you get a girl to have babies, at least that's what I've been told and as your elder I take responsibility on teaching you whatever you don't know." Trent smiled "Thanks bro." And they got home and took a nap.