
Assassin Transmigrates Into A Novel As A Side Character

[This is an entry for the DECEMBER - JANUARY WPC. Please support the novel by adding to the collections and voting for it.] Mike Morganson was a young assassin. He lost his father before he was born and his mother died after giving birth to him. He was left to live alone at the orphanage. He watched as the other children were being adopted and each time he felt alone. One day though, a man in his thirties came to the orphanage and then adopted him. This man was not an ordinary person - he was an assassin. Mike became an assassin at the young age of twelve. But on his fiftieth birthday, he was poisoned - at his own birthday party no less ! But this was not the end for the young Mike as he transmigrated into the novel he had finished reading as a mere side character. But luckily for Mike, he was rewarded with the [Devourer System] which helps him to devour other people's stats and skills. Join Mike as he tries to survive in the novel were peace does not reside. ******* WARNING !! - Mature content present. Read at your own discretion ! #No Yuri #No NTR #Overpowered MC #Harem #Anti-Hero ******* For every 100 power stones 1 bonus chapter will be released. For every 50 golden tickets 1 bonus chapter will be released.

Frosty_Cupcakes · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter 23: [Elven Kingdom] [1]

As they stepped out of the store, Keith's mind turned to their upcoming journey to the [Elven Kingdom].

He remembered the long road ahead, the potential dangers, and the need for preparation.

"Evelyn, we should stock up on supplies for our journey," he said, his eyes scanning the surrounding market stalls. "We do not know what we will face on the way to the [Elven Kingdom]."

Evelyn's face showed a shocked expression as she looked at Keith with wide eyes.

"We are going to the [Elven Kingdom]?", asked Evelyn with a shocked expression.

"Oh, I did not tell. Well... I was initially planning on going to the [Elven Kingdom] before I met you", said Keith with an apologetic expression on his face.

"So if you do not mind, would you like to come with me to the [Elven Kingdom]?", asked Keith.

Evelyn's face flushed red as she nodded her head in agreement.

"So, we need to start preparing for our journey", said Keith with a wide smile on his face.

Evelyn nodded, her expression quickly changing into a practical one. "Good thinking. What do we need?"

Keith thought for a moment. "Food, water, potions, and some sturdy gear. We do not want to be caught off guard by any surprises along the way."

Together, they set off through the market, browsing stalls and selecting items that would aid them in their journey.

They bought dried meat, fruit, and bread for sustenance, as well as waterskins and leather pouches to carry their supplies.

Keith also picked up a few potions from a nearby apothecary, just in case.

As they shopped, Evelyn could not help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation.

She had never been on a journey like this before, and she was not sure what to expect.

But with Keith by her side, she felt a sense of safety and reassurance.

With their supplies in hand, they made their way back to the city gate, ready to begin their journey to the [Elven Kingdom].

As they left the city behind, Keith and Evelyn ventured into the infamous [The Dark Forest], a vast and treacherous expanse that covered 30% of the continent.

The trees loomed above them, casting deep shadows that seemed to writhe and twist in the flickering sunlight.

"This place is eerie," Evelyn said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can feel eyes watching us."

Keith drew his sword, its familiar weight a comfort in the face of the forest's menacing atmosphere. "Stay close, Evelyn. We will face whatever comes our way together."

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, their instincts proved true.

Snarling creatures emerged from the underbrush, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Keith and Evelyn fought side by side, their blades slicing through the darkness.

A pack of goblins ambushed them, their crude weapons and cackling laughter a stark contrast to the eerie silence of the forest.

Keith and Evelyn fought off the attack, their movements fluid and synchronized.

Next, a giant spider descended from the trees, its legs as thick as Keith's arm.

Evelyn shrieked as it lunged, but Keith was quick, his sword slicing through the spider's belly.

As the sun began to set, casting the forest in an even darker hue, they stumbled upon a clearing.

In the center stood an ancient tree, its branches twisted and gnarled.

"We will rest here for the night," Keith said, his eyes scanning the perimeter. "The [Elven Kingdom] is still far, but we have made good progress."

Evelyn nodded, her eyes fixed on the ancient tree. "This place feels... sacred."

Keith smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Maybe it is. Maybe we will find some peace here, before we face whatever dangers lie ahead."

As night fell, they settled around the base of the ancient tree, their campfire casting flickering shadows on the surrounding trees.

Keith kept watch, his sword close at hand, while Evelyn rested her eyes, her ears attuned to the forest sounds.

Suddenly, a faint humming noise drifted through the air, like the quiet buzzing of a harp string.

