
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · 書籍·文学
62 Chs

Chapter 13 (R18+)

Note: This chapter contains sexual content, if you are not interested in its contents or are underage, you may skip the parts marked as R18+, you have been warned.


(Erlend Mudd, Riverrun)

Erlend had a headache, one that had been plaguing him since he received word of the bloody mountain clans rising, again… As he sat within the solar provided to him by Catelyn, he pondered his next moves.

What made it worse is they did so when his Aunt had decided to see for herself her newly adopted daughter. Somehow those savages found out about her intentions and attempted to capture her, to send a message to me and the rest of the Lords of the Vale.

If it wasn't for Ser Nestor and the Knight of the Vale, his aunt would've been captured, and her entourage slaughtered, with her and the handmaidens likely facing a fate worse than death.

Thankfully the savage raiders were either all killed or captured by the Knights, allowing Nestor to gather some information on the plot, with Aunt Dalia and her entourage safe within the heavily fortified seat that was the Gates of the Moon.

It was for this reason particularly that he hadn't sent ravens to his Uncle informing him about what occurred, Old Man knows he would've likely done something stupid and gotten himself killed in the process.

Now that word reached him of his Uncle reaching the Gates of the Moon, and that the Crownlands were now fully subdued. He could turn his and the Banner's attention to those goat fuckers, for no one tries to lay a hand on his family. They would rue the day they tried to harm his family.

As for the rest of the realm, the Tyrells were in the middle of a Civil War with the Florents and the northern Reachmen. The Marcher Lords and Shield Isles have chosen to remain neutral.

The North was in tense peace as Erlend's revelation of Lyanna's actions had thrown any momentum that would've seen Benjen named King out of the window. However, he still carried a lot of authority thanks to the block of power that he'd married into. Erlend wondered what face Roose would make if he heard about this in whatever hell he ended up in. 

The Stormlands had thrown a slight hissy fit at the conquest of the Riverlands but had largely chosen to remain silent, as Stannis, the Swanns and the Marcher Lords refused to hear of any warring. For one they hated the reach far more due to the devastation their occupation of the Stormlands had caused and secondly, they were wary of Dorne.

Dorne was tense, still unaware of Elia and Rhaenys survival, and was gearing up for what appeared to be a civil war between Doran and Oberyn, the lack of an obvious target to point their hatred at, combined with Oberyn's popularity, made the situation quite volatile. Though it would take years of piled-up resentment to truly gather steam and he would be ready long before that to reveal Elia and Rhaenys survival.

The Westerlands would have faced a civil war, had it not lost a significant chunk of its fighting men to the burning of King's Landing. Hence, why the current situation has devolved into subtle power plays, as each faction either tried to gain control of Tyrion or directly oust him for the more naive Cersei. How the fuck a nearly grown-ass woman was more naive than her brat of a brother boggled his mind.

As for the Iron Islands, he frankly couldn't give two shits for them, they'll get their due eventually.

'A Lannister Always Pays his Debts but a Mudd Leaves no Stone Unturned'

As he walked through the corridor that led to his chambers, he raised his eyebrows at the lack of Guards. While he wasn't worried about assassins, it would be a hassle to deal with them since he wanted to relax after a long day of dealing with paperwork.

The lack of the bodies though, quickly cleared any assumption that assassins were on and about. While the Tully guards weren't the best, they were backed by his men and those bastards were a whole different story.

Once he opened the door to his bedchamber, greeting him was both a surprising yet welcoming sight, one that made him smile.

Lying on his bed was a beautiful woman, with fair skin pale as snow, long auburn hair that glistened with the torchlight, and azure blue eyes. Catelyn Tully had finally made her move, a seductive smile on her face as she beckoned him forth with her long fingers, wearing nothing more than brown furs that covered her nude form.


(R18+ Incoming)

Stepping into the room, Erlend marveled at the sight she made, watching her as she slowly removed the brown furs that covered her marvelous form.

Before making a move towards her, Erlend wanted to be sure "Are you sure about this Cat?"

Her soft blue eyes stared at him with a hint of surprise, clearly having expected him to pounce on her. Instead of speaking, she slowly got off the bed and stared at him with a smile on her face.

Sensationally making her way to him and no doubt pleased by the way his eyes followed her every step until she stood directly in front of him face-to-face, She kissed him. 

