
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · アクション
66 Chs


In the late hours of the night, the world was drenched in the soothing embrace of rain. It fell from the heavens in a gentle, rhythmic dance, each droplet a shimmering reflection of the moonlight. The earth seemed to sigh in relief as the water quenched its thirst, and the air carried the delicate scent of petrichor, a fragrance of renewal and rebirth.

Amidst this ethereal downpour, two figures stood, their gazes locked in an unspoken exchange. One was a young man, his features marked by determination and a sense of purpose, tinged with the shadows of past betrayals. The other was a young girl, her eyes harboring secrets that ran as deep as the ocean.

The night seemed to hold its breath as an unspoken tension hung in the air, the silence broken only by the gentle patter of raindrops on leaves and pavement.

A voice echoed within Alex's mind, a cautionary whisper from his future self, a reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. It urged him to tread carefully, to be wary of trust, especially when it came to someone who had once been a betrayer.

The past had left scars, etching the pain of deception into his heart. Yet, as he stared into Zelda's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story, if the girl before him held the key to unraveling the mysteries of his fragmented memories.

You've been down this treacherous path before, the voice murmured, its tone filled with the bitterness of past deceptions. Trust is a fragile thread, easily frayed by the sharp edges of betrayal.

Alex's heart pounded in his chest as he grappled with conflicting emotions. The memories of his past life, of being hunted and betrayed, were etched into his very soul. They were the shadows that clung to him, the reminders of a world where danger lurked in every corner.

As Alex stood firm in his decision, the rain continued to pour, creating a melancholic backdrop to their encounter. He couldn't ignore the past, the betrayal that still lingered in his memory. With a heavy heart, he addressed Zelda once more.

"I'm sorry, Zelda," he repeated, his voice filled with regret. "But I can't help you. Our trust was shattered once, and I can't risk it happening again."

Zelda's eyes glistened with sadness, but she nodded in understanding. She knew that her actions had consequences, and she couldn't fault Alex for his decision.


As Zelda turned to leave, she hesitated for a moment, then reached into a small pouch at her side. With a soft, almost imperceptible sigh, she withdrew a small, intricately carved pendant made of what appeared to be a translucent crystal.

She extended her arm, offering the pendant to Alex. "Take this," she said quietly. "It's not much, but it's a token of the time we spent together."

"What it is?"

"You will know in the future"

"Being Mysterious is not that good Zelda"

The pendant that Zelda held in her hand had an intricate design. It was heart-shaped, crafted from a deep, polished onyx stone with delicate silver filigree adorning its surface. In the center of the heart, a small sapphire gemstone glistened, catching the dim light in the room and casting a faint, ethereal glow.

The sapphire seemed to hold an otherworldly quality, its deep blue hue reminiscent of the night sky during a serene moment. As the light played upon its surface, it created an illusion of stars twinkling within the stone.

Around the sapphire, the silver filigree formed intricate patterns, like delicate lacework, giving the pendant an air of elegance and craftsmanship. It was a piece of jewelry that seemed to hold secrets of its own, a silent witness to the tumultuous journey of its bearers.

Alex couldn't help but be drawn to the pendant's beauty, even though he remained wary of Zelda's intentions.

Alex looked at the pendant, its delicate beauty catching the shimmering light from the rain-soaked alley. Memories of their past flooded his mind, both the moments of trust and the pain of betrayal.

After a moment's hesitation, he accepted the pendant, holding it gently in his hand. "Thank you, Zelda," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of emotions.

Before Zelda could disappear into the night, Alex's sense of empathy overcame his lingering distrust. He called out to her one last time, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and advice.

"Zelda," he said, "I may not be able to help you now, but I hope you find the answers you seek. Just remember, not everyone is as forgiving as I am. Be careful who you trust, and tread cautiously in the world you've chosen to inhabit."

With those words of caution, he allowed her to go on her way, hoping that she would heed his advice and find the path she was searching for.

Zelda nodded, a sad smile on her lips, and then she continued on her way, leaving Alex standing alone in the rain with the pendant as a tangible reminder of their complicated history.

With one final, lingering look, she turned and disappeared into the rain-drenched night, leaving Alex to continue his journey alone. The echoes of their past lingered in the air, a reminder of the complexities of trust and betrayal.


As Zelda left, her Contract beast, Zephy, couldn't help but express its thoughts. "Are you sure you gave that man the pendant?" Zephy inquired.

Zelda nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure."

Zephy let out a sigh. "Love, huh? Do you know how much that pendant is worth?"

"I do, but..." Zelda's voice trailed off, and she chose not to finish her sentence.

Zephy, always protective, spoke again. "You knew from the start that he would reject you, right? You could have just said goodbye."

Zelda remained silent, wrestling with her emotions.

"Where do we go now?" Zephy asked, concern evident in its tone. "Von must be searching for us by now."

Zelda made her decision. "We'll head to another town and search for 'that' clue."

Zelda, using her shadow ability, summoned a mask into existence. With a focused effort, she willed the mask to cover her face, as Zelda harnessed her shadow ability to create the mask, a mesmerizing transformation unfolded. Dark tendrils of shadow energy spiraled around her, coalescing into a swirling, formless mass in front of her face. It pulsated with an eerie, ethereal glow, casting dancing shadows in the dimly lit room.

With deliberate concentration, Zelda began to shape the amorphous shadow substance. Her thoughts guided the process, molding it into a mask of intricate design. The mask's contours emerged gradually, evolving from the shapeless void into an artful and enigmatic visage.

Features materialized with meticulous precision: high cheekbones, an elegant nose, and delicate, arching eyebrows. The eyes, however, remained the centerpiece—deep, shadowy pools that hinted at hidden mysteries and concealed emotions.

Zelda breathed life into the mask, infusing it with an aura of secrecy and disguise. It was a work of both artistry and magic, a testament to her mastery over the shadow domain. The mask was a perfect replica, yet it bore no resemblance to her true self.

Once the mask was complete, Zelda gently held it up to her face. As she pressed it against her skin, the shadowy contours melded seamlessly with her features. Her appearance underwent a profound transformation, and the mask concealed her true identity completely.

With this newfound guise, Zelda was ready to venture into the unknown, her face hidden behind a mask born of shadows—a symbol of her adaptability and the secrets she held close.

With their path set, Zelda and Zephy disappeared into the night, leaving behind a complicated past and an uncertain future.