
ASOIAF: The Tale Of Aurelius Fenris

Reincarnated dude with the some powers messes around during the time when dragons were still alive . . . . .that's it also it's a complete AU

Raul_vaz · 書籍·文学
22 Chs


As news of the encounter between King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Aurelius Fenris, and Zero Point spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms, the realm was thrown into a frenzy of speculation and gossip. From the bustling streets of King's Landing to the remote villages of the North, whispers of the talking dragon and the ancient man who rode him echoed like wildfire, sparking curiosity and fear in equal measure.

In the Red Keep, the king's advisors gathered in the chambers of the small council, their voices low and urgent as they debated the implications of another dragon rider in the realm. Lord Hand, Ser Jaremy Longwaters, spoke first, his tone grave with concern.

"My lords, the presence of another dragon rider in the realm is unprecedented," he began, his brow furrowed with worry. "We must consider the ramifications of such a development carefully."

Lady Elinor Penrose, the Mistress of Coin, nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed, Lord Hand," she replied. "The balance of power in the realm hangs in the balance, and we must act swiftly to address this new threat."

The other members of the small council murmured in agreement, their minds racing with thoughts of how to proceed. Grand Maester Orwyle, his chain of office glinting in the candlelight, spoke next, his voice measured and calm.

"We must gather as much information as we can about this Aurelius Fenris and his dragon," he advised, his gaze sweeping over the assembled council. "Only then can we make an informed decision about how to proceed."

And so, as the small council deliberated, plans were set in motion to gather intelligence on Aurelius Fenris and his dragon, Zero Point. Spies were dispatched to the North to gather information from the lords and ladies of the realm, while ravens were sent to the Citadel to consult the ancient tomes and scrolls stored within its walls.

Meanwhile, in the streets of King's Landing, rumors swirled like a storm as word spread of the talking dragon and the ancient man who rode him. Taverns and marketplaces buzzed with excitement as people traded stories and speculated about the true nature of these mysterious newcomers.

"Did you hear about the dragon that can speak?" one man exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder. "They say he's as old as the hills and twice as wise!"

His companion nodded eagerly, his voice filled with excitement. "And what about the man who rides him? They say he's older than time itself, a living legend come to walk among us."

As the rumors spread, the people of King's Landing found themselves caught up in a whirlwind of speculation and intrigue, their imaginations running wild with thoughts of the wonders and dangers that lurked beyond their city walls.

And amidst it all, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Aurelius Fenris remained at the center of the storm, their every move scrutinized by friend and foe alike. For they knew that the fate of the realm hung in the balance, and that the decisions they made in the coming days would shape the course of history for generations to come.

As the days passed, the small council convened numerous times, each meeting marked by tense discussions and heated debates. Lord Hand, Ser Jaremy Longwaters, led the deliberations with a firm hand, his keen mind probing every angle of the situation.

"We cannot afford to underestimate the threat posed by another dragon rider," he asserted during one particularly intense session, his voice echoing in the council chamber. "The stability of the realm hinges on our ability to navigate this delicate situation."

Lady Elinor Penrose, the Mistress of Coin, nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. "Indeed, Lord Hand," she concurred. "But we must also consider the potential benefits of forging an alliance with Aurelius Fenris and his dragon. They could prove to be powerful allies in the wars to come."

The other members of the small council listened intently, their minds whirling with thoughts of strategy and diplomacy. Grand Maester Orwyle, his wrinkled face etched with wisdom, spoke next, his voice measured and calm.

"We must approach this situation with caution and diplomacy," he advised, his gaze sweeping over the assembled council. "Aurelius Fenris is a man of great power and influence, and we must tread carefully to ensure that our actions do not inadvertently provoke him."

And so, as the small council continued to deliberate, plans were put into motion to gather more information about Aurelius Fenris and his dragon. Spies were dispatched to the North, tasked with gathering intelligence from the lords and ladies of the realm, while ravens were sent to the Citadel to consult the ancient tomes and scrolls stored within its walls.

Meanwhile, in the streets of King's Landing, the rumors about the talking dragon and the ancient man who rode him grew wilder with each passing day. Taverns and marketplaces buzzed with excitement as people traded stories and speculated about the true nature of these mysterious newcomers.

"Did you hear about the dragon that can speak?" one woman exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "They say he's the size of a castle and breathes ice instead of fire!"

Her companion nodded eagerly, his voice filled with excitement. "And what about the man who rides him? They say he's a warrior of legend, with a sword forged from the heart of a star!"

As the rumors spread, the people of King's Landing found themselves caught up in a whirlwind of speculation and intrigue, their imaginations running wild with thoughts of the wonders and dangers that lurked beyond their city walls.

And amidst it all, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Aurelius Fenris remained at the center of the storm, their every move scrutinized by friend and foe alike. For they knew that the fate of the realm hung in the balance, and that the decisions they made in the coming days would shape the course of history for generations to come.