
Assassination:for what it asked

A stalker? No a murderer

Ash_5303 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter -1

I followed her

Day and night even in my dreams and at last I thought I need to do this

But first, let me introduce myself

I am the wandering assassin. Not by choice, but because of a terrible series of events that left me broken and alone. My father was part of the royal court and a very close friend to the king. A terrible war started, and the king went off to fight. He eventually was killed in battle leaving his son as ruler of the kingdom. When my older brother was selected to fight in the war, my father told the prince that he wouldn't allow him to take his son from him. So the prince had him executed in front of the entire court and me and my brother. He still sent my brother off to war to die, but I, only 10 at the time, was allowed to stay. But I bid my time, waiting, training to become the best assassin in the kingdom so I could avenge my father and brother. At 16 I was also drafted into the military, but I would not have it. The night before we were sent out, I snuck out of my guarded room and broke into the prince's room through the window. I slipped some deadly poison into the prince's nighttime tea, and I waited, holding onto the bricked wall right outside his room until I heard the scream. Not looking back I climbed down the wall and ran, smiling as I knew I had accomplished my task. I've been running ever since.

But this time I won't run I will get my girl.