
ASSASSINATION (Book one of the Valerie series)

Valerie’s life changed the night the Demons attacked her. Everything was unlocked in her life. And it all became worse after she was asked to assassinate someone. Little did she know it was all a ruse. A set up to kill her. All because of her bloodline.

Trevor_Muma · 都市
4 Chs


I woke up to my friend giggling. She has been doing that for God knows how long now. Ever since she began dating her boyfriend, it had been me who had to endure the pain. Which, of course, I found offensive.

The sheets slipped off as I sat down, my eyes burning as I looked at her. Lucky for her, she had her back on me or she would have hung up the damn phone.

Picking my phone up from the bedside table, I realized we only had one and a half hours left to arrive at work. If I delay any longer, they will blame me for it.

So, I quickly jumped from bed and charged towards the bathroom.

"Morning Valerie," Natasha said. But due to my annoyance, I only frowned at her and went into the bathroom. But before I could go out of earshot, I heard her telling her boyfriend that sometimes I wake up with wait for it...…...

Valerie tantrums.

Which I don't have in the slightest. I took a quick shower and got up from the bathroom.

"Why the hell are you upset?" Natasha asked. She even had the audacity.

She wore well-fitting black jeans, a white crop top that left her belly button entirely bare. Black air force and completed the look with a gold necklace around her neck. Fake one, of course.

"You are seriously asking me that stupid question?" I asked, not in a rude way though, but judging by her facial expression, it came out wrong.

Been upset with her was one thing. But pissing her to that extent was not what I was going for. If I lose her, then I will have no friends. I'm not good at making friends. Simply because I don't associate myself that much. But Natasha somehow understands me.

Ever since I met her in high school, we have been friends. And when we completed our schools, we decided to take a break before we can actually go to school. We are trying to be more independent women and pay our own tuition fees.

But due to us loving the job we do, we kind of delayed into going to school. Don't get me wrong, we will still go to school. Just not now.

"Well, what the hell do you want me to ask you? You just wake up with your Valerie tantrums and you want me to just watch? Not gonna happen. Now what is wrong?" she turned back to look in the mirror.

"What is wrong is you and your boyfriend always waking me from my sleep," I sat down and began applying lotion.

"You should be thanking me. If it wasn't for me, you would still be sleeping, which of course would have resulted in us been late."

"I did set an alarm, it's just that I didn't listen to it," I whispered, but due to her turning back to face me, I presumed she heard me. "What do you see in that man, anyway? He is a stupid brat who thinks the world revolves around him."

"He loves me," she turned and faced the mirror again.

To be honest, I was kind of getting tired of convincing her. That bastard, Robert wanted nothing but to use her. But no matter what tactic I used to tell her that he was using her, she always found a way to get away with it. For some reason, I was starting to think she knew what was going on, but just decided to go with it.

Realistically speaking, if she just wanted money from him, then I would support her. Hundred percent. Robert was not a person to feel remorse for. People like him deserved more than death itself.

"Keep saying that until you believe it," I said, and got up from bed.

I went to pick my clothes, and as I came back, Natasha was not in the room. Maybe she went into the kitchen to prepare some food.


I put on straight ripped jeans, a blue V-neck sleeveless top that had the avenger's symbol in front. I didn't really know those guys, but the shirt was lit. Hence I bought it. Then I completed the look with black old school vans and accessorized the all look with a white rosary around my neck.

Turning to look into the mirror, I saw a slim lady staring back at me, but not too slim. Just enough to earn me a spot, if by any chance, they are looking for models across the town. My well-fitting jeans allowed my curvy body to be in focus even more.

Fair complexion and that seemed to go well with my ember cat eyes. Long hair blushed my shoulders, then after I finished straightening it up, I tied it in a ponytail—hoping to look like Ariana Grande. But the only thing I did was to allow everyone to see my forehead.

"It's weird the way you look into the mirror," she came back.

"Shut up. Hopefully, you have prepared some for me," I turned and she was holding to plates. Both with a piece of cake and juice on the side. She was a best friend anyone needs.

"Valerie, aren't you done? We have to go. But I talked to Robert, he is coming to pick us up," she sat the plates on the table to the other side of the room.

The apartment we lived in was just too small. Just a few days ago, we were discussing moving into a bigger apartment than that.

It was a one-room apartment and bathroom, that is all. If all goes well, then by the end of this month we will be moving into a bigger apartment.

The only thing likeable about the apartment was that they brightly painted it and it also had a balcony. We all know balconies are just perfect when you need fresh air.

"I'm done. But how sure are you that he is coming? Don't forget that last week he made us late," I reminded her.

"He said he will be here."

