
Assassins Birthright

His birthright lay right there, an orb of pure darkness, with the knowledge of generations, the hard work of all his ancestors, the lives reaped and the lives lost, the blood, the sweat, the tears all given for a legacy burned to the ground, for people now enslaved, for wealth now taken and for false power. The irony is almost laughable as i kneel before the pure black orb and the last treasure of my family bloodline, perhaps they couldn't take everything. An arrow pieced through my abdomen, my dripping blood gives up and falls finding its last solace in the smooth surface of the orb. "I Darius Creed, the last pureblood of my family line will not desecrate centuries of longevity.....I must survive". A small prelude to the main story. ^ The first 20 chapters contain most of the world building details in the novel so please be patient enough to read through them. :) I own all credits to the cover image.

Crimson777 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Guiding Dark (3)

"Father...Father...it's me, Father!" Darius shouted, completely unaware and uncaring that the world around him had frozen in place, from the executioner to the panicked village people.

All that could be heard in the silence was Victor Creed's breathing – Darius's father.

"I'm sorry, boy.... I am not your father. In fact, I don't exist at all," said the figure in an oddly calming voice. Darius realized the truth; the voice was nothing like his father's. It was foolish of him to even consider the possibility of his father being alive after witnessing his death.

"Who are you?" Darius asked with aggression. Seeing Darius angry was rare, but given the sensitivity of the topic, it was warranted.

"Don't get angry with me, son. I didn't choose this body," the man replied.

"Sorry, I don't take kindly to strangers impersonating my father," Darius continued.

"Darius Creed, I may not be your father, but I am your only family left." The figure turned to face Darius and began walking towards him.

The world remained enveloped in silence. "I am the collective knowledge of House Creed, or as your predecessors called me, 'the Guiding Dark.' Before you start making accusations, know that I take the form of the person the wielder loves the most, though it can be changed if you so desire," the figure stated confidently.

Darius remained silent, silently encouraging him to proceed.

"My true name is Atlas, and I am both blessed and burdened with the knowledge, techniques, and abilities of all your ancestors. I live only in the mind of the one linked to the black orb. I also healed your injuries when we linked, which is why you don't have an arrow wound through your stomach."

Atlas had arrived directly in front of Darius by this point, his gaze meeting Darius's. All the talking made Darius feel as if he was being reprimanded by his father again.

"You, Darius, are not only the last of our bloodline but have witnessed more death and cruelty than many adults – even warriors. I've looked through your memories and admire your nature and personality. You are fit for my guidance."

"Who says I want you to guide me?" Darius responded flatly.

"Answer me this – do you want to survive, boy?" Atlas asked, grinning. His question seemed centimeters from Darius's face, yet it felt as if he had no presence. In reality, he wasn't even there. This was different, as if his entire presence was shrouded.

"Alright, how do I get out of this situation alive, then?" Darius asked after a minute of silent staring.

"Let's see, which one should I give you?" Atlas appeared deep in thought, his hands behind his back as he turned away from Darius.

"This one will do. Darius, come here," Atlas instructed.

Darius walked over to stand next to Atlas and looked out at the people.

"I will allow you to use the power of House Creed for your desires – your wealth, your power. But you cannot forget your purpose. I saved you for a specific reason," Atlas said, gazing into the sky, his expression unreadable.

Atlas could perceive the outside world as long as the orb was within a specific range. His knowledge was immense, a product of being created by the patriarch, making him centuries old. Deciphering his thoughts was nigh impossible.

"You must avenge your family, eliminate corruption, become stronger, and reinstate House Creed to the glory it had in its founding years. Your methods are not important to me. That's the beauty of assassins – no honor and no shame, but that satisfaction in that prime moment. Watching an 'unkillable' king bleed on the ground... now, that is bliss. And that is your duty. Do you accept my offer?" Atlas inquired.

Another minute of silence followed.

"I accept."

The moment the words left Darius's mouth, the world resumed, and Darius teleported back to where he was before he walked around with Atlas. Instantly, he felt a certain knowledge, something not his own. He also felt complete, the ecstasy of magic.

A memory appeared in his mind – an image of an old man with a silky white beard and mustache performing a maneuver he'd heard of before, a popular technique among his family called shadow blink.

'I wonder if that's Atlas's real body,' he thought.

Darius began to notice panicked shouts and screams from the public, as they looked up. All he saw was the blue sky, unaware of the darkness that had once covered it.

Darius recognized that now wasn't the moment to ponder the sky's colour. His situation remained precarious, demanding swift action before events went downhill.

Darius went through the technique in his head once more. He had been taught many times by his family and mentors on how to control his magic and wield it properly. However, he still lacked the ability at that time, and they couldn't provide precise guidance to someone who couldn't use magic.

'If only he were here to show me,' he thought. The memory of Darius's father's death remained vivid. Despite the short span, it felt like years spent in that cell.

The way shadow blink worked was simple. First, the user needed to see a shadow larger than themselves. Second, the user couldn't blink through solid matter, so walls were not an option. The user's jump distance was limited by their magic. Lastly, the user had to enshroud themselves in dark energy, matching the shadow's energy – a task easier than it sounded, a basic skill among dark magic users. Darius focused on a dark alley in the town square, then covered his body in dark energy. At the right moment, he released it, spreading his body.

The executioner watched as his target turned into smoke and disappeared in a direction he couldn't follow. Darius moved at the speed of sound; the scroll reader didn't even see him vanish.

"He...has...magic!" Both of them mumbled, locking eyes in shock.

Darius appeared in the alley, knowing it wasn't time to celebrate. He felt a sudden void inside, but he needed to press forward before they raised the alarm. A prisoner escaping with magic was taken very seriously!