The taste of her lips reminded Erlend of grapes, carrying a combination of acidity, sweetness, and bitterness. It seemed this young lady had taken a bit of liquid courage, he didn't mind, it tasted quite pleasant.

They shared a soft, yet passionate kiss on the lips, with Erlend deepening it as she began showing her inexperience, his hands going to her womanly hips earning a quiet moan from the redhead. 

She wasn't passive either as she began working at his clothing, doing her best to strip him of any clothes as they kept their lips locked.

Gone was the perfect lady, that was looked up to by the people she ruled, in her place was a seductive vixen, even if she was inexperienced.

Erlend gathered her up in his arms, their tongues still dancing to each other's tune. Finally, they stopped as he allowed her to gather he breath, lest she lose consciousness due to the pleasure and lack of oxygen.

Despite looking a bit faint, Catelyn began kissing his now shirtless form, running her long fingers along his six-pack abs, until they stopped at his pants and started to undo his belt and pants.

Her hands stopped for a few moments as she gathered her courage, staring dazedly at his now naked sculpted body, which carried faint scars, that her hands couldn't help but feel.

Eventually gathering her courage, her hands slid down to his cock, stroking it gently, all the while they continued to kiss each.

A hand slipped down to her lower regions, as Erlend, refusing to remain passive, rubbed her pussy, playing with it. Her highly sensitive clit was not spared, as he moved to stimulate it, making her moan in pleasure at the sensation.

Feeling her wet regions, Erlend proceeded to insert a finger into her pussy, bringing out another moan from the vixen.

"Oh yes, Erlend" Catelyn moaned as Erlend shifted his focus to sucking on her neck, and fondling her body with his free hand "Don't stop"

She couldn't help but suddenly tense, before staggering against Erlend as he increased the number of fingers inside of her whilst simultaneously increasing the speed, causing her to climax almost instantly.

As Catelyn tried to catch her breath while leaning against Erlend, she couldn't help but blush as Erlend licked her juices off of his fingers. Looking down at this fiery vixen, Erlend swiftly grabbed her by the ass and held her up in the air, rubbing her gushing flower bud with his cock, slowly preparing to penetrate her.

"Please" Catelyn whispered seductively into his ear, her tone begging him to take the plunge.

Erlend, knowing better, simply kissed her throat and slowly entered her cave, letting her gradually adjust to his size.

As she got used to him being partly inside her, Catelyn could only let out a cry of pain as he plunged deeper into her, breaking her hymn.

Softly whispering sweet nothing into her ears, Erlend caressed her gently, holding her almost lovingly into his arms as they now lay on the bed.

He began moving his hips, and her cries of pain quickly found themselves turning to stifled moans of pleasure.

Catelyn kept moaning in pleasure as Erlend thrust in and out of her tight pussy "You're so tight, Catelyn" Erlend groaned into her ears, feeling her tighten her folds even further at his words.

Catelyn looked down to see that he wasn't hilted in her fully, filled with determination, she stared into his eye, "I can take it" the vixen begged as Erlend thrust into her.

"Are you sure?" Erlend looked worried for her.

"Yes, Please I'm ready," Catelyn said.

Catelyn suddenly found herself hit with a mind-numbing orgasm, as her pussy found itself filled like never before, clamping down tightly on his thrusting cock as he gave her powerful and swift strokes that rocked her body until he too came with an explosive growl.

As she came down from the mind-numbing climax, she felt Erlend's cock harden much to her surprise, "I hope you're ready for more" was all Erlend said as he smirked at her with lust in his eyes.

Unnoticed by the two lovers, leaning discreetly near the bedchambers entrance lay another gorgeous redhead who watched as her sister and the man she cared for fucked once more.

Her breathing was heavy, she stared transfixed at the scene, her nether regions gushing with arousal as she played with herself, while her small clothes lay discarded on the floor beside her.

Her fingers were moving roughly within her cunt while her hand groped and squeezed her boobs, wishing that was her with Erlend.

"You alright there Cat?" Erlend asked.

Two hours of constant fucking had the poor redhead exhausted yet Erlend was still stiff and ready to go much to her confusion.

Wanting to give her nether regions some rest, her mouth filled up with Erlend's cock, trying to satisfy him orally.

"You're something else," Erlend said bemusedly, say what you will about Catelyn, but she was persistent.