"That is what he said even last week. But here we are. Just make sure he comes. If we are late even today because of him, then I will personally dismember him."

"You know that it is equally your fault, right?" she took a sip from the steaming cup of coffee.

"How is it my fault? I'm up and I'm done dressing up. If we hurry up, we can still reach intercontinental hotel on time. We have about forty-five minutes," I looked at my wristwatch as I approached the table.

"You can use your magic to maybe stop time or teleport us to work. But here we are."

"I can't believe you just asked me to do that. You are well aware that the council wouldn't allow me to use my magic for personal reasons. Also, I don't know any spell that can take us to work in less than a few seconds. I have been trying that trick, but failed miserably. And aren't you supposed to be responsible than me?"

In everything I did, she had always been there to tell me the consequences of it. Well, except for matters that involved me using magic so that we are not too late for work, or any sort of event, for that matter.

But if I used my magic, then those so-called magical councils will be matching right at me. The last time I used it to protect some lady from the three bastards who were trying to attack her, things didn't go well. Three boys who were wondering around at night saw me.

In the midst of me trying to prevent them from spreading the news, I kind of erased half of their lives' memory. So, I had to seek the council's help. Ever since that night, I was forbidden from using my magic. But again, I was just thirteen that time. Though taking chances with those guys was something I was not going to do. Seeing the council was not on my to-do list.

"This involves me been responsible."

"Not gonna happen, sister. Let's just go. You boyfriend is not coming." I got up with a piece of cake in my hands. Then I took my purse and began heading to the door.

"Valerie the bed?"

"Room service. Why the hell do we pay them if they are not going to do what they are paid to do?" I opened the door and left the room.

Since our room was on the tenth floor of Protea hotel, I charged to the elevator. Then, before I could press on the button to take me to the ground floor, our greasy fat neighbor called for me to wait for him. Declining that request would really feel nice. But let's be realistic, that would be rude. But again, the situation at hand would support me if I did that.

"Hey Valerie," he said as he entered the room.

"Hey Micheal. How are you doing?" I pressed the button, and the elevator began moving. Then it hit me. Natasha was still in the room. I was in for it, and maybe if I waited for her, then I wouldn't be in the same elevator with fatso.

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm good as well, thanks."

"Are you going for work?"


"Trying to be independent, I see," a smile split on his face.

"Well, if that means none of you bastards are going to boss me around, then I will do anything to be independent."


The elevator finally landed and immediately we got out, it went up, presumably to pick up Natasha.

Micheal said bye and went his way out. He worked as a firefighter. Which, if you ask me, didn't suit him. But as they say, don't judge a book by its cover.

I went and sat down on the bench. Then after a few minutes, the elevator came down and as it opened, Natasha came out.

"Why the hell did you leave me?" she scolded.

"Believe me, I regret it already," I said as we made our way to the door.

Just as Natasha touched the door, someone sort it best to call my name. I turned around and the man I have been running from was staring right at me.

"Oh, crap," I whispered for only Natasha to listen.

"Good luck getting out of this one. You gonna need it. Just do me a favor and don't take too long. We only have about a few minutes to be at work."

Before I could retort, she opened the door and went out. What a friend. Here I was thinking she was going to stand by me. Especially in such situations.

I looked back at Jeremey, who was wearing the uniform of the gentlemen who worked at protea hotel. Black trousers, a white shite and a brown jacket. Then completed their looks with well-polished black shoes. Well, they also accessorized their look with name tags.

So, the deal with Jeremey was that the bastard had been asking me to go out with him for quite sometime now. But every time I came up with some excuse, that got me out of it. To be honest, I had run out of them.

"Hey, Jeremey," I said as I reached about three feet from him.

"Hey Valerie," he opened his arms.

"Dude, you are at your workplace. I might get you fired or something," I said.

"My boss is not here," he said, smiling from ear to ear.

I had no choice but to give the damn bastard a hug. He was pretty handsome, actually. Light in complexion with short black hair. Tall enough and genuinely a good person. Whatever was stopping me from going out with such a guy, I have tried to banish it out of my head. But failed miserably.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one with the problem. I mean, most of the girls he worked with had their eyes on him. Because he was kind of interested in me, they kinder gave me the stink eye when I passed. But what was stopping me, I did not know. I'm only twenty-one and I have all life ahead of me. So, giving him a chance would be a great idea. I mean, what do I have to lose? If he is not the one then I will damp him.

"How busy are you tonight? And that excuse for you working overnight, I'm not buying it," he looked at me.

The only thing I could do was look away. Somehow, he might have found out about me lying to him. But who the hell told him I didn't work overnight? Whoever it was will pay for this.