
Assassin's Reincarnation as a Slime

Cucumber_Lemon · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Hidden Chamber (9)

The Guardian Dragon that protects the mysterious village inside the forest talks to Erza telepathically.

Erza, is also curious about the Guardian Dragon that the kids spoke off, and she wanted to take a peak to the temple thinking that it is residing there. And her hunch is confirmed, even though her [Haku] is being jammed by some magic.

She thought that it is being jammed by the Dragon, who are extremely powerful. Beings that possessed unfathomable powers that even with her experiences in her past life as an assasin who encountered countless unique and powerful individuals, can't match with the Dragons.

With the threat of the Dragon to her if she decided not to show up in its chamber, she could die instantly.

So, without waster any bits of seconds, she jumped from the second floor balcony and rush towards the temple which is hundreds of meters away from the house.

With her elf body, she has natural gift of speed and agility, thus — it is inevitable that she can reach the bottom of the temple in a few moments.

The design of the temple are similar to the design of Mesoamerican Pyramid, with torches around to illuminate the area. It is the heart of the village, standing at the center.

Erza without any knowledge about what to do aside from coming to the temple, she tries a simple method to know what to do next.

"I'm here. Where should I go next?"

The method she used is the option that makes sense. Since the Dragon has complete control in the area, the Dragon is probably watching her every movements.

Fortunately, her method works. The voice the Dragon comes to her mind.

«Go up, you will see a door there. Enter the place. I'll lead you to me.»


She then goes up using the stairs that the temple has in all directions. As she reaches the top, she sees a small cube-like home woth stone door.

'That's probably it.'

On the top, she can see the entire village from that view. She unconsciously sigh deeply, as if something soothing happens.

'This town seems peaceful.'

She opens the door, a stone-tone creaking sound echoes and some sand-dust are falling as she moves it.

For a stone door, the weight of the door is lightweight. It's probably being controlled by the Dragon.

As she enters the place, she sees an altar with a relief sculpture of a four-legged dragon, with long neck, and large wings.

On the altar is a pair of candles on each side, a glass of wine, and a bread.

She walk towards it. The door closes.

There is nothing else on the room except from the altar. Before she could even reach the altar, the floor opens magically.

"WHAT?! A trap?!"

Caught off guard, she falls to the dark tunnel leading to the unknown. She couldn't react to that, it only took exactly 12 seconds when she reaches the bottom, in which she landed perfectly.

It's dark, but as an elf, they have a great vision at night — nonetheless, she can see nothing.

"A void space? I can't see a thing." Saying that, she didn't risk to move around, even her [Haku] can't detect anything as it is being distorted.

Trying to comprehend what she will do, looking above to escape using the trap door where she falls, but even before she could even move, a voice echoes.

Not in telepathy. She can hear it using both of her ears.

"An Elf...? Human...? Or a slime? You're fairly interesting."

Erza was caught off guard again, she instinctively drew her slime sword to be ready to fight. Her instinct as an assasin is telling her to fight, but that's in her past life. Right now, when the image of the one who spoke those words, her will to fight cease to exist.

It's a Dragon. Long neck, large body with four feet, long tail and wings, and razor sharp teeth. It's colors is a gradient color of blue-green and white.

The Dragon is in a resting position looking at Erza, it's eyes seems shows no or little interest in her life.

'I'm shaking.'

Erza hold her left arm tightly to calm himself, but she still can't hide it. Right now, fear is crawling inside her body, she doesn't have a will to do anything on front of a dragon she had never seen before.

'This is absurd! How can a single entity posses this much power?! Right now, if I show any hostility, I could die in an instant.'

Even if her senses is being jammed, she can clearly sense it. The Dragon in front of her is a power she must not go against.

Erza can't talk or even start a conversation with the Dragon. She met powerful people in her (his) past life but the Dragon in front of her is different. It is a power that has no definition.

But to not get disrespectful, she opens her mouth and greet the Dragon.

"I- I greet the Guardian Dragon of this town."

Her body is still shaking. She can't look straight into the eyes of the Dragon.

However, with her greetings, the reply of the Dragon is different.

"Oh, so you're from another world, huh? Hmm... an assasin — and you're quite excellent in your field. Asura would be delighted if I tell her that I found someone from another world. Raise your head, I permit you to look me in the eye."

Erza exchange gazes with the mighty Dragon. Erza instantly figured it out that the Dragon can easily penetrate and read her mind due to the facts that the Dragon stated awhile ago.

"I can see that you're wondering in this new world without a plan, huh?"

"Yes, up until now, I still have no idea what is the reason of my existence in this new world. I lost in a fight, but got reincarnated as a slime. I still possess my memories and fighting techniques but now I lack in power."

"Hmm... well, the magic that fills the universe is certainly a mysterious things that even for us, Dragon, have a limited knowledge about. However, everything happens for a reason."

"I see. Even for you, finding the answers might be challenging. I wonder what could it be?"

"Agreed. I think my friend Asura, the Fire Dragon, can help you with that. She's the only Dragon that is enthusiastic when it comes to another world."

"Really? Is it possible to meet her?"

"Of course, but she's very temperamental. But if you told her that you come from another world, she might welcome you to her home."

Erza's eyes brightens as she can finally see hope in knowing the answers she's unable to locate.

"Where should I go?" Erza eagerly asked.

"Wait, wait? Do you seriously wanted to find her in thar current state of yours? You're too weak to travel right now. You may be skilled but you have little power to protect yourself."

Erza's mind got blanked.

'He's right. I might die while traveling.'

"True, you will die." The Dragon reply to the thought of Erza.

"What do you think I should do?"

"Train here. I will provide training dolls for you to practice. Your goal is to reach [Peros] in three days. Can you do it?"

Erza smiles. She thought that she can finally go alp out without worrying about dying. If the Dragon will provide the sessions for training, the results would be worthwhile.

"Yes! When can I start—?"

She ducked out of instinct as a blade swung right through her.


"How about, NOW?!"

When Erza look, at least 13 soldier made from while mist are in front of her, all are carrying a deadly weapon. In a glance, she concluded that the mist soldiers are exceptionally skilled.

This will bring proper teaching to survive in the new world.