
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · アクション
66 Chs

TAM-5 Minutes

As Alex and Amalia engaged in their tense conversation behind the closed door, they were abruptly interrupted by a commotion. The door to the room was forcefully dragged open, causing both of them to turn in surprise. 

Alex felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he recognized the two unexpected intruders. Officer Suki, formerly the head of the Metropolis police department, and Ethan, the son of a military general, had burst into the room.

Suki, her piercing eyes filled with disdain, wasted no time in casting judgment. "As expected of a scumbag," she sneered, her gaze fixed on Alex. "You bring a young woman into this room."

She had seen Amalia earlier, crying pitifully when Alex had dragged her into the room, and Suki was determined to uphold her duty as a righteous police officer. She believed in preventing scoundrels from harming the vulnerable and was ready to take action against anyone she deemed a threat.

Amid the chaos in the room, Suki turned her attention to Amalia, concern etched across her face.

"Hey, Are you Allright?"

She asked Amalia if she was alright, genuinely worried for her well-being.

However, Amalia's focus was on Alex and say

"I need to save my bodyguard."

"Yes, please go. We'll meet again in 5 minutes. He tosses her an antidote.". he likely being poisoned by that freak women.

"Thanks! "

Suki, still somewhat bewildered by the turn of events, interjected, "Antidote? What is going on here? Explain yourself!"

Amanda rushed out of the room, clutching the antidote in her hand, determined to save her bodyguard Viktor. Suki followed her, attempting to restrain her and get some answers.

"Miss, you can't just leave like this. What is going on?" Suki demanded, her tone stern.

Amanda, still in a hurry, turned to Suki with a hint of desperation in her eyes. "I'm sorry, but I have to save someone. It's a matter of life and death. I promise I'll explain everything later."

With those words, Amanda broke free from Suki's grasp and hurried down the corridor, leaving Suki and Ethan standing there, bewildered and trying to piece together the strange events that had just unfolded.

As Amalia departed, Suki was about to pursue her, but a man's voice interrupted her. Alex had something more to say or do.



The man spoke calmly but he shock inwardly of all the place, he meet her here, though there was an underlying tension in his voice. "lady, what a surprise to see you here. What brings you to this event?"

Suki didn't respond to his question. Her eyes bore into his with a fierce determination. She had been searching for him relentlessly, and now, finally, their paths had crossed. This was her chance.

Ethan, standing beside her, couldn't help but interject, "Suki, is this the man you've been pursuing?"

Suki nodded curtly, still not taking her eyes off the man. "Yes, Ethan, this is the man I've been searching for."

Alex's gaze shifted between Suki and Ethan, his silver hair catching the soft glow of the gala's lights. "Well, lady, since you've found me, what do you intend to do now?"

"Of Course bring you with me"

"Do you have any Evidence, Officer?"

Suki's frustration was reaching its peak. She had no concrete evidence to tie Alex to the forest incident, and her pursuit had led to nothing but a tense confrontation at the gala. As Alex challenged her for evidence, Suki clenched her fists in frustration.

"The surrounding forest has been destroyed, and you were near the place," Suki retorted, her voice wavering with exasperation. "Pray tell, why are you not related to the case?"

Alex, who had been keeping his composure, maintained his calm demeanor. "That's not the evidence, Officer."

Ethan, growing impatient, couldn't contain his anger. "You Bastard, talk more respectfully, she is an officer"

"Do you think it's wise to bring this spoiled brat to this place?" Alex snapped, while looking at the watch, '3 minutes'

Suki's eyes widened as she realized that she had inadvertently revealed her frustration and lack of evidence. She quickly regained her composure and said, "I didn't bring him here. He insisted on coming."

"Do you have an arrest warrant?",

"No, of course not". She didn't anticipate meeting someone who destroyed 5 miles worth of forest and possibly killed a Semus high elder at the gala, so she didn't bring it with me. "I didn't bring it on me, but we can go to my house." Suki Added

Alex then teases her, knowing that Amanda is rather dense about these things: "That can't be done. As a righteous citizen, I demand equal treatment. If you want to take me, you'll need an arrest warrant. And besides, this is my first time being sexually harassed." He holds back a laugh, fully aware of Suki's naivety.

Ethan and Suki exchange bewildered glances, their confusion growing as they wonder about the claims of sexual harassment. "What sexual harassment?" Ethan thinks to himself, "You're the one who brought a crying woman into a room alone with you, and then she left looking scared. What did you do to her?"

'2 Minutes' He sighed, He just want to prepare before the event

The tension between Suki, Ethan, and Alex reached its peak, with Ethan growing increasingly agitated by being ignored by Alex. Suki and Ethan pressed Alex for answers, demanding to know why he was at the gala.

However, Alex's response was cryptic. "Officer, maybe your biggest concern shouldn't be me," he suggested, his words dripping with enigmatic meaning.

Ethan's frustration was palpable as he felt ignored and disrespected by this mysterious man. "Why was that?" he snapped, his temper flaring.

Suki chimed in, supporting Ethan's demand for an explanation. "Yes, why was that?" she echoed.

As the minutes continued to pass, the impending chaos of The Clown's attack drew nearer. Ethan's aura, indicative of his status as a military general's son, began to emanate, and it didn't escape Alex's notice.

Alex couldn't help but comment on the situation with a hint of amusement. 'Not bad, as expected of a general's son, and also a.... third level villain,' he remarked, acknowledging Ethan's intensity.

Ethan's response was laced with bitterness as he referred to Alex as a villain. Meanwhile, Suki found herself frustrated and ignored in the midst of this tense encounter. She couldn't help but think about her role as a sub-heroine, a character often overshadowed by the so-called protagonist.

As the gala continued and the plot thickened, Alex seemed intent on playing with the concept of the protagonist, adding a layer of intrigue to the unfolding events.

As the tension between Alex, Ethan, and Suki escalated, a sudden shift occurred in the atmosphere. Ethan's aura, indicative of his status as a military general's son, began to emanate with intensity, reflecting his growing frustration and agitation. However, before the situation could escalate further, an unknown aura abruptly suppressed Ethan's, leaving him bewildered.

"What happen" his aura being suppressed by unknown aura.

"Save your energy as you will need this"

As a villain he took pity to Ethan, he is a good guy, but because of the heroine ignored him and date the protagonist, the people like him become a villain, I felt some familiar feeling with him,, we just being used and then throw away by the world, his face suddenly become cold this time

Yeah the reason he doesn't bother to chat with suki is she is a sub heroine, destiny just be used by the so called protagonist, well in fact I just reminder, there should be a protagonist in this event. hehe....

'30 second'

As the minutes ticked away and the impending chaos of The Clown's attack drew nearer, Alex's enigmatic smile never wavered. He was a character who reveled in the complexity of the narrative, and the idea of challenging destiny itself intrigued him.


'20 second'

'5 Second'

'4 Second'

'3 Second'

'2 Second'

'1 Second'

"It's Time"

Alex, ever enigmatic, advised Ethan to save his energy, implying that it would be needed for something more significant. He expressed a sense of understanding for Ethan's position, recognizing the common fate of characters like them who were often used and discarded by the world. It was a moment of empathy between two individuals who had been cast aside by the narrative.

As they exchanged these unspoken sentiments, a sudden, deafening roar echoed from behind, causing everyone to instinctively cover their ears. The supersonic sound reverberated through the gala, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. The impending chaos of The Clown's attack was drawing nearer, and the guests could only brace themselves for what lay ahead.