
Assassin's Creed [YURI]

A Citrus AU

KangJungAh · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Yuzu's already drunk and she did the unspeakable. She talked about the Shadow World with mundanes.

"You know *hic* I really *hic* hate this life! People keep *hic* telling me wh- *hic* what to do!" Yuzu said as she chugged another shot.

"Shadow World? What are you talking about Yuzu? Is that some kind of fantasy place you've created?" One of the girls said.

"Wish it's just a fantasy." Yuzu said as she took the whole bottle and gulped it in almost a second.

"You know that you're drunk already, right?" Ryn asked as she smirked a little. "I'm not going to take you back to the Aihara Mansion."

"Like I care. I'm ju- *hic* walk home. There's nothing wr- *hic* with that." Yuzu said as she giggled.

"This girl really lost her mind. Let's get going." Ryn whispered.

"We're going now then, Yuzu." Ryn said and was about to go out when Yuzu held her hand.

"Will I get to stay with you tomorrow?" Yuzu asked not in her right mind.

Ryn was shocked as she looked how pitiful Yuzu looked.

'God! My heart is beating so fast right now?! Did this bitch really got me off?!'

"Will we?" Yuzu asked for the second time and this time the others answered.

"Of course, Yuzu. We all know that you miss spending time with us. Right Ryn?" The girl said and looked at Ryn.

"....Y-yeah. See you tomorrow, Yuzu." Ryn said and pulled her arm away.

'Just what is wrong with me?'

Mei and Shigeko already have a plan and was ready when they saw Ryn walking home but didn't saw Yuzu with them.

"Oy! Scofell!" Mei called to her.

"Ah, if it isn't Aihara-san." Ryn said and asked the girls to leave.

"Where is Yuzu?" Mei asked seriously.

"I don't know, the last time I saw her was she's in a bar." Ryn replied.

"What did you do!" Mei shouted.

"I did nothing, besides she's the one who wanted to see me tomorrow again." Ryn explained.

"Yuzu won't say such thing." Shigeko said. .

"Here's proof." Ryn said and played the recorded audio.

"We're going now then, Yuzu." Ryn said. After a few moments nothing was heard until they heard Yuzu speaking.

"Will I get to stay with you tomorrow?" Yuzu asked.

"That ain't true!" Shigeko shouted.

"See? Even though I showed proof." Ryn said. "You still don't believe me." Ryn added.

"For a person you are." Mei said.

"Speak for yourself. Anyways, why not ask her when she wakes up tomorrow? I need to get going." Ryn said as she took a step forward closer to Mei.

"If you really want me to stop, you know you can, but remember when you choose. You can't back down." Ryn whispered to her ear and Mei trembled a little.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at school." Ryn said then turned around and left.

"What was all that about?" Shigeko asked.

"An offer that I'll never agree... I hope." Mei said and whispered the last part. "Let's just get to Yuzu." Mei added and the two left.

While running Mei's phone vibrated and Harumin called her.

"What's up?" Mei asked.

"Yuzu's home and she's....." Harumin said.

"Oh come on!" Mei heard from the other line.

"Is that Yuzu?" Mei asked.

"Oh, yeah Mei. I'm hooommmeeee!" Yuzu replied as she passed out on the couch.

"Yuzu!" Harumin shouted from the other line.

"Is Yuzu Okay?" Mei asked.

The other line was quiet for a moment  then Harumin answered.

"Yeah, Yuzu just fell off the couch passed out and almost hit the side table but she's fine." Harumin replied and Mei sighed. They teleported back at the Mansion and they saw Yuzu fast asleep. 

"Thanks, Harumi. You can go home now. I can ask for your leave tomorrow as you and Himeko didn't get sleep today." Mei said.

"No need, I can go tomorrow. Don't worry about me Mei." Harumin said.

"I'll take care of Yuzuko from here. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Shigeko said then carried Yuzu upstairs.

"Be careful on your way home, okay?" Mei said as she looked at the two of them.

"Don't worry too much, Meimei. We'll be fine!" Himeko said as she assured Yuzu.

"You two should get going really. It's almost 1 in the morning." Mei said.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Text me how Yuzucchi's doing, okay?" Harumin said and Mei only nodded.

"Bye bye, Meimei. See you tomorrow!" Himeko said and the two teleported as they went back home.

"Haah! Ryn are you really still into me?!" Mei exclaimed as she grabbed her head.