He was well aware of Lysa lying right outside his bedchambers, pleasuring herself to their rutting.

'I suppose I've tortured her enough, not to mention Cat needs the break'.

Allowing Cat one last slurp on his cock, he gently removed the exhausted redhead, who mewled at his touch, clearly dissatisfied about not bringing him his release.

Ignoring the panting redhead, Erlend turned his eyes towards the entrance of his bedchambers and with a stern tone "Lysa dear, if you're done watching, do come in" Erlend said.

Catelyn, whose eyebrows met her hairline in surprise at this revelation, could only turn her head to see a stumbling Lysa appear in his chambers, staring in shock at the disheveled form of her little sister.

Her fellow redhead we barely dressed, having gotten rid of most of her clothing, her naked form visible for the two lovers to see. Her eyes went completely wide, as Lysa stared needily at Erlend's hardened cock flopping around as if hypnotized by it.

"I'm…I'm in trouble, aren't I?" Lysa said nervously.

Erlend for his part looked quite amused, the flustered expression on Lysa's face was a treat.

"Depends on what you intend to do now, my dear Lysa" Erlend hummed.

Catelyn having caught her bearings even if barely, stared venomously at her little Sister, well aware of what the little witch had intended to do, it was why she made the first move tonight.

"Oh, little sister is Erlends cock distracting you" Her tone tinged with annoyance.

Lysa for her part was very flustered. Her nipples were hardened in arousal as her naked breasts swayed, one of the few assets she had that could be considered better than her sister, her delicate figure shuddered in wanton desire as she stared at the object of her affection with need.

Looking nonchalant at the glares the two sisters were sending each other, Erlend ordered Lysa "Sit"

Moving unsteadily towards the bed, Lysa found herself obeying him with no hesitation as she collapsed on the bed, doing her best to ignore her Sister.

Lysa was anxious, she feared she might've alienated Erlend, yet despite that she did her best to convey her figure proudly to him. Erlend didn't mind, as he drank in every inch of her body.

Truly Lysa had been done dirty both by the books and by the show, the woman in front of him, had an impressive pair of breasts on her, a delicate mouthwatering body, and a tight ass that would've had most men staring far longer than appropriate, and gorgeous red hair that never failed to arouse him.

Then again Erlend was well aware that most inhabitants in Westeros who are considered above average in this world would make top models in his world look rather plain in comparison.

"Maybe I should help you relax, you look rather tense" Erlend smirked.

Before either Lysa or Catelyn could react, Erlend's hands moved to stimulate her in all of the right places.

"How can I help you, Lysa" Erlend whispered into her ears, continuing to stroke her, "Have you enjoyed our little show, Mhm…"

"There's nothing little about you…oooh fuck, that's a good spot," Lysa moaned.

"Now…. Now… my dear, do please answer the question" Erlend said.

"Yes," Lysa whined pitifully. "I loved it… It's completely unfair that Cat got to you first"

"Face it, little Sister, I got to him first," Catelyn said smugly, though her eyes watched Erlend's hand on her sister with rapt attention, arousal clear in her eyes.

Lysa for her part struggled not to look away from Erlend's brown orbs, doing her best to plead for him as he began rubbing her thighs, sending shivers down her spine, he then moved his hand upwards inches away from touching her rosebud.

"Unless you tell me what you want my dear, how can I deliver" Erlend suddenly stopped, making Lysa let out a moan in frustration. 

Lysa bit down on her lip "Please, I want you"

Catelyn for her part merely observed the two in silence, not understanding how the situation had devolved to this.

Without another word, Lysa lunged at Erlend with a passionate kiss.

Erlend resumed groping the beautiful redhead's delicate body, squeezing her breasts tightly as she moaned into his mouth while he played with her body.

"I want you" Lysa stared at him lustfully as she repeated her desire.

Catelyn seeing neither paying attention to her, couldn't help but feel a confusing sense of arousal, deciding to enjoy the show her lover and sister were putting on.

Lysa peppered Erlend's body with kisses, worshiping him with her lips and moving closer toward his cock.

Lysa wanted to taste it, not caring that her older sister had been sucking on it moments previously. She began working the cock, trying to suck the very life out of it.

Erlend groaned in pleasure, at the little minx's actions.

Catelyn began rubbing her pussy at the sight, her pussy drenched.

Lysa continued to engulf the pole in the throat, sniffing the potent musk it released and did her best to deep-throat him. 

