
Assassins Birthright

His birthright lay right there, an orb of pure darkness, with the knowledge of generations, the hard work of all his ancestors, the lives reaped and the lives lost, the blood, the sweat, the tears all given for a legacy burned to the ground, for people now enslaved, for wealth now taken and for false power. The irony is almost laughable as i kneel before the pure black orb and the last treasure of my family bloodline, perhaps they couldn't take everything. An arrow pieced through my abdomen, my dripping blood gives up and falls finding its last solace in the smooth surface of the orb. "I Darius Creed, the last pureblood of my family line will not desecrate centuries of longevity.....I must survive". A small prelude to the main story. ^ The first 20 chapters contain most of the world building details in the novel so please be patient enough to read through them. :) I own all credits to the cover image.

Crimson777 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

execution (2)

"Darius Creed, for the assassinations of countless figures committed by yourself and your family across various kingdoms and countries, you and your family will pay for these crimes with your life, and you will be beheaded by the guillotine publicly at the clock strike of 12." The aged man had finally uttered his name.

His name was on that parchment now, the time had come and the candle behind him extinguished the second parchment was rolled back up, as if to say time was up.

Darius put his arms out as if to beckon the guards to take him away, the middle aged man chuckled to himself, the guards had the same expression as always, not daring to disobey an order in fear of what might happen to them and their families, how pitiful.

In a way the guards and soldiers were in a deeper trap than him.

Darius's feet dragged along the cobblestone stairs. His eyes had rested on them countless times, and a small smile formed on his face. Even when in captivity a sense of freedom washed over him, to escape the confines of his cold endless prison, he was relieved.

The wooden door that used to shut off all sound swung open, revealing more stairs to climb.

Leading to his death or his peace?

It was 11:55am, 5 minutes from his execution the clocktower that overlooked the crowd gathered around the kiss of death, otherwise known as. The guillotine.

The slow walk to his own demise was longer than anything he'd experienced before, the crowd looked at him with disgust as if he condemned their 6 generations to death.

Darius refused to react, unwilling to waste his energy on people foolish enough to believe in such a corrupt system.

11:57am walking up the steps close enough to see the glint of the guillotines blade and the bucket of heads, innocent or not they were murdered without fair trial or the ability to fight back.

Everyone in the dungeon he was in had no magic, obviously they didn't detect any in Darius or he would not be held in a prison cell and would be killed on the spot.

There were 2 ways to detect for magic in a person either someone with magic had to have the ability which was quite rare or a drop of blood needed to be placed on a special dish that would illuminate with whatever colour magic they had or would remain silver if the person had no magic.

Darius faintly remembered his blood being extracted and for the first day in his cell had a pin prick on his finger, without his magic being awakened the dish would show no results and therefore, the only reason he was still breathing, though it didn't look like he would be for long.

At 11:58am, the loud voices from the crowd reached Darius, but he paid no attention to their opinions. He entered a silent state of mind, sighing to himself.

'How ignorant can they be' he thought.

11:59am, the executioner unbound Darius restraints, and looked him in the eye, Darius inherited the black eyes of his whole family, the eyes of house Creed were said to suck inside anyone who looked or so the stories told, seeing nothing in those deep eyes the executioner had a small smile of empathy, the executioner was aware that most of the people he killed were innocent but it was his job after all, in a twisted way they were alike, both killed for a living .

The sentence and accusations were read aloud, house Creed was in no way innocent or good Darius included, but neither was Arathoria.

12:00am: The executioner went to grab Darius ready for the 12th strike of the bell tower until he heard the gasps of the people in the crowd, the sky showed no sign of daylight, it was black, not even a trace of the moon or sun.

No one from the outside could see inside it was like staring into the night sky, from within due to the absence of light it was extremely dark, no one was expecting something like this to happen so no lanterns or torches had been lit.

A string of black matter was connected from Darius back to the dome, his entire body was also covered in this matter as if he was darkness itself. Suddenly, the huge dome was absorbed back into his body and the light returned to the village but that didn't stop the panic.

As all the matter invaded Darius body his regular human form returned.

Darius was in utter shock not because of the phenomenon that happened in fact he had no idea what happened and it was entirely dark because his body was changing wildly and adapting to his magic circuits opening, blinding his sight.

His shock came from who was standing before him.

"Father" Darius shouted.