"Should I agree? But I'll be stuck with her....except if I give her a better offer." Mei said as she thought.

"Hmm? What can I offer her that she would say yes." Mei said to herself when she heard Shigeko calling her name.

"Mei!" Shigeko shouted and Mei hurried upstairs to see blood all over the place.

"What happened?" Mei asked as she saw Shigeko hiding.

"What are you doing there?" Mei asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"It happened again. She started attacking me and hurt me in the process." Shigeko explained.

"What do you mean? What happened again?" Mei asked still confused.

"Mei? Is that you?" An older woman said in Yuzu's body.

"Mom?" Mei asked.

"It's me, darling!" The woman said and walked toward her with her arms open ready to embrace her daughter.

"You killed my mom, monster! You are not my mom anymore!" Mei shouted as she attacked Yuzu's body.

"Don't attack her! That's still Yuzu's body!" Shigeko shouted.

"Hahahaha! I told you I'll be back right, Okogi? And I'm back." The woman said as she laughed an evil laughter.

"Please let her body go, mom. I'm begging you." Mei said calmly.

"I will if you promise me one thing." The woman said.

"What is it?" Mei asked. 

"Go tell your father I'm coming home he should accept me. If not, I'll kill this girl you care about more than your own girlfriend." The woman answered.

"That's not fair! You were the one who caused this war 100 years ago! Father told me!" Mei said as rage started to fill in her eyes.

"Oh, but you did. You killed the Okogi, Mei. You killed Yongi Okogi." The woman said.

"Because you threatened me! If I don't do it you will kill grandma but you still killed her in front of me!" Mei shouted as tears started falling from her eyes.

"I wasn't in control of myself that time, sweetie. My body was possessed with someone I don't even know." She said.

"I don't believe you. I'll think about your offer but for now please stop possessing someone to get to me. It won't work, anymore." Mei said and Yuzu fell on the bed passed out.

"Y-You killed uncle?! But why?! He didn't do anything wrong?! If Yuzu hears about this she will hate you all her life because you took someone that she cares about most in the world. And I'm not going to be there to stop her because I also hate you now for what you did. You should come clean tomorrow with Yuzu because if she hears this from someone...she will look at you in the eye and you will never see her again." Shigeko explained.

"Is there anymore that you wanted to tell us? Before I hate you more?" Shigeko asked and Mei shook her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then. Take care of Yuzu for me because I can't seem to think of anything right now except of what I heard earlier...This is because of you, Mei Aihara. Remember that." Shigeko said and slammed the door behind her.

Mei fell on her knees crying.

"I messed up everything." Mei said to her herself.

"We always do, right? It never ends. We always messes everything." Her younger self said to her as she held her face.

"Let's just cry and sleep and hope that this didn't happen." Her younger self added.

"No, I will fix this. Even though I'll lose them all. I. WILL. FIX. THIS." Mei said and her other self vanished into thin air and she stood up. She cleaned up the place and was determined to tell everything to Yuzu when she wakes up tomorrow.

Meanwhile Harumin was lost in her thoughts not until her sister Mitsuko tapped her shoulder.

"You're spaced out. Also why are you still wide awake now? You didn't get sleep last night?" Mitsuko asked as she yawned.

"Yeah, it's bugs me to see Mei care for someone she just met over me." Harumin replied.

"Is this about the new girl? She seemed nice." Mitsuko said.

"Yeah, she is. But I hate hoe Mei looks at her." Harumin said.

"You're seeing things and jealous. Aihara-san never had someone in her life that she cared about really. Except for you who she opened her heart. But maybe she changes or you're just seeing things. Just give her a chance, Harumi. Maybe she'll come around." Mitsuko said and assured her sister.

"Now, go to sleep or I'll kick your ass tomorrow morning." Mitsuko said and Harumin went to her bed and slept for the night.

"The time is almost right....The New Witcher has already woken up from her sleep and by then, we will kill her and use her soul to create the weapon that could conquer the entire world!" Someone said as she watched by the Aihara Room far away with her telescope.

"Soon, very soon." His partner said as they smiled at each other and kissed.


The Next Day

Yuzu woke with her head hurting. She turned around to see Mei already left.

"Ugh...How long was I asleep?" Yuzu said as she took some headache pills from the bathroom and her eyes widen seeing a hickey in her neck.