As he felt himself edging closer "I hope you're ready to swallow all of this," Erlend said, before taking control of the minx and rapidly face-fucked her.

Lysa loved the sheer dominance Erlend held over her, her pale blue eyes staring at Erlend with utter devotion, greatly arousing Erlend as he blew his load down into her throat. 

Pleasure racked Erlend's entire body, he wondered if this was what people meant when they said gingers consume one's soul.

"Take my cum down your throat," Erlend growled.

Keeping her eyes on his, Lysa somehow shoved herself deeper into his manhood. The minx let out a hungry slurp as his cum fired down her throat, she swallowed his cum like she hadn't had a fulfilling meal in years, making sure to swallow all of it.

"It… Mhm… tastes so good… Mhm..." Lysa muttered while slurping on his balls and licking any stray cum on his member, polishing it clean.

Catelyn simply stared in shock at her sister, having climaxed at the scene.

Erlend for his part turned his attention towards Lysa's pussy, so pink and puffy. Like her sister, she was a natural redhead as the carpet quite definitely matched the drapes.

"Lay down, Lysa" He ordered.

Catelyn scooted further from the pair, giving room for the two to continue. Erlend let out an appreciative humm.

Reaching out with his fingers, he fondled her bud. Playing with her, like an instrument, as he worked it with expertise.

As he continued to finger her body, groping her breasts and ass. He channeled his aura to his fingers, heightening the pleasure Lysa felt.

In response, Lysa let out a hot cry "Fuck me!" she begged.

Spreading her legs, she felt him grinding his cock up against her opening. He placed the tip of his cock gently inside of her, as he entered her warm cavern.

"Enjoying yourself," Erlend whispered into her ears, a delightful chill could be felt running through her body.

For her part, Lysa let out a cry of pleasure "OOOOH!" As Erlend buried himself inside her pussy. 

His hands groped her lovely thighs as she received a heavy pounding "Wrap your legs around me" Erlend ordered, the thought of rejecting him never coming to mind as she felt him kneading them.

Lysa felt herself come to a climax as she heard his words "You're mine now, little minx" He said. 

As he buried himself inside her, her mind broke thanks to the sheer pleasure she received, as Erlend enveloped her with his Aura, securing her heart and soul to his own.

Slamming deep inside of her, he felt himself coming close to the edge inside her, feeling Lysa vigorously rub herself onto him, desperate for his release.

"Cum in me, please" Lysa begged, her tone imploring.

Finally, he spilled his hot seed inside her body, but not before sending her to another climax that wracked her body.

A spent Lysa fell onto the bed, a silly grin on her face as she felt her beloved's seed in her.

Only for Catelyn to lunge at the unprepared minx and slobber upon Erlend's seed he'd left within, all the while wiggling her ass for the young Lord, begging for him to enter her.

Seeing the invite, Erlend could only shrug his head at the competitiveness of the two before joining the struggling sisters.

(R18+ Ending)

"Hmm." Erlend hummed as he felt both sisters resting their heads on him. 

They were still snuggled up on the bed, having ordered the maids to bring breakfast to my bedchambers, the poor maids got the shock of their lives as they found both mistresses on his bed.

Though some of them were more than keen on staring at his body, much to Lysa's annoyance and Catelyn's amusement.

Erlend kissed their cheeks, calming the younger sister down.

Whilst the older one sent him a pointed look, before smiling as he kissed her.

As she snuggled closer to him, she let out a pleased groan.

"Should probably get up soon…" Erlend said.

"Do we have to?" Lysa looked at him pitifully.

"Unless you noticed Dear Sister, both of us have work to attend to" Catelyn grumbled.

Lysa let out a sigh of annoyance at the thought of work before both sisters attempted to get out of bed.

To my amusement, they were both stumbling and were unable to work properly, this time the two shared a look before sending a glare my way.

"Hn…. you were too rough" Catelyn complained.

Simply letting out a yawn, I couldn't help but say "Oh… and who was begging for more"

She narrowed her eyes at me "Stupid insatiable man" she muttered, before turning her head with a sniff and putting a robe on.

Lysa for her part, sent a wink my way, before putting on a robe.

As they both walked out of the bedchambers, albeit stumbling, a classic line appeared in my head.

'Man I hate to see them leave, but I love to watch them go'