Evelyn's eyes snapped open, and she sat up straight, her gaze locked on Keith.

"What was that?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the humming.

Keith's eyes narrowed, his head cocked to the side. "I do not know, but it is definitely not natural."

The humming grew louder, and the air around them began to vibrate with an otherworldly energy.

Keith stood, his sword at the ready, as a shimmering light coalesced before them.

A figure took form, tall and graceful, with skin like the moon and hair like the stars.

Her eyes locked onto Keith, and she spoke in a voice like music.

"Greetings, traveler. I am the guardian of this forest. You have been chosen to receive a gift from the [Elven Kingdom]."

Keith's eyes widened, his mind racing with wonder. "A gift?"

The guardian nodded, her hand extending. "A gift of magic, to aid you on your journey. Will you accept it?"

Keith hesitated, unsure of what to expect.

But Evelyn's eyes shone with encouragement, and he nodded, his hand reaching out to receive the gift.

As soon as Keith's hand touched the guardian's, a surge of energy coursed through his body.

He felt a strange sensation, like his cells were being rearranged, and his mind expanded with newfound power.

The guardian smiled, her eyes gleaming with approval. "You now possess the magic of the Elven Kingdom. Use it wisely, traveler."

And with that, she vanished, leaving Keith stunned and bewildered.

Evelyn stared at him in awe, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Keith, what happened? You are glowing!"

Keith looked down at his hands, and indeed, a soft, ethereal light emanated from them.

He felt a strange, tingling sensation, like his fingers were buzzing with energy.

"I do not know, but I feel... different," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

Evelyn's eyes sparkled with excitement. "This is amazing! You are a mage now, Keith!"

Keith's mind raced with the implications. He had always been a warrior, relying on his sword and shield to protect him. But now, he had the power of magic at his fingertips.

As they continued their journey, Keith began to experiment with his newfound abilities.

He discovered he could cast spells, summon [Fire] and [Ice], and even heal wounds.

The magic coursed through him like a river, and he felt a sense of limitless potential.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and Keith knew that he had to learn to control his abilities.

He did not want to harm anyone or cause destruction.

He needed guidance, and he knew just the place to find it - the [Elven Kingdom].

As they journeyed deeper into [The Dark Forest], Keith's magic grew stronger.

He practiced his spells, honing his skills and learning to control the powerful forces at his command.

Evelyn watched in awe, her eyes shining with excitement and a hint of fear.

One day, after many moons, they saw it - the shimmering spires of the [Elven Kingdom], rising like a mirage from the forest floor.

Keith's heart raced with excitement, his magic thrumming in anticipation.

As they approached the kingdom, a figure emerged from the gates. Tall, graceful, and imposing, with eyes that seemed to see right through them.

"Greetings, travelers," the elf lord said, his voice like music. "I am Lord Althaeon, ruler of this realm. You, Keith, have been chosen to receive a great gift - the blessing of our kingdom's magic."

Keith bowed, his heart filled with gratitude. "I am honored, Lord Althaeon. I promise to use this power for good, and to protect your kingdom and its people."

Lord Althaeon smiled, his eyes shining with approval. "I believe you, Keith. And I sense that you have a crucial role to play in the fate of our world."

And with that, he beckoned them to enter the kingdom, where wonders and dangers awaited.

As they entered the [Elven Kingdom], Keith and Evelyn were struck by its beauty.

The city was made of crystal and silver, with trees and flowers that seemed to shine like stars.

They were greeted by elves who were graceful and kind, and who welcomed them with open arms.

Lord Althaeon led them to a great hall, where a feast was laid out before them.

They ate and drank, and Keith was hailed as a hero by the elves.

He was given a place of honor at the table, and Lord Althaeon sat beside him, speaking of the magic that lay within him.

As the night wore on, Keith felt a sense of belonging he had never known before.

He felt like he had found a new home, a place where he could be himself and use his powers for good.

But as the night drew to a close, Lord Althaeon's expression turned serious. "Keith, there is a darkness growing in the land," he said. "A power that threatens to destroy all that is good. I fear that you are the only one who can stop it."

Keith's heart raced as he listened to Lord Althaeon's words. He knew that he had a great quest ahead of him, one that would test his powers and his courage.

But he was ready, for he knew that he had the support of the [Elven Kingdom] and the magic that lay within him.

If anyone is wondering, the system has gone on holiday and it will be back soon, I discovered that the pace of the story was a little too fast for my liking so we are going to slow it a bit down and merge all his powers as the story goes on.

Frosty_Cupcakescreators' thoughts