
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · 書籍·文学
15 Chs

The Good Queen

Autumn Rose swayed in the waters of the Narrow Sea, the triple-masted ship with black sails with a violet dragon on it, headed straight for Pentos, starting the journey in Braavos. Autumn Rose was joined by two other ships and surrounded by five war galleys, all of them wearing the violet dragon on a black background. Inside the ship, in the queen's quarters. Daenerys moved gracefully while connected to Samurel's intimacy, who kept one of Dany's fingers in her mouth and her right hand on the young woman's buttock, who moaned loudly and in pure freedom.

"You've improved, Sam, is it the rocking of this ship or the fear of us sinking in the high seas?"

Dany teased but still kept riding her lover's waist.

"Shut the fuck up"

He said and turned her forward, taking control and moving faster, releasing moans and screams from Dany, which Sam silenced with long, wet kisses.

The shared pleasure lasted from night until dawn. Dany and Sam finished before the first ray of sunlight illuminated the violet dragon.

Daenerys woke up before Samurel, wrapped in violet cotton sheets and black satin embroidery, Dany couldn't believe how her life had changed in the last few days. From the beginning of her relationship with Sam, her proclamation as queen in Autumn Rose and the beginning of her conquest of the continent of Essos, all sponsored by the only loyalists present in Westeros: Wyce.

She had studied the lords of Frostport before, from Yvar the Mad to Garvy Wyce. House Wyce was one of the oldest houses in Westeros and many heroes descended from them such as Wyvan Wyce who took the Iron Isles as vassals of the Starks for twenty whole years, also about Wyll Wyce who warred with a Lannister King for the hand of one of his daughters and created the branch that connects both houses, Jon Wyce was the man who convinced the Starks to allow the Manderlys to remain at the mouth of the White Knife and it was Othor Wyce who saw the danger of the Targaryens remaining in Dragonstone with Balerion and other dragons and sent secretly buying the Ghiscaris weapons that felled dragons, his son who was called Wythor, wounded the great dragon Balerion in the left wing and made the conqueror prefer a peaceful agreement with the kings of winter and the Braavosi say that Wythor made Queen Visenya fall in love for him, that was the reason Visenya spent so many of her days in Sunhall after Queen Rhaenys' death. This rumor made Dany believe if Maegor didn't hate Wythor's son, Wylan, his line would survive.

Jahaerys' reign did not find good terms with Frostport thanks to Wythor's closeness to Queen Visenya, in fact House Wyce cut ties with King's Landing and strengthened Lannisport with metals dug from the northern mountains and the relationship only worsened when Alyssane gave more land for Night's Watch with New Gift. During the Dance of Dragon's, the experienced captain commanding the White Harbor fleet: Tyro Wyce. He invaded Storm's End and plundered the Stormlands while the Wolf Horde feasted on the blood of lions and stags in the Riverlands, later Tyro would marry Rhaena Targaryen and her children would inherit Oldleaf in Braavos. Dany met Tyro's descendant named Tareo Wyce who had Wyce's platinum blonde hair and gray-green eyes. During the Blackfyre rebellions, some Wyce commanders made a name for themselves and in the last rebellion Samurel's grandfather, Lord Garen Wyce made a name for himself and established House Wyce's first relationship with the Pentoshis magisters.

However, it was Ser Arthor Wyce who caught his attention. An anointed knight during the fourth Blackfyre Rebellion and sworn sword of House Lannister, a great friend of Ser Tion Lannister, he was considered a great warrior who in his hands wielded the ancient Valyrian steel halberd named Victory of the Sun, of House Wyce and also He was appointed to the royal guard, where he refused the white cloak due to his passion for Princess Shaera Targaryen. Ser Arthor even fought for the hand of the princess, where her fiancé, who at the time was Lord Luthor Tyrell, who would later be revealed to be Jahaerys II, still a prince, convinced the lord commander of the royal guard, Ser Duncan the Tall, to act as a representative in the duel for princess's hand. According to the records, the duel was not deadly but rather a common fight to convince King Aegon that Arthor was the better candidate to take the princess's hand, with his connection to House Wyce of Tentown and his martial skill, it was known that the king tried to reestablish connections with the rich lords of Frostport but without success. But during the duel, where the knights exchanged quick attacks and groped the enemy's terrain, it was Ser Arthor who managed to put the commander and greatest warrior in Westeros up to that moment on his knees and then managed a dozen more times and even bathed the pale white cloak of the royal guard in knight's blood.

The last blow would be struck but it was Princess Shaera who decided that fight. With tears in his eyes, embracing his brother, Jahaerys, Ser Arthor saw love, a love that he would only prove later when he met a Mormont woman to whom he would unite in marriage and later his lineage would once again return to the Wyce house to bear fruit in the young Garvy Wyce, Samurel's father. Ser Duncan at the end of the battle had so many injuries that only the healers sent from Frostport could heal him, Ser Arthor gave up the princess's hand and headed to Essos to join the Company of the Rose and unleash his fury in the endless wars in the Disputed Lands until returning to Westeros after the events of Summerhall.

When Dany read, she thought about this fight every now and then. How Ser Arthor saw the princess cry for Ser Duncan and how at that moment, the knight saw that he would not be happy next to him.

But what if Ser Arthor wasn't there and didn't care about his grandmother's tears?

If Frostport returned its influence to King's Landing?

Would she be born?

Would Sam be born?

Would they be brothers if Ser Arthor killed Ser Duncan?

Was Lord Garvy actually a Targaryen and would his brother Rhaegar survive the battle at the Trident?

Would they get married and would Ellia Martell's children and her brother marry her and Sam's children?

Dany thought of this distant life that would never happen and a kingdom where Lyanna Stark would remain betrothed to the Usurper and she could be the princess of a platinum-blonde-haired, violet-eyed Sam Wyce. But she was Daenerys Targaryen and her grandfather was Jahaerys II, she lost the right to the throne but will regain it with the weapons of the grandchildren of a knight who loved a princess who was not promised to the throne.

Winterfell was ablaze with hubbub that morning. First the occasion of Lady Sansa disappearing from her room during the night, Lord Eddard Stark ordered a search to begin for her from Winterfell to Wintertown and surrounding areas, then it was the awakening of little Brandon who fell from the Watchtower, which cheered many but in no way The end died when Lannister men accidentally witnessed Lady Sansa sharing a long kiss with Jon Stark as she left the heir of Winterfell's quarters.

Lord Eddard Stark was present when they brought Sansa in with her clothes still torn, wrinkled and smelly, with the odor of sweat mixed with perfumes. Luckily, a Stark infant removed his gray cloak embroidered with the Direwolf to cover his daughter, who at that moment was complicit in betraying the king's trust and her engagement to the crown prince. Sansa had blue eyes with shades of red and tears running down her face when she saw her father's expression. The king was furious, it was common knowledge that he wanted to unite his blood with that of his best childhood friend. The queen smiled at the spectacle and Joffrey despised the haggard appearance of his tarnished bride.

The First Keep was filled with noble representatives of the noble houses below the Neck to the left and to the right the representatives of noble houses from the North, infantry and knights were there too, all armed and hoping that the tension would not break down into confusion. The king sat on the throne of Winterfell and Sansa was in front of him, kneeling and embarrassed by her current appearance.

Jon arrived after Sansa was covered, he was about to become an adult but his muscular body and pure blood of the First Men's, towered over the strongest soldier there. He walked to Sansa and Tyron Wyce thanked the infant who helped Sansa for his deed, handing her a bag full of coins. The girl hugged her cousin and lover, apologizing for being so immature and clumsy but Jon just hugged her and kissed her face with a calming, confident smile.

"Do you know what you did, boy?"

Robert asked, his hand gripping the arm of Winterfell's throne.

"Your grace, I understand perfectly and your majesty must understand my reasons"

Jon replied, the smile still falling on his lips.

"Don't use your aunt as an example, boy, she was my world and you wouldn't understand that"

Robert's response clearly displeased Cersei who snorted and ignored Robert, but not Jon.

"He took what should have been Joffrey's, the executioner's torso should be his fate but I accept his hand in return, the girl must go to the Silent Sister's or lose her tongue from kissing another man..."

The queen said, Lord Eddard wanted to protest but King Robert was faster.

"...Silence woman! You don't order me to anything, Ned has another daughter, Joffrey will wait"

Joffrey roared with more contempt and Ned got angry, clenching his left fist with his right.

"Joffrey hadn't waited so many years to marry a northern savage, these two must be punished!"

The queen pointed, enraged, her white cheeks flushing and her fists clenched.

"Ser Jaime, rip off the hands of these traitors to the crown!"

Ser Jaime Lannister tightened the hilt of the sheathed blade at his waist, the royal guard walked slowly to the three in front of King Robert, the sharp sizzle of the unsheathing of the northern blades echoed through the audience hall of the First Keep and the royal guard stopped in his tracks when he saw the northern soldiers approaching those three young men like a pack of wolves protecting their leaders. Southern infantrymen also drew their swords, trying to defend themselves against those hundred soldiers.

"By the seven hells! Return to your place, Kingslayer! You obey your KING's orders!"

Robert roared.

"Just as you obeyed the Mad King's?"

Jon said with a sneer and Jaime finally and quickly drew his blade and pointed it at the heir of Winterfell.

But the royal guard didn't move another step.

"Don't move if you don't want your blood running across the carpet you walk on, Lannister."

Said Ser Alvyn Wynfall with his sword close to the royal guard's throat.

"Take care of these men Eddard!"

The king ordered Ned Stark.

"Ser Alvyn! Put down this blade and everyone present put away their swords! Have you forgotten that our guests were offered bread and salt?!"

Ned's tone was icy and threatening.

The hollow sound of blades being put away resounded again and Ser Alvyn put away his at the same time as Ser Jaime.

The king would continue the audience of the Stark couple but the door to the room opened with a loud bang and an announcer ran through the Stark soldiers protecting Jon, Sansa and Tyron to face the king. He was panting hard, his face was red, and the collar of his doublet was tight around his neck like a hanging rope.

"Tell me why there's more interruption!"

The king said.

"Lord Tyrion Lannister and Lord Saloman Wyce! They come from Tentown! They approach Winterfell with more than three hundred armed men!"

In the courtyard of Winterfell, Saul and Tyrion jump off their horses, tired of the long journey they had been making from Tentown to Winterfell but destined for Queenscrown for Saul and the Wall for Tyrion.

Saul received a last-minute letter from Lord Cayle Towers about incursions by wildlings and deserters from the Watch attacking his lands, his brother Orwen had sent him in the first wave of soldiers that would protect the lands targeted by attacks and Tyrion would see the largest structure built by man . He expected to see the Starks' happy faces upon his arrival but he only received nervous looks and Lannister men ready to defend the path leading to the First Keep.

The Wyce soldiers who accompanied him laughed at the fear evident on the men's faces.

"Any explanation, Halfman?"

Saul asked Tyrion, who, hearing the tone of his voice, feared what would happen next. He approached the Lannister soldiers and pointed at anyone and asked:

"You! Explain to me what happened here?"

"The prince's betrothed was caught kissing the heir of Winterfell, his clothes were torn..."

He paused in his words for a moment but Tyrion and Saul caught on quickly.

"Let's go to the courtroom, now!"

Saul ordered his personal guard to walk towards the soldiers who pointed their swords.

"Let him pass!"

Tyrion ordered.

"Only him!"

Said another infant pointing to Saul. But a loud stamp of feet resounded from another courtyard and a young girl dressed in white bearskins, rabbit fingerless gloves and a wolf's head hood entered the great courtyard from the Guard Hall, behind her came more Stark soldiers, terrifying the Lannister men.

Saui recognized the girl and smiled at her.


He said as he walked over for a hug which the girl responded by hugging the giant of Wyce.

"You're stronger, Saul"

She answered. Saul laughed and kissed the girl's hands. Saul responded with a laugh and then said:

"And you are more beautiful, my fierce wolf"

"Lady Stark"

Tyrion said but he didn't dare approach the fierce looking woman and her protective beasts, he just nodded.

"Lord Imp, tell these men that if they don't like dying at the hand of those who massacred Crownlanders in Robert's Rebellion, they should join the king in the First Keep just as you, Saul and I will do."

She ordered and Tyrion obeyed, not wanting to die in a cold place but deeply irritated by what she called him. They then left and upon arriving they saw the door of the First Keep open and Stark infants looking at them, Dyana entered with grace and ferocity, Ned Stark looked at her for a moment thinking he had seen Lady Ashara again but saw that it was only Dyana.

"Your grace, forgive my brother's sins, he does not deserve to be punished for loving his cousin... I wish to confess my crimes to your majesty"

Dyana knelt before the king, showing an open cleavage during the way to the First Keep, which did not escape the eyes of Saul and Tyrion and also did not escape Robert and specifically Prince Joffrey.

"Be direct, girl"

The king replied, still keeping an eye on the girl's simple but graceful breasts.

"Last night, my cousin, Sansa, came to me in my chambers next to Jon's room, seeking advice. She said that even though she was betrothed to the prince, she did not feel love for him. She said that she loved another man, but that he did not know and it was not his desire to head to the capital without confessing his love, thinking that my cousin was only in love with a young northern nobleman and not my brother, I recommended that she expose what she felt to her love of childhood and she was. Unfortunately, the sexual act was consummated but I know that my cousin obtained the courage to sin for me, your highness, I ask that you forgive Sansa and punish me in her place."

Dyana remained kneeling on both legs with her open neckline stealing the attention of the king and prince.

"Will you accept any kind of punishment?"

Said the prince, interrupting his father, who was angry but seeing Joffrey's explicit desire for the girl, he continued to watch what unfolded, it wasn't necessarily what he wanted but there would be unity between his family and he wouldn't punish young lovers, he became king for loving Lyanna, what would Jon do if he were to punish him?

"Yes, your highness, I will receive it gladly and aware of my sins"

Joffrey smiled and approached young Dyana. Jon wanted to stop him but his sister had made the sign, that same sign when she asked for gifts from her uncle Ned and he always answered, his ring finger on his little finger and his thumb twitched. Dyana was playing with the desires of those present.

"Even if I cut off your ears?"

"Yes, your highness"

"If I ripped off your eyelids?"

"It was all my fault"

"And bruise your face to make it look as ugly as my uncle's, that Imp who accompanied you?"

"Everyone would know the fate of betraying his grace the king"

Joffrey then laughed like a madman, Robert frowned in disgust, Cersei also frowned, Jaime seemed to have seen something in his nephew's laugh and expression, he had already seen a king act like that before and Ned's eyes widened.

"Very good!"

The prince approached the king.

"She will be my bride!"

"Are you sure? I don't want to hear complaints and she will not be punished or any action against her integrity will be perpetuated! You were raised too much by your mother, boy, even princes are not free to practice such sadism"

Robert pointed to the prince, who took his hand to his golden hair, throwing it back, he replied:

"This was just a test, father, Lady Dyana proved to be a woman firmer in her ideals than her cousin. A queen true to her pride is a good queen. Just like Alyssane, she will be good to me"

Anyone who has read the song knows very well that Joffrey is not a psychopath like in the series. he is a spoiled child with a lot of power in his hands.he shows himself to be very skilled with a sword when he fights Robb in Winterfell in the first chapters, Jaime's inheritance, and if he were taught how to rule by Tywin, we would see a Jaime Lannister with Tywin Lannister's sadism and ability to rule. Joffrey had a future as a villain but Martin is a good sci-fi writer, not medieval fantasy. That said, I really want to explore what Joffrey Baratheon would be like in the hands of a intelligent power-mad woman like Dyana.

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