"I-is that a hickey?" Yuzu asked herself as she trembled.

"Did I lose my virginity last night?! What did I do?!" Yuzu exclaimed as she tried to wash off the bruise but couldn't.

"What time is it, anyway?" Yuzu said and check the clock to see it's already late morning.

"Uh oh! I'm already late!" Yuzu shouted and the maid went it.

"Ms. Aihara has your leave granted because of the accident last night, Ms. Okogi." The maid said.

"So....I'm excused?" Yuzu asked and the maid nodded.

"Yes, and breakfast is ready. Would you like me to bring it to you here or you're coming down?" The maid asked.

"I'll come down, auntie. Please stop calling me Ms. It's too formal. Call me Yuzu." Yuzu replied.

"I see, I'll set the table for you then, Yuzu." The maid replied.

Yuzu dressed up and went downstairs to see a woman sitting on the couch.

"Who are you?" Yuzu asked.

"Ah, where's my manners. I'm Lihan, Ms. Okogi. I'm here to discuss your powers with you." The woman replied.

"Powers? But I only have one power, that's fire, right?" Yuzu asked.

"That's what I thought. I don't know your mom came from the family of Aqua Tribe. You must have her power also." Lihan explained.

"But water hurts me." Yuzu replied. The maid came back with Yuzu's food.

"Can you please get tea for Ms. Lihan, thank you." Yuzu said and the maid nodded then left.

"Because the fire dominates the water. You may train only for fire but soon you will have to learn how to use your other power." Lihan said.

"Why is there the need to use violence?" Yuzu asked.

"The Aqua people never believed that violence is always the answer that's why they were brought down. The only person I know that's from the Aqua Clan is your cousin and her father." Lihan said.

"Uncle is alive?" Yuzu asked and Lihan nodded.

"The reason I went to talk to you is to get your baptism going. I'll be needing you out of school for 1 week. That's how long your baptism takes." Lihan explained.

"1 week?! That long?! But how come that's so long?" Yuzu asked.

"It's better if we don't talk here. Can you meet me outside? We can go to your baptism area and I can explain everything there." Lihan said.

"Why?" Yuzu asked.

"Because, someone might be watching us here. My walls have barrier that they can't peak or get through." Lihan said.

"I understand. I'll just get my phone- Here it is." Lihan said as she handed her phone to her.

"Woah!" Yuzu exclaimed.

"Now, let's go." Lihan said and they teleported to her place.

"I'll never get used to this!" Yuzu shouted as they teleported somewhere.

Mei is in school but her mind isn't. She kept thinking about Yuzu.

'I hope Ryn didn't do anything bad to her.... she's fine, she's fine....yeah she's fine.'

"Meimei?" Himeko called her but she didn't answer back.

"Meimei." Himeko called again and this time she tapped Mei's shoulder and she jumped.

"Ahh!" Mei shouted as Himeko jumped a little.

"Stop scaring me like that!" Mei said as she sit straight.

"You keep spacing out, Meimei. What's up?" Himeko asked. "It's not because of the Okogi right?" Himeko added and Mei nodded.

"It is, I'm afraid that something is going to happen soon. I don't know what it is but it involves all of us." Mei said.

"Your grandfather might notice something, Meimei. I suggest you be careful." Himeko said.

"I know, Hime. It's just mom is getting out of control and I'm afraid that she'll hurt you guys." Mei replied.

"Just make sure you don't get yourself in more trouble, Mei. I'm sorry." Himeko said as her grandfather went inside.

"Gr-grandfather!" Mei said as she stood up.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost, Mei? Is there something you want to tell me?" Her grandfather asked.

Mei only looked at Himeko who couldn't look at her in the eyes.

"Mei?" Her grandfather asked again.

"I didn't know you were still in touch with that bitch. Lilian is not your mother anymore, Mei." He said. "We both know what she did 100 years ago." He added.

"You don't want that happening again now?" Her grandfather said.

"Mei, stop." His grandfather said.

"Are you going to tell me something?" He said. "Final chance or I'll kick the Okogis out." He added.

"The-There's nothing to be said." Mei said as she stuttered.

"Fine, next time if something happens report to me immediately." His grandfather said then left.

Himeko immediately went after him as she was avoiding Mei who was shocked by what happened but she kept a calm expression and just tried to keep working.

Harumin is with Shigeko and they're also talking about Yuzu.

"I wonder what Ryn wants with Yuzu. It seems that she has a motive." Shigeko said.

"Didn't we told you it was because of jealousy?" Harumin said as she raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, I couldn't understand why it connects with Yuzuko." Shigeko said.

"You don't notice something fishy?" Harumin asked.

"Mei's changing, I can understand that but I think it's because of Yuzucchi. She just became distant even with Himeko. I don't know what happened." Harumin explained.

"She was never like this. This is the only time we saw her so worried about an easy solved problem involving the humans." Harumin added as tears started forming in her eyes.

"You're not saying that she's in love, right?" Shigeko asked.

"That's what we've been talking about, Okogi-san." Himeko said as she took a seat.

"How was it?" Harumin asked.

"It was ok, she was shocked but she needs to know her limits before it gets worse." Himeko said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Shigeko asked confused.

"Mei is in love with your cousin, Shik." Harumin said.

"B-But she's going out w-with you." Shigeko replied.

"I know but I guess not anymore." Harumin replied as tears started forming in her eyes.

"I just can't accept it." Harumin said as she wiped off the tears in her eyes.

"You have to accept it Taniguchi-san, or you won't be able to move on." Himeko said.

"Just like you didn't?" Harumin said as she glared at Himeko.

"What do you mean?" Himeko asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I know you only said that to Mei's grandfather so that you would get us separated. You want Mei to yourself." Harumin explained.

"I'll never do such thing! Why do you think you two got together?! Because of me dumbass! You were so coward to confess to Mei!" Himeko shouted getting a few students attention.

"Liar! You only did that because you heard that Mei also has feelings for me!" Harumin shouted back.

"Ugh! When will you tru- Shut it!" Shigeko said as she got the two girls' attention.

"Some students are listening! What are you guys doing?! You can fight anywhere but not here!" Shigeko said and the two sat back down.

"We won't know the truth until we get it from Mei-san. Maybe we shou- Guys! Emergency meeting." Mei said as she hurried holding her necklace.

"What's wrong?" Shigeko asked.

"Yuzu she went out of the house and I couldn't track her." Mei said.

"Do you really need to track her all the time?" Harumin asked.

"Yes, of course! She needs my help!" Mei said. Harumin only gave Shigeko the look and she nodded then sighed.

"Mei, Yuzu might have forgot to put the necklace on her before she went out. You need to stop worrying about her, maybe it's time you give her the chance to protect herself." Shigeko explained.

"What do you mean?" Mei asked confused.

"You're on your own, Meimei. We can't keep following your orders like we are slaves of yours. It's time you do things on your own." Himeko said.

"You've changed Mei. I don't recognize you anymore. Maybe we should just end this now." Harumin said and the three walked away and left the cafeteria.

Mei was shocked by what she heard and tried to keep her tears from flowing until no one could see her.

She went to the rooftop and cried hard. She realized that she took her friends for granted without realizing it. They felt used and they can't keep going.

'What did I do?! I ruined everything!'

"Maybe we should end this right now. That's what I'll do. I'll end this once and for all!" Mei said and jumped from the rooftop and let herself fall to the ground.

Meanwhile Shigeko is outside talking with Rina outside and she noticed a person on the rooftop.

'What the hell?!'

Shigeko ran and caught Mei who was shocked.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Shigeko asked as she put her down safely. "This could threaten the whole Shadow World!" Shigeko added.

"Harumin wanted to end it so...." Mei said as she cried.

"Maybe we said too much but we just don't want to feel used. We hate you but not that you should end your life with it!" Shigeko scolded Mei.

"Now they're all looking at us." Shigeko said as she started panicking.

"Shik! Why did you sudd- Ah, President." Rina said as she hurried after them.

"Nothing, I just saw Aihara-san and I remembered that I have something to tell her." Shigeko replied.

"Ah, I see. I was about to tell you that we should go back together but we'll I can go my own. See you in class." Rina said and left heading back in the building.

"Harumin will scold you later, trust me." Shigeko said as she chuckled. " You know, Mei-san. You may have the highest IQ in here but you have the lowest EQ, you don't know how to react in some emotional things." Shigeko said and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Trust, Mei. You need to trust Yuzu that she can protect herself... And it's best if you explain what's going on now or your friends will hate you more." Shigeko said as she whispered the last part. Mei could only nod and sighed.

"See you inside." Shigeko said and left as she smiled at